Over 15 years ago, before I was born from again, born again into the Lord Jesus Christ, I had a 100% political website/blog.

We’re going back to 2010 and a few years prior to that. The blog/website was called The Write Stuff. It has been long abandoned and shut down.

This was only a handful of years after September 11th, 2001. I would write about Islam, current events, political actions, or non-actions. What was going on in the world.

I wrote frequently about how the birthrate for non-Islamists was steadily falling and had been for quite some time, and of the migration be it legally or illegally of Islamists into every part of Europe and America and the effort to have so many Islamists in Europe and America that they could alter the governments of every European nation and America without ever firing a shot. A newly formed Caliphate that would evolve right before the eyes and ears of every non-Islamist in Europe and America. To one day arriving at the point from their stupor, from their ignorance, blindness, and refusal to learn what Islam truly is about they would exclaim, as so many in past history as horrible things unfolded in their lands, “How could this happen here!?”

Easily. Because of apathy. Laziness. Foolishness. Stupidity.

When I wrote well over 15 years ago about a time such as we’re in now I was mocked. Openly ridiculed, laughed at, and told I was nuts and just a fearmonger. What I wrote about would never happen. Maybe in Europe, because most Americans don’t ever pay attention or care about what happens over there — but it certainly would never happen here in America!

Similar to when I was a full-blown sinning massively heathen in California witnessing, observing what was going on there and I told people then, over 40 years ago, “There’s coming a time in America when homosexual marriage will be allowed.” And everyone I told that to either roared with laughter and told me to my face I was nuts, or they looked at me in astonishment like looking at someone who should be locked up.

When I first started dating my wife, and we would have wonderful philosophical and deep conversations, and she was getting to know me, and, I, her, I told her, “There’s coming a time in America when homosexual marriage will be allowed. It will be accepted and approved.”

And she laughed and laughed in my face. Big guffaws. Hue laughter.

She now has no trouble telling me and others I told her that, how she reacted, and that I was correct.

I’m no prophet. Just a keen observer. I watch and listen intently.

If you’re new here and you return from time to time or subscribe to this little place few want to come to due to the subject matter, or if you’re one of the few brave souls who have been coming here often over the years and even have been bold enough to subscribe you know that I keenly observe, watch, and listen. And that’s all it is.

With the Word of God in my heart and mind. With living each day watching and listening that the Lord blesses me with. It doesn’t take a genius or a prophet. Just someone receptive to the Holy Spirit, the working of the Lord within, through the Holy Spirit and the Word, and taking time to watch, listen, and keenly observe. Witness. To be a witness. A viable witness.

It should surprise no one that Mohammed as a baby name is taking over in America and Europe. Even those walking dead ought not to be surprised at this point because just how deaf, dumb, blind, unaware, preoccupied, mired in self, stuck in a fantasy world of illusion and delusion must one be in order to not have an inkling of what has been transpiring right before everyone openly for decades?

Could never be bothered to take the time, eh? Laughed at those few people who said or wrote things that went against the tide everyone was being swept away on? Refuse to even consider those things that were or are outside the majority group think and belief?

Well, you’d better now before it truly becomes too late.

Otherwise…you may have a very painful, horrible eternity to ponder why it was you just couldn’t be bothered when you were given every opportunity by God, by His revealing Himself and so many signs to you.

And to the professed believer refusing to pay keen attention and live accordingly — woe to you, shame on you! Time to get on your knees, or if unable due to physical disability to do so, get on the knees of your heart and repent and ask God to forgive, to reveal, to show Himself more clearly to you, and to give you the discernment, the understanding, the knowledge that you need and He will gladly give to a faithful follower of His Son, the lord Jesus Christ.

There is no more time to remain cold, lukewarm, doubting, scoffing, making light of things, insulated, apathetic, otherwise occupied, being consumed by other matters.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Tuesday, January 28th, 2025



The Mohammed Baby Boom is Taking Over Europe and the U.S.


Show me the names of its newborns and I’ll show you a nation’s future.


January 27, 2025


Reprinted from Frontpage Magazine


In 2023, Mohammed became the most popular name for boys in England and Wales.

In 2006, there were 1,636 babies named after one of the worst monsters in human history. By 2016, the number of his followers naming babies after their religion’s founding warlord rose to 3,908. In 2022, the number of Muslim parents in England hoping that their newborn baby boy would follow in the footsteps of a genocidal mass murderer hit 4,177 and 4,661 in 2023.

The rapid demographic increase of the Muslim colonist population can be measured by the speed with which Mohammed broke through into the top 10 names and then rose to the very top. The scope of the colonization can also be found in the fact that Mohammed (under its various spellings) has become the most popular name for boys in 4 out of 9 regions in England.

In Ireland, Mohammed was the most popular name for newborn boys among foreign immigrants. In Scotland, Mohammed was the 11th most popular baby name in the country. With a low birth rate, Mohammed was only 6 births short of overtaking Finlay, only 10 short of burying Archie, and only 13 short of finishing off Theo, and with most of the top traditional Scottish names declining, Mohammed will likely soon be in the top 5 reflecting the growing Islamic colonization of Scotland.

The rapid rise of Mohammeds show why the United Kingdom may be the most endangered of any of the European countries being rapidly colonized by a hostile foreign population.

Show me the names of its newborns and I’ll show you a nation’s future.

In France, Mohammed is still only the 18th most popular name for boys (however different spellings may actually make it higher than that). Even in Paris, Mohammed is only the eighth most popular name. In Marseille however, which hosts a large Muslim settler population, Mohammed is the 2nd most popular name, up from 5th place in 2022, and in Lyon, he is in 5th place.

In Germany, Mohammed has yet to crack the top 10 names, and it’s in 8th place in northern Germany. In Berlin and Brandenburg however, Mohammed is the top name for newborn boys. (These statistics may not be fully accurate as they do not come from government registrations, but from a survey by the GfdS: a German institute that is sponsored by the government.)

In the Netherlands, Mohammed is nowhere near the top ten, but Mohammed is the top name in Amsterdam when accounting for different spellings such as “Mohammed, Mohamed, Muhammad or Muhammed.”

In Sweden, Mohammed is still only 73rd, but it’s number one in the Ljusdal municipality, number two in Upplands-Bro, number five in Botkyrka and number nine in Huddinge, also in the Stockholm region.

In Italy, the list of baby names for boys is still filled with Francescos and Leonardos, but the number of Mohammeds doubled a decade after 9/11, then increased by 50% in one year, doubled by 2016 and doubled again by 2023. The exponential increase of Islamic demographic colonization is as remorseless in Italy as it is anywhere else no matter how small the numbers.

The number of Mohammed babies in Denmark doubled between 2003 and 2009, and is on the verge of doubling yet again. In Copenhagen, Mohammed is the second most popular name for boys. In Finland, Mohammed is the most popular non-Finnish name given to boys. In Austria, the number of Mohammeds born inside the country tripled between 2010 and 2023.

In Norway, Mohammed is the 18th most popular name for newborn boys. In Oslo however, Mohammed is the number one name for boys. This follows the trend in many European capitals.

In Brussels, the capital of the European Union, Mohammed is the second most popular name for newborn boys. Across Belgium, Mohammed has become the number one name in Molenbeek, the epicenter of regional terror whose Jihadist activities killed hundreds of Europeans including during the Paris attacks as well as, Schaerbeek, Forest and Saint-Josse.

The number of Mohammed newborns in Belgium tripled since 2010 reflecting Islamic population growth and growing fanaticism.  Some of these numbers may be understated due to inadequate data or lack of cross-checking for different spellings of Mohammed, but they offer a snapshot of the rise of Muslim population replacement, but also fanaticism and support for Islamic terrorism.

Mohammed’s atrocities were legendary as the warlord and his men raided, pillaged, raped and massacred their way across as much of the region as they could reach. Mohammed is not just a name, but a symbol of the worst that men can do to each other in the name of greed and power, wrapped in the thinnest shrouds of a borrowed religion that has functioned as more of a cult.

It is no wonder that so many of the world’s worst terrorists, from Mohammed Atta, the ringleader of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, and Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who killed 86 people and wounded over 400 more in the Bastille Day Truck Attack, were named after the world’s deadliest monster who still inspires his followers to kill in his name today.

Many Americans might be tempted to think of this as Europe’s problems, but the Social Security Administration’s data shows that the number of ‘Muhammads’ rose from 591th place after 9/11 to 272nd in 2023. (There were previous false claims that it was in the top 10, but this came from a parenting website’s survey and not from actual data of registered births.)

In Minnesota, Mohammed is the 86th most popular baby name. And on the streets of the city where Mohammed Atta and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed did their bloody work, Mohammed became the 10th most popular name for male newborns in New York City.