The Rapture of God’s Church will certainly be the catalyst to alter everything that has been known, accepted, and believed by the overwhelming majority of people — the unbelieving, the unfaithful, the unrighteous, and wicked.
I have a problem with any man or woman who either attempts to forecast or predict a time or selects a specific matter, event, organization, or man that they believe will trigger the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach to gather, catch up His people in the twinkling of an eye — which is calculated to be one billionth of a second. The time it takes for light to enter the eye and be reflected back in order to provide vision.
I pray that more would desire the vision to humble themselves before God Almighty and bow before Him understanding His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways not our ways, and He is OUTSIDE of time and He knows, He foreknew everything that would occur in His infinite beyond our feeble comprehension knowledge and wisdom to establish the time of the Rapture. God doesn’t wear a Smartwatch. Man does not dictate to God. Read Psalm 2 sometime. He is eternal and has always existed outside of time. Something we cannot fully comprehend at this time in our present form.
And that time is not going to be unlocked by anything the World Economic Forum, an American president, any mega-church or mega-corporation might do.
Not a moment before.
So many people scurrying about making this prediction, that prediction. All acting and anticipating many coming just short of predicting a time as they know to do so is heresy, a sin, and foolishness. A sin. For as the Holy Bible tells us clearly, plainly, no one knows the time except for the Father.
No one.
And people such as Mr. Brentner are impatient and they may have thought certain things would happen a year or two ago, and their impatience grows, and they keep looking at such things as the U.N., election outcomes, the World Economic Forum, and on and on and on and on.
When it comes down to one person. Only one person. That no one knows except God the Father, Jesus Christ the Lord, and the Holy Spirit who that individual is.
Calm down, folks.
Easy does it.
Be ever, always vigilant. Watchmen and watchwomen on the wall. Eyes hearts and minds on heaven. While being a light unto the world and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. For perhaps it is through your faith and your example that that last Gentile comes to be saved, born again, and the coming of the Lord to gather, catch up all His people, the Church with Him prior to the door to the Great Tribulation opening, and the door of grace to any Gentile being shut and sealed.
Yes, the Rapture is coming.
Yes, we are closer than ever. We know this, we feel this, we sense it within our hearts, our spirits, our very souls.
So, too did believers in the First Century church.
Keep that in mind.
many of the believers in Thessalonica thought they had missed the return of the Lord and were distressed. It is one of the main themes of the apostle Paul’s letters to them.
We have more to go on. We have lived in a historical, Biblical timeline 2,000 years thereafter. We have witnessed much end times Bible prophecy unfold. We may not have been born prior to 1948 but Israel becoming a nation again is one of the greatest Bible prophecies leading to the very end to come to fruition. No other people, no other nation in world history ever was removed, conquered, scattered, and removed to be restored. Especially after so much time had passed.
Yes, it is palpable.
Yes, it is eminent.
But patience and vigilance are required.
Peace. Within and without and throughout.
We are to be always and ever watchful, keeping our lamps clean and ready full of oil for the Bridegroom Who will show up at any time [take some time to understand marriage traditions and customs in Judah, in the Middle East, in Jewish tradition to understand this more clearly if you have not ever taken the time to research this — it isn’t like weddings in America or Western culture or times] but patience is necessary.
Being at work in the ways and service of the Lord. Lamps are always filled. We are always prepared and ready.
Because once the Bridegroom appears the door to the marriage feast will be shut.
All of this is easily found and discerned in Scripture.
Yes, the time of the Lord, the Rapture is close. Closer than ever before.
It could happen tonight.
It could happen a few years from now.
It could happen…?
The point is to not be consumed with its timing and triggers but to be consumed in the Lord Jesus Christ. To be consumed in fervent, humble spiritual prayer, continual prayer, to be consumed in the whole Word of God, to be consumed in being the conduit, the lamps, the source of any true illumination in this dark and ever-darkening and wicked world.
See you on the other side sometime down the road…but I’m not worrying about when that time will be.
Because in the spiritual realm, the eternal realm, the realm in which God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and all of heaven reside and exist — the true REALITY — there is no time. No clocks in heaven. No schedules. Mo calendars.
Oh, days will be marked. Known. We will forever partake of Passover for one thing.
But time as it is ingrained in the minds of every man, woman, and child living or that has lived? No not like that. Although there are many who it would benefit and behoove to pay better attention to time here as it is and to stop showing up everywhere all the time late…
…that could be a problem for such folks come time to turn to the Lord, come to the truth. For if not renewed of mind and spirit right now? If not born again right now? Humm…there is no time like the present for this moment is truly all you are given by God. This breath. This heartbeat.
That truth and reality was driven home to Mr. Trump on Saturday I’m sure if you had the opportunity to talk to him.
