Tyranny looms as digital IDs and currencies roll out around the world
There are many small things that we can do in our own lives to fight back.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Reprinted from LifeSiteNews
(LifeSiteNews) — By now, you probably know about the plans for digital IDs and digital currencies. But how far along are these plans exactly in various places around the world? What steps are being undertaken right now? Why are digital “identities” so problematic? And what are possible solutions? We will explore these questions in this article.
Digital “identities” are problematic
The process of rolling out digital IDs worldwide began years before the COVID fiasco and the publication of Klaus Schwab’s book “COVID-19: The Great Reset.”
The United Nations’ project ID2020 launched in 2016; its goal is to provide every person in the world with a digital identity. But the European Union created the legal framework for the introduction of a European digital ID even earlier than that, in 2014.
This March my colleague Ashley Sadler wrote a great article about how world elites are quietly preparing digital IDs to put a global surveillance state in place.
When we look at Europe, we can see that digital IDs are already used by most of the population in many countries, like Italy, Austria, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.
And even Ukraine has an all-encompassing government app called Diia, an acronym for “the State and me,” which already combines digital identification with passports, licenses, social welfare benefits, COVID “vaccination” records, etc.
During its ongoing war with Russia, the government even added a feature with which citizens could inform the state about the location and equipment of Russian troops. Bizarrely, the app also contains a game where users can destroy Russian tanks with drones they control.
I would argue that the very term “Digital Identity” is problematic, as it suggests to people that their identity, their entire being, could be stored on a cloud server.
In a 2016 presentation called “A Blueprint for Digital Identity”, the World Economic Forum defined the term “identity” in the following way:
Identity […] is a collection of individual attributes that describe an entity and determine the transactions in which that entity can participate.
The World Economic Forum’s reductionist understanding of identity is a problem of our technocratic age, which is ruled by the dictates of a nihilistic materialism that sees the human being as nothing more than a collection of attributes or a “clump of cells” that moves through time and space without an ultimate end or meaning. In our digital age, we can be tricked into believing that a collection of digital data points about us is our identity.
Human identity is, of course, much more than that since we are made in the image of God, as a unity of body, soul, and spirit. We are children of our parents on a natural level and part of a family, a lineage, and a people. Through baptism, we become part of the mystical body of Christ. Possessing an immortal soul and free will, we are much more than a mere collection of qualities and traits. These profound human truths are being ignored or denied by the transhumanist tyrants driving the agenda behind the so-called digital identity.
Mass surveillance through biometric data
Our biometric data will be an important part of the digital identities of the future. Sadly, biometric mass surveillance through cameras with facial recognition is not limited to Communist China anymore.
According to a report by the European Digital Rights initiative, countries have been expanding biometric, digital mass surveillance across Europe for years. The report documents mass biometric surveillance projects in 18 German cities, 5 cities in the Netherlands, and some in other countries like France, Spain, and the U.K. An article on statista.com states that facial recognition technology is used in 32 European countries.
The EU plans to merge all the national and EU data systems into one giant “biometric super-database,” a project that has already incurred costs of almost a billion euros.
U.S. government agencies are also collecting all kinds of biometric data from their citizens, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reportedly wants to share that data with other countries, specifically European countries, in exchange for access to their own database.
If all that does not sound like total, centralized government control over all citizens, I don’t know what does.
Controlling the nations through digital currencies
The so-called Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are another important piece in the puzzle of total control and surveillance.
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws,” is a quote attributed to German banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild. It encapsulates the essence of digital currencies: Total control of the money equals almost total control over the populace.
LifeSiteNews previously published James Corbett’s great overview of how far along different countries are in their development of CBDCs.
In addition to the information provided by Corbett, it is interesting to note that Turkey recently announced plans to introduce its own digital currency in 2023 and immediately link it to its digital ID system.
The EU also hints at connecting the digital Eero to digital identities in the future. On a FAQ page of the European Central Bank about the digital euro, we can read the following sentence: “A digital euro could also offer advanced functionalities, such as automated payment features or using some form of digital identity.”
