The sin, the cluelessness, and the insanity goes beyond this. My wife works in the school foods industry and in her work she deals daily with school officials. My wife told me last week of a conversation she had with a school official that told my wife things have gotten so bad that in the school the woman worked a female student identifies as a cat. Has anyone at the school or this girl’s parents stopped the insanity and foolishness?


This is not satire. This is our current reality.

We live in the dark and sinful times in which a person can identify with whatever they say they are and the world complies and bows to their insanity and “being given over” [Romans 1] to their wickedness, foolishness, unrighteousness, and sin.

Where were we the people as this was being implemented? All these past years? What were we the people doing? Paying attention to?

Over 40 years ago, actually about 45 years ago now when I lived in Southern California and witnessed life there I told people THEN that there was coming a time, not in the too distant future, in which homosexuals would be allowed to “marry” and homosexuality would be elevated, revered, and almost worshipped in this lost nation.

I was laughed at. Openly mocked. Told I was nuts. No way this would ever happen!

I saw this long before I was transformed and renewed of mind and spirit by the Supernatural power of the Spirit of God to work in me and change me. I saw this that long ago when I was still darkness. I had my eyes open, and having been reared as a morally upright Midwestern lad I witnessed the sexual abnormality and immorality being widely accepted in California way back then. No one cared. Nonchalance. If saying anything about it that opposed the sexual depravity and immorality you were the person considered wrong and immoral.

Way back then.

What were we the people all paying attention to these past years? Really. What were we the people all paying attention to!?

Still don’t believe the last of the last days are at hand? That we’re not living the words and times of Romans 1? Will people ever really wake up?

Only and always when it’s too late. Too little way too late. That’s the human way. The worldly way. Lost, clueless, self-absorbed, refusing to face reality, refusing to think, refusing to call sin sin, and refusing to turn to God and turn to the Word of God!

So, now we reap what we have sown and wrought.

And the judgments are only going to increase…

Because if you imagine the evil now firmly entrenched and the years of indoctrination and turning to wickedness can be reversed easily? By an election? Getting the woman or man you think is the answer in office? Think again and finally begin to think right! The only way restoration would be possible is by massive individual repentance and revival. Of individuals. Truly repenting and turning to God, turning to Christ, turning to the Holy Spirit, and turning to the Holy Bible. Not merely putting a bejeweled crucifix on their necks and showing up at a place calling itself a Christian church on a Sunday morning.

Do you see that happening in this lost land? Really? Repentance of individuals, en masse, a turning to God sincerely, truly being renewed of mind and spirit, born again?

Because that is the only hope. The only way back. The only truth and reality to pull this sick, lost, spiritually dead serving Satan and false teachings pagan nation to any hope of restoration and lasting a little longer before the final judgment comes.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Wednesday, July 27th, 2022


The Only Surprise Is that Parents Are Just Now Learning About Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Curricula in Their Children’s Schools


July 26, 2022

By Michael L. Brown

Reprinted from ASKDRBrown


Across the country, parents are reacting with shock and outrage as they discover what their kids are learning in school. These children are being indoctrinated by an aggressive, one-sided, radical lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ curriculum, causing many parents to push back aggressively. What surprises me, though, is not that the parents are upset. What surprises me is that many are just finding out about this now, since this indoctrination has been going on for many years.

For example, it was back in 2006 that the New York Times reported, “As their children head into adolescence, some parents are choosing to block puberty medically to buy time for them to figure out who they are, raising a host of ethical questions.” Not surprisingly, “some schools are engaged in a steep learning curve to dismantle gender stereotypes.”

What exactly does this mean? “At the Park Day School in Oakland, teachers are taught a gender-neutral vocabulary and are urged to line up students by sneaker color rather than by gender. ‘We are careful not to create a situation where students are being boxed in,’ said Tom Little, the school’s director. ‘We allow them to move back and forth until something feels right.’”

Yes, this was in 2006, and Park Day School is an elementary school, albeit a private school.

Should we be shocked today to learn that this gender-confused ideology has spread to schools throughout the country?