Or to the man or woman who waited too long.
Wow. Talk, think of the greatest of tragedies!
Just saying…
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, July 18th, 2024
The Rapture Is The Catalyst That Will Suddenly Change Everything
July 15, 2024
Reprinted from Harbinger’s Daily
If you are like me, you wonder how much closer we can get to the start of the Tribulation before we meet Jesus in the air. When I wrote about nearness of the seal judgments (Revelation 6) a couple of years ago, I thought that by now, they surely would have at least begun.
The globalists themselves seem frustrated at the lack of progress in implementing their agenda. The WEF (World Economic Forum) joined with the U.N. last fall in recommitting themselves to attaining all of the U.N.’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. They know something is holding back their diabolical plans to enslave the world under a totalitarian Marxist regime. We know it’s the restraining force of the Holy Spirit (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8).
The closer we get to the start of the Day of the Lord, the more we understand how the Rapture will serve as a catalyst to jumpstart many of the events we read about in the book of Revelation.
I imagine an electronic jigsaw puzzle where all the other pieces light up after someone puts the last one in its proper place. In this case, it’s the Rapture. It’s the missing piece.
We Are So Close
It’s never been more apparent just how rapidly the world will descend into utter chaos following our disappearance.
Paul described the antichrist as the “man of lawlessness” and wrote that “the mystery of lawlessness is already at work” (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 7). The increase of lawlessness in just the past ten years staggers the imagination. Who would have ever thought we would see a sign on the streets of San Francisco warning thieves they would face prosecution if they stole items exceeding $950 in total value?
Major store chains in the U.S. report shoplifting in billions of dollars per year.
Inflation in the U.S. is much higher than reported and hurting many, many people. Even so, it’s only by the Lord’s restraining hand that we have not yet reached the dire economic conditions described in Revelation 6:5-6. It’s clear that such astronomical inflation is right on our doorstep. I say this because of what I see in America:
- Our national debt is rapidly approaching $35 trillion. We have added over $2 trillion dollars to that total since October 1, 2023!
- The printing of money to cover America’s massive national debt will lead to devastating hyperinflation; it’s unavoidable. Many wonder why this hasn’t already happened.
- Illegal immigration is also accelerating the current pace of inflation. The money that the government prints and gives to people breaking the law in this way increases the demand for the same amount of goods; this is the fundamental cause of inflation.
- Fires at food processing plants, the bird flu, and the globalists’ plans to curtail farming and eliminate cattle will continue to put upward pressure on food prices everywhere in the world.
I could cite much more evidence pointing to the nearness of all the judgments of Revelation chapter 6, but it’s time for good news.
If anything, the multiplicity of signs pointing to the nearness of the Tribulation reminds us that the Rapture and the judgments that follow it will happen suddenly. In the midst of writing about the Lord’s appearing to take us home, Paul addresses the abruptness to the start of the Day of the Lord in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3: “For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
This “day” will strike the unsuspecting world like a bolt of lightning, but not for us. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, the Lord promises to come for us before the start of the Day of the Lord. The “wrath” mentioned in these verses refers to what happens during the Day of the Lord, not to hell.
It will be a day just like today when we will instantly disappear. 1 Corinthians 15:52 tells us the Rapture will happen in the “twinkling of an eye,” which is quicker than a blink. Jesus’ direct intervention in the world will come without warning just as no one expects to discover a thief in their home in the middle of the night.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus tells us four times that “I am coming quickly” (3:11, 22:7, 12, 20). The Greek word for “quickly” is tachu, which in some cases is translated “soon.” In these verses, however, it refers to suddenness of Jesus’ return for us.
This is most definitely not a reference to the Second Coming, which will not happen with such abruptness. The events of Revelation 19:11-20:4 will likely occur over the course of several hours, if not several days. John earlier said that when Jesus comes “with the clouds … every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7). The Rapture will happen before people have time to even blink, let alone witness it.
As watchers, we are well aware of the dangers of setting a date for the Lord’s appearing. Whenever we mention the nearness of the Rapture, someone always seems to remind us of this.
As we see the Tribulation rapidly approaching our world, however, would it not also be an equally serious mistake to assume that the Rapture will not happen today or this week, month, or year? I believe so.
The New Testament closes with the word of the verses below, which include Jesus’ last recorded message to His church: “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen” (Revelation 22:20-21)
The closer we get to the start of the Day of the Lord, the clearer it becomes how the Rapture will unravel all pretenses of “peace and security” in the world, open the door for the seal judgments of Revelation 6 to occur, and lead to the appearing of the Antichrist.
Jonathan Brentner is an author, writer, and Bible Teacher with a passion for encouraging believers with a sound biblical worldview and the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.
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