goddess Gaia, pure paganism, pure earth worship, pure pantheism, pure evil


There’s no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it— no hemming and hawing, no skirting the matter, no excuses, no lies that will hold water (or the truth) — the New Age Movement is pure rebranded paganism. Let’s be absolutely clear and on the same track shall we? This New Age dogma, doctrines have permeated every aspect of present life on earth. In every corner of this world. In every institution. In every government. In the “Save the Earth!” insanity everywhere. With such slogans as; “Nature is my religion, The earth is my temple,” or “I am a child of the earth,” or “The ‘old religion’ is the magick of the earth itself,” and on and on and on they are spewed out, printed in illustrations and posters and so on. The New Age Movement (Paganism) In a complete overhaul of morals, values around this world and consuming the peoples of this world. Given over to reprobate minds (See Romans 1—KJV) & (Romans 1 —- ESV).

Yes, the Green Party, the Green Movement is just rebranded paganism.

Satan and his legions, his minions use language as one of their primary weapons. They use emotion, fear and the knowledge of human nature in the spiritual war being waged every second in every place in every person on this earth.

All environmentalism is just paