Are You Seeing This?




I have not watched any Olympic coverage. I don’t intend to. I did see a video of the opening ceremony that mocked the Last Supper and showed their hatred towards Jesus, God, the Holy Bible, and Christ followers.

I was unaware of the rider on the pale horse until I received the following as an email.

All I do know is that my spirit tells me that upon being spoken to by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible, and keen observation, listening, and watching of the times, we are truly in the last days.

The Lord, Yeshua, Jesus Christ is coming to gather His Church, further fulfilling Bible prophecy and ushering in the last 7 years on earth as it has been known.

So many people focused on and occupied with saving the earth by doing every edict, command, and lie put forward by those leading the lies, mayhem, noise, and confusion — if only 25% of the energy, time, focus, faith in such folly, vanity, and foolishness were channeled into saving their eternal souls.

Discern well and wisely. Not of our own for we will truly mess things up. Discern well and wisely asking for spiritual wisdom and discernment, asking faithfully and the Lord will provide.

He truly will and does.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5

We all best be fervently, faithfully praying daily, nightly for increased spiritual wisdom and discernment in our times.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Monday, August 12th, 2024



The World Openly Worships Lucifer!

Symbolized by the Rider on the White Horse!


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Reprinted from One Path Publishing


There is no doubt that we are living in the the last days. Anyone who saw the Olympic opening ceremony knows that all the symbolism openly defies God, Christ, and Christianity. It openly mocked Jesus and worshiped the arrival of the anti-Christ riding in on the white horse (opening of the 1st seal of Revelation). The symbolism of the rider on the white horse is to conquer Christianity. Persecution of Christians has not yet started in the United States but it is just a matter of time.

Most Christians understand that the Anti-Christ will halt the daily sacrifice in the temple in the middle of the last 7-year period (Dan 12:11) . It has been assumed by most Christian denominations that a third temple will need to be built “on the temple mount” in order to have the sacrifices made even through the scriptures don’t directly say this, but is potentially a very valid assumption.

What the scriptures do tell us is that the last 7-year period will start when the Anti-Christ “Confirms the Covenant” (Daniel 8:23-25). When the convenient is confirmed between the Israel nation and the Arabs, there will most likely be a “peace treaty” which will allow the Jewish people to build their temple on the top of the temple mount along side the Arab mosque. Given the opportunity, they will waste no time to construct it as they are already prepared to do so, and by the time 3.5 years have passed, they will be ready for the daily sacrifices which the Anti-Christ then stops.

Why am I rehashing what most of us already are aware of? Whether you believe in pre-trib, mid-trib, or pre-wrath, these events may lead to the start of the last 7-years. Regardless of what your rapture timing viewpoint is, we know that we will not go through the Wrath of God; however, that does not mean that we won’t go through persecution by man before the Rapture.

The vast majority of all timing viewpoints believe that the last 7-year period starts when the covenant is confirmed. In order to have a covenant confirmed there must be a war between Arabs and Israel that is intense enough to require a peace treaty to be signed and give the Jewish people the ability to build their temple on the mount. Now that Hamas has been mostly squashed since their attack on Israel last October, a much more serious threat is gathering to take it’s place and that is Hezbollah.

Could this conflict escalate to the point where an all-out war between the Israelis and Arabs ensues? If this happens, the scriptures already tell us what will happen. The Israelis will win, and a covenant will be confirmed by a “person” which will allow them to build the temple. The scriptures tell us that this person is the Anti-Christ and will later be possessed by Satan and the event marks the start of the last 7-years. Could the start of the last 7-years be right around the corner? We see the world now openly worshiping Satan and, in essence, welcoming Satan as the rider on the white horse. Could it be that they are also telling Christians openly that they are the target? This is exactly what they scriptures say will happen in the last days – so they have clearly arrived.

Most people through human nature, have a “wait and see” attitude but it’s always too late when it’s clearly obvious that what they are waiting for is happening. Imagine all the tens of thousands of people mocking Noah’s ark but many secretly there because they were going to go on board when the rain started but of course they couldn’t as it was too late.

If you are a pre-tribber and believe that the rapture will occur before the last 7-years, then these events will tell you that it’s very close and that it is important to rededicate your life to the Lord NOW and study His word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit while you still are able. Don’t be one of the virgins to went back to the word and missed the rapture (Matt 25:1-13).

As these End Times are Unfolding, How Do We Follow the Lord?

First of all, commit your life to following the Lord! Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit continuously throughout each day of your life. Hate evil and run from it as this is the Fear of the Lord [see “Fear of the Lord” link below]. Know that you are leaving the Kingdom of Darkness to never have anything to do with it again, and a citizen of the Kingdom of Light, and as such you receive your orders from the Lord.   Set in your heart what Jacob said so many years ago: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Josh 24:15b).

Determine your Service of Calling and use the Gifts of the Spirit that He will provide to you to perform whatever He desires for you as you serve Him (yes, think of yourself as a willing servant, a bondservant, just as the Apostles did as they served the Lord). “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Rom 6:16). Put on the full armor of God, Study the Word of God and hide it in your heart (memorize it) so that you won’t sin against Him (Ps 119:11) and seek His guidance in Prayer.

God Requires us to Study His Word!

The principle we are to follow is for us to “Prove all things by the Word of God” (1 Thess 5:21). That includes all ministers, teaching, preaching, doctrines, sermons, writings, opinions, and practices. Examine all by the light of the Bible. Any teaching that is not 100% supported by the Scriptures you are to reject wholly. Studying is not optional for Christians but required by God. In fact, we are commanded by God to “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2:15).