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Earlier, I posted an article; Chesterton, Witches, and How to Really Thrive here on A Crooked Path. Here is an excerpt from that article (which I hope you will read after reading my brief comments and the article immediately below):

“But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find a surprising level of paganism just below the surface. In 2017 the Pew Research Center found that 40 percent of respondents believe in psychics, while another 40 percent believe that inanimate objects such as mountains and trees are filled with spiritual energy—textbook animism. The same survey found that 33 percent hold to reincarnation, 29 percent accept astrology, and 60 percent believe in at least one of these New Age ideas.

As part of the West’s latest embrace of animism, faith in the mystical power of crystals is also on the rise. “In 2017 crystals became a multibillion-dollar slice of the $4.2 [trillion] global wellness industry, with shamans using them to advise entrepreneurs on investment opportunities, and Gwyneth Paltrow selling them to encourage serenity and to ‘purify’ water,” writes Eva Wiseman in The Guardian. She says that this faith is an “understandable choice, it could be argued, in a time when people report feeling ever more critical of experts and ‘facts,’ keen for a release from technology, disconnected from traditional systems of care and desperate for something shiny that might save them.”

Of course, these ideas aren’t “new” at all but are old spiritual counterfeits dressed up for the 21st century—”

Regular readers of this place and long time subscribers will certainly have happened upon a commentary or two, or 50 or so, in which I’ve written that the New Age Movements practices, doctrines and rituals are nothing more than rebranded PAGANISM. Plain and simple. Clear to anyone paying attention.

Here’s the real problem though — the numbers practicing pagan beliefs, rituals and doctrines are much higher than the numbers reported by Pew Research or any other study or survey.

Here’s an example which many will say is inconsequential, benign and perhaps many would declare as nitpicking — but if anyone says “mother nature” instead of what it truly is? Just NATURE — no mother about it or part of it? Anyone saying “mother nature” is serving paganism. No matter how they might protest. For it is pagan (heathen — against God, against the Scriptures, against NATURE created by God the Father) to ascribe “mother” to it and call it what is in truth a pagan belief, a pagan practice. What witches, druids, sorcerers and pagans call nature — “mother,” just as they refer to “mother earth.” When it is just THE EARTH. As created by God the FATHER. No where in God’s word will a person find nature or the earth referenced as “mother _________”. That wasn’t done by accident. Every word — every word in the Bible is there with and for a reason. Every jot and tittle. We all ought to pay much closer attention to that fact and what is being said all around us, as well as what we are saying.

Anyone saying “mother nature” is merely playing into the hands of paganism. And he who rules the air and has dominion on the earth for a season is dancing a jig every time he hears “mother nature” uttered, ESPECIALLY by someone adamant and stubbornly professing to be a “Christian.”

We cannot be double-minded. We cannot serve this world and God and Christ.

Words matter. Every word will have an accounting. Every word (see Matthew 12:36 and Matthew 12:36)

Jesus said those words in Matthew 12. I think we all need to take them to heart and remember them and begin to live them.

None have excuse. Ignorance cannot be claimed or made a defense. Especially in these times when learning factual, historical, documented truths about all this can easily and swiftly be discovered by anyone with a Smartphone, a Smart TV, a computer, a tablet — you get the idea.

None will have an excuse.

I contend you can’t go through one day without hearing no fewer than 5, 6 people refer to NATURE as “mother nature.” Can’t turn on a TV and watch the news or weather without EVERY news person, EVERY weather person calling it “mother nature” and many of them would probably also contend they are “Christians.”

Can’t read a newspaper, a magazine, a book without NATURE being referred to as “mother nature.”

Might seem picky, inconsequential, benign but one of THE MAJOR THEMES of PAGANISM, SORCERY, and WITCHCRAFT is to remove the patriarchal and replace it with the matriarchal. The subtle erosion of speech, beliefs — intermingle and incorporate the pagan with what is perceived as normal, standard practices and beliefs. To corrupt the foundations. Erode. Replace the word of God with the ways of sorcery, witchcraft, paganism. Do not think this something elsewhere, or as in some Hollywood movie. This is everywhere around us right now. Everywhere.

Witchcraft, sorcery, paganism, or as it’s rebranded, packaged, sold and bought today as New Age practices and beliefs are wrapped in words such as “environmentalism” and “feminism” and the two cannot be separated. Environmentalism and feminism were rebirthed at the exact same time in the 1960’s. The two cannot be separated. Because earth worship which is key to witchcraft and paganism also has at its core worship of the goddess, worship of “mother earth,” and “mother nature” and works continually to replace the patriarchal with the matriarchal.

Can’t have feminism without environmentalism nor environmentalism without feminism. Both with their roots in paganism and all its offshoots such as witchcraft.

When you can, for some homework, learn how many people count themselves as “environmentalists” in America alone. Last I looked in survey after survey, poll after poll about 97% to 98% consistently counted themselves as “environmentalists.”

One cannot be an “environmentalist” in the true sense of the word as invoked and practiced since the 1960’s and also consider themselves a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

One cannot place their faith in mankind and believe mankind can somehow “save the earth” by banning plastic straws, plastic bags, the internal combustion engine, turning “green” and recycling everything buying a Prius thus thinking that’s the solution and they are somehow going to save the earth.

How foolish. How illiterate regarding what the word of God tells us.

Yes, we are to be GOOD STEWARDS, yes, we ought to not be wasteful, not litter, not be irresponsible with toxins, waste, not be excessive in our lifestyles, not be indulgent, gluttonous, not destroying a habitat in order to build one more Wal Mart no one really needs, so on — but also not falling prey to the lingo, the rhetoric, the doctrines, the practices, the ways and means of paganism, or environmentalism, or feminism which all go against the word of God.

And stop saying “mother nature!” (it’s a start).

Pay closer attention. The witches, the sorcerers, the occultism, demonic possession, paganism are all increasing all around us faster than anything else.

We’re in an escalating spiritual war. Do not become a prisoner of this war. Do not be a traitor to the side of righteousness thinking appeasement, or using certain words, or certain practices have no effect and can be intermingled with what the word of God clearly instructs us, teaches us.

Can’t say pagan words, practice pagan practices, call ourselves rebranded pagan terms and also then claim to be true disciples of Jesus Christ. It just doesn’t mix. It just doesn’t work.

And, hopefully, none reading this want to be within those the Lord tells to get away from Him as He knows them not even though they think they were such upright good “Christians” (see Matthew 7 — English Standard Version and Romans 1 — English Standard Version).

Also, most ought to know this, but if not every time the word “heathen” is used in God’s word that means pagan. Those who observed rituals, practices and beliefs that greatly opposed God. Did not believe in the One True God. Were workers of sorcery, divination, witchcraft, occultism and practices greatly opposed to God the Father.

And, please, begin by taking one simple step — no longer use the words of paganism (New Age Movement) and begin to really listen to what is being spoken, watch closely what you’re reading, and pay closer attention to the direction, the words everyone around you, and you are using. Words matter. None are really benign or inconsequential.

Lastly, before you scroll down to read the article here, along with my writing it so many times I can’t recall how many pertaining to this New Age Movement which has permeated and infected everything and every institution, every agency — including many places professing to be Christian churches and denominations — I have also written — and I am not the originator in saying this, nor the only one saying it — but environmentalism, earth worship, pushing “mother earth, ” pushing and indoctrinating with regard to “mother nature” and “save the earth” will be in my belief the main rallying cry and point in which the coming Antichrist rises to world power and seizes the minds of most people.

One more reason, one very important reason to shake the dust and lies of that doctrine and those words and beliefs from your feet and have no part of them.

Sorcery, witchcraft, the occult, environmentalism, feminism, earth worship, pantheism, animism – PAGANISM have a way of being intoxicating, alluring, seductive and pulling people in. Do not be deceived. Do not think it innocent and yo so able and powerful to break from its spell and power.

I personally had a relative that was very close to me that as a teenager began to be seduced, drawn into occultism and sorcery and witchcraft and told me, “It isn’t that serious, I’m just curious, it’s FUN, it’s INTERESTING,” and within months she was pulled into the dark vortex, the dark whirlpool and found herself immersed and was fortunate to realize what was happening and managed to escape before being consumed and burnt up in it.

Many are not as fortunate. Most imagine they are not at all touched or a part of any of this — yet it has infected, eroded, permeated our government, our agencies, our schools, our every institution and even many of our churches.

No excuse. Do not be deceived and fall prey.

Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path

Friday, June 21st, 2019


The Resurgence Of The Feminist Witch


By Michael Brown

June 20, 2019

Reprinted from: ASKDRBrown / Prophecy New Watch



You would think that these words were taken straight out of my forthcoming book on Jezebel’s War with America. You would think they came from the pen of a conservative follower of Jesus. But they did not.
They were written by a self-proclaimed feminist witch. She said, “The fact that the resurgence of feminism and the popularity of the witch are ascending at the same time is no coincidence: the two are reflections of each other.”
Precisely so!
Writing for, Pam Grossman explains, “Today, more women than ever are choosing the way of the witch, whether literally or symbolically. They’re floating down catwalks and sidewalks in gauzy black clothing and adorning themselves with Pinterest-worthy pentagrams and crystals.
They’re filling up movie theaters to watch witchy films, and gathering in back rooms and backyards to do rituals, consult tarot cards and set life-altering intentions. They’re marching in the streets with HEX THE PATRIARCHY placards and casting spells each month to try to constrain the commander-in-chief.
Year after year, articles keep proclaiming, ‘It’s the Season of the Witch!’ as journalists try to wrap their heads around the mushrooming witch ‘trend.'”
Shades of the spirit of Jezebel herself. Shades of that idol-worship seductress from biblical times who emasculated men, silenced the prophets, and practiced sorcery and witchcraft.
Jezebel is on the rise.
It is the thesis of my new book that there is a direct and real spiritual connection between the rise of radical feminism, the explosion of porn, the attack on masculinity, the militant abortion movement, and the resurgence of witchcraft. And the ascendancy of Donald Trump to president, for better or for worse, has served to highlight all these different but related streams.
A headline on October 4, 2018, announced, “THE U.S. WITCH POPULATION HAS SEEN AN ASTRONOMICAL RISE.” A few weeks later, another headline proclaimed, “The Fastest Growing Religion In America Is Witchcraft.”
Is it any surprise that, side by side with radical feminism, witchcraft is on the rise in America? It is certainly is no coincidence.
Grossman is absolutely right. These are two sides of the same coin.
At the beginning of her book Radical Feminism: Feminist Activism in Movement, Finn Mackay offers this fascinating account from West Germany: “In the midst of the Cold War, in a divided country, feminists were about to start a global movement that for decades to come would unite women in symbolic protest against male violence against women.
Shortly before midnight on 30 April 1977, small groups of women began gathering in the centre of towns and cities across West Germany: Bochum, Frankfurt, Cologne, Hanau. They were dressed as witches, carried flaming torches and had painted women’s symbols on their faces. The date of their synchronised protest was no accident.
They were assembling on that night to mark what is still known across Germany as Walpurgis Night, a superstitious tradition to mark the coming of May; a time when witches and tricksters are believed to roam.”
To be sure, all people should stand together to oppose male violence against women. All people should unite in decrying honor killings, acid attacks, and the overall oppression of women in society. All of us should stand against reducing women to sex objects or treating them as second class citizens.
To the extent that feminists stand for those values, I stand with them.
But there is a radical feminism that despises males. That deplores the nuclear family. That demeans motherhood. That views babies as unwanted intrusions (and merely a clump of cells while in the womb). That holds all men guilty.
As expressed by the radical feminist Robin Morgan, “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.”
Or, in the words of Andrea Dworkin, “Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice.”
This is the spirit of radical feminism, the man-hating spirit, the spirit of Jezebel.
And it is intimately connected to the spirit of witchcraft.
As expressed by Lily Burana in the Huffington Post last December, “The modern witch, as we would recognize her today, is a mid-20th-century phenomenon, as laid out in a lovely Boston Review piece by journalist Jesse Kindig.
‘In their 1968 manifesto,’ Kindig writes, ‘the women’s liberation activists from W.I.T.C.H. (Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell) proposed that “A witch lives and laughs in every woman. She is the free part of each of us.” It is this history ― from 1486 on ― that explains today’s global feminist protest chant, “We are the granddaughters of all the witches you could not burn!”‘”
Jezebel is back with a vengeance.