This connection of digital currencies with digital IDs is exactly what people concerned about privacy and the surveillance state have been warning about.
You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to see that this is a worldwide effort when 90 % of central banks are currently studying the feasibility of issuing their own CBDC.
Digital IDs and digital currencies are tools for social credit systems
The end goal of introducing digital IDs, biometric surveillance, and digital currencies seems to be a Chinese-style social credit system.
The introduction of vaccine passports during the COVID crisis can be seen as a trial run for the implementation of such a dystopian system.
The COVID crisis and the draconian measures have certainly accelerated this development towards digital surveillance, as government agencies like the European Commission have pointed out themselves.
“The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the need for effective and user-friendly digital services across the EU. There is no time to lose. It is essential that Member States start working with the Commission and the private sector immediately to prepare the implementation of the European Digital Identity framework,” a statement on the European Commission’s website says.
The first projects that resemble social credit systems are already in place in Western countries. The so-called Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores are used by many U.S. corporations. This has been explained here.
Furthermore, the Italian city of Bologna has launched its “Smart Citizen Wallet” project, a system through which participants can collect points for “virtuous behaviors” like recycling or using public transport. These earned points can then be spent on discounts or free entry to cultural experiences.
Similar projects are being tested and implemented right now in other places in Europe like Vienna, Rome, and Bavaria.
Sweden is not just a frontrunner when it comes to cashless payments; the Scandinavian country also has a carbon-limit credit card called DO BLACK. This credit card calculates the carbon footprint of all purchases made with it and sets a CO2 limit for the user. Once this limit has been reached, no further purchases can be made with it.
Moreover, the EU has proposed a European asset register in which the entire assets of every EU citizen could be recorded and possibly linked to digital identities in the future. The official reason for this central asset register is to fight money laundering and tax evasion.
On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is asking people to register their vegetable gardens for a national database.
So, in other words, the government wants to know about every little thing that you own, in addition to having all your personal and biometric data stored in digital IDs and monitoring all your transactions through digital currencies.
Right now, most of these programs are still voluntary in Western countries—just like getting the COVID shots was initially voluntary. But as we all witnessed, the coercion started very soon and the “unvaccinated” were barred from restaurants, stores, gyms, and traveling, and many lost their jobs. Similar punishments might be imposed in the future on citizens who refuse to take part in these social credit programs or do not want to use a digital ID.
Ways to fight back against digital tyranny
There are many small things that we can do in our own lives to fight back against this looming digital tyranny. Dr. Joseph Mercola offers a good list in this article.
Additionally, using cash instead of digital payment methods whenever you can, and calling on local politicians to protect the legal right to pay in cash are important steps everyone can take. The politicians will face pressure from above, from the globalist elites, so we must make sure that they feel counter pressure from below, from us citizens.
Supporting local farmers and establishing relationships with them is also a great way to become less dependent on global supply chains. In that way, you may still be able to get food in the future without having to use digital IDs or digital currencies.
Using cash and supporting local farmers are also the first two steps to fighting globalist tyranny from the “Global Walkout” movement, founded by Drs. Robert Malone and Peter McCullough and other freedom fighters.
Furthermore, LifeSiteNews has launched a campaign to fight the Great Reset in Canada by urging Members of Parliament to reject digital IDs. So, if you live in Canada, you can take part in that campaign and urge your MPs to do the right thing and oppose digital IDs.
Last, but not least, prayer. We cannot win this battle without the help of God. I experienced the power of prayer firsthand when my home country of Austria tried to introduce one of the strictest vaccine mandates in the world one year ago. There were not only massive protests in the streets against this draconian measure but also a massive uptick in public prayer. The initiative “Austria prays” grew tremendously in these months of distress, and people played the rosary publicly in around 200 cities and villages around the country.
The vaccine mandate was never enforced in the end, as the law was suspended at first and later abolished entirely. Public pressure through massive protests and lobbying, as well as technical and legal issues on the side of the government administration, all played a role in the downfall of the draconian mandate. But I’m confident that without prayer and God answering our cries for help, this victory would not have been possible.
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