Petition to make this the sub icon. : r/antimeme


Don’t hesitate and make a judgment about the content here that you will regret if you do not watch and listen to the message below. Don’t make the decision swiftly to clear off this page and go elsewhere. This is a video that every person in America, and every person in the world needs to watch and intently listen to, and focus upon. It is that important and that good a message.

Ken Pullen, Monday, May 20th, 2024


Israel: The Ultimate Target


Jack Hibbs


Isaiah 55:1-13

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Is all that is happening in the Middle East a coincidence? Does the existence of Israel prove the existence of God? Does Israel prove the faithfulness of the Bible and the God who wrote it?

Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.