The Apostate Church – Growing 4 Life




This is NOT rare in America


Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

by Ken Pullen



The following is something that was posted on The White Rose Resistance Online Community page yesterday and sent to anyone in that community, which I receive being involved with The White Rose organization.

This is not a rarity in America. This is commonplace. Becoming what is considered the norm. For the American version of Christianity, which is no Christianity at all. It’s a charade. Pretend. FALSE.


Good morning,

This weekend I sat down for a meeting with some pastors at my church. One of the lead pastors and the “lead female pastor”. They brought up how concerned they were about my “traditional beliefs” when I submitted the description for my idea for a men’s small group.

(They have a women’s ministry of about 1,600 women who treat church like a night in Vegas. But there is NO men’s ministry, period.)

During these conversations, the female pastors involved inadvertently dimed themselves out to me when I asked for prayers for my pro-life sidewalk ministry that met earlier that day. And they said they could not pray for violating women’s rights…(these women are on the church payroll). And also, they said they “have a reason for great pause” due to my “level of toxic masculinity”.

But anyway – they hypocritically tried to cover their butt as a “pro-life” church by saying they have to love everyone and work together despite differing beliefs on the topic of abortion….EXCEPT when it comes to MY beliefs on abortion and the biblical duties of man, woman, and family. They literally called my beliefs a threat…

And since this meeting, there’s been many random people from the church browsing my IG looking at my IG stories and what I post. (I don’t know how it took them so long to figure this out – I am super loud and very outspoken with zero social filter). My beliefs should have been obvious to them

Now I have a wonderful model for everything that a church should NOT BE.

If there’s anyone in the Chicago-land area, I would love to connect (period) – and hear any suggestions for churches in the area.


Not only a problem in the Chicago area. A lot of American “churches” resemble a rock concert hall, a stand-up comedy club [with horrible wanna-be stand-up comics], entertainment complexes complete with you name it, you desire it in order to show up and they’ll supply it. This is a national plague. A national spiritual illness. More deadly than any known disease to mankind. For it attacks and destroys the eternal spirit and soul rather than the temporary fleshly body.

I recently heard a perfect quote from songwriter and bass guitar player, Jesse Reeves, responding to the Question: “Why hasn’t persecution come to the American church?”

Jesse Reeves’ Answer: “Because we’re not a threat to the devil”

When more and more churches, more and more so-called “Christian pastors,” more and more so-called seminaries and Bible teaching schools serve Satan rather than God and the Bible, why would the devil begin to persecute that which is serving him and working to his favor?

A lot of people are hoping, praying, seeking, asking “Where can I find a solid doctrine Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching, Bible-believing, Bible-living, Bible-obeying, Bible-loving church near me!?”

Because what is found in most places, most churches in America, is nothing like a true Christian church, a true Christian body according to the Word of God.

The apostasy is thriving. The great falling away is well underway.

Yes, there are folks hearing the Word, repenting of their sin, and becoming renewed of mind and spirit, born from above, born again.

No one knows the numbers. But I wonder, I seriously wonder — how many more are falling away, or have never been truly born again, just played at church, played at being a Christian, how many pastors, churches and those who attend them have fallen away with their itching ears and false teachings compared to those repenting and coming out from darkness into the Light, Truth, Way and Life in Christ?

My wife and I are praying together, praying individually being totally open the the Lord to guide us where we ought to be in order to serve Him and to hear the Word clearly, well, soundly, with a body of folks who are living in the Spirit in a spiritually healthy body of fellowship and soundness in Scripture and doctrine.

Not an easy thing to find in these times.

And to just go to a church. Just show up at a church?

If that church isn’t spiritually healthy according to the Holy Bible, not preaching the whole Word and loving the world more than the Word? In truth pleasing Satan much more than the Lord?

That is not only a waste of time it’s dead wrong to keep attending such a place as is mentioned in the inquiry from a gentleman in the Chicago-land area seeking a REAL Christian body of believers and a REAL Christian Bible-based, sound-teaching church leadership.

Imagine that…

And people refuse to believe that we’re in the last of the last days.

Let’s pay real close attention folks. This is not a drill. It’s all a test. And it is NOT graded on a curve! There are no excuses. It truly is either or. Either it’s real or it’s not. Either a person is truly born from above, born anew and thusly desiring every day to live pleasing and acceptable unto the Lord placing Him above all else and not conforming to this world — or loving the world more than Jesus, in reality, and merely going through the motions, pretending to be a Christian. Because there is no such a person as a liberal Christian, a Sunday Christian, a fence-sitting Christian, a this or that Christian.

It’s why the word Christan has become corrupted, perverted, and lost its meaning.

A person either is truly a Christ follower, a faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, or they are not. Period. No gray area. No other options.

It’s either the Lord.

Or it’s the world.

It’s either the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob, the God of the Jewish and True Christian Bible.

Or it’s serving the prince of the air, the god of this world for a season, the father of every lie — Satan.

No middle ground. No gray areas. No excuses will be accepted by God when before the throne of Judgement.

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