Already in 2011, when A Queer Thing Happened to America was published, I could cite this “Official Policy of the San Francisco Unified School District School Board” (SFUSD): “Restroom Accessibility: Students shall have access to the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity exclusively and consistently at school.”

I also cited this, from the Los Angeles Unified School District Reference Guide: “‘Gender identity’ refers to one’s understanding, interests, outlook, and feelings about whether one is female or male, or both, or neither, regardless of one’s biological sex.”

Note those last words carefully: “regardless of one’s biological sex.” This radical agenda is hardly new.

Already in 2011, I could write that, “Children in elementary schools will be exposed to the rightness and complete normality of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender expression – witness highly-praised academic books such as The Queering of Elementary Education – and opposing views will be branded as dangerous and homophobic, to be silenced and excluded from the classroom.”

And get this: Queering Elementary Education came out in 1999. Yes, 1999! Chew on that for a moment. (The subtitle of the book was Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling, and it was part of the series Curriculum, Cultures, and [Homo]Sexualities Series.)

I also wrote that, “Middle schools, high schools, and colleges will go out of their way to encourage both the celebration of homosexuality and deep solidarity with homosexual activism,” referencing things like Queer Study Programs in our universities.

Much of this was rampant on our campuses long before your 18-year-old, college-bound child was born. Why are we so surprised today?

Already in 2005, Kevin Jennings, the founder of GLSEN (originally the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, founded in 1990) could boast, “Nearly 3,000 schools have GSA’s [Gay Student Alliances] or other student clubs that deal with lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender issues. Over fifty national education and social justice organizations, including the National Education Association (NEA) have joined GLSEN in its work to create safe schools for our nation’s children through projects like ‘No Name-Calling Week’.”

And 2005, in terms of the growth of lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ activism, was a very long time ago. (In case you didn’t know, in 2009, President Obama appointed Jennings, himself a homosexual educator, to serve as Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools.)

GLSEN has long been active in providing educational tools for teachers and schools, including their famous GLSEN Lunchbox.

I purchased the second edition of this tool (called GLSEN Lunchbox 2) shortly after it was released in 2007.

It was described as “a comprehensive training program aimed at providing educators and community members with the background knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to make schools safer and more affirming places for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students.”

Some of the activities included “North American History Game Cards,” listing 28 North Americans, most of whom are fairly well known and all of whom, according to GLSEN, are (or were) gay or transgender. (Among the better-known names were Sara Josephine Baker, James Baldwin, Leonard Bernstein, George Washington Carver, Babe Didrickson, Allen Ginsberg, Barbara Jordan, Margaret Mead, Harvey Milk, Bayard Rustin, Renee Richards, Andy Warhol, Walt Whitman, and Tennessee Williams.)

A similar game card activity was provided for World History, listing luminaries such as  Alexander the Great, Hans Christian Anderson, Pope John XII, King Edward II, Noel Coward, Hadrian, Dag Hammarskjold, Joan of Arc, Elton John, Juvenal, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rudolph Nureyev, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, and Oscar Wilde. According to GLSEN, all of them were homosexual (or bisexual).

There was even an activity called “Getting in Touch with Your Inner Trannie,” meaning your inner transgender identity. (I’m not making this up!)

Its stated purpose was, “To help participants better understand and personally relate to the breadth of issues around gender identity and expression,” asking the children questions such as: “Have you ever been told, ‘Act like a lady/woman/girl,’ or ‘Act like a man?’ What was the situation? How did it make you feel and why?” And, “If you see someone on the street whose gender is unclear to you, how do you react – both internally and externally?”

And this was directed at elementary school students as early as 2007, with every word of it documented in A Queer Thing Happened to America. In fact, this was just the tiniest tip of a massive iceberg, even back then.

Today, some of this material seems quite tame and even understated. The slope has been slippery indeed.

From the perspective of lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ educators and their allies, this is great news, since, in their minds, they are helping children accept who they really are, creating an atmosphere of acceptance.

From the perspective of social sanity and educational propriety, this is insidious indoctrination which must be opposed.

So, I urge every parent, as busy as you might be and as many things as you might have on your plates: Please, please, please find out what your kids are learning in school (not to mention taking in on social media). The stakes are unimaginably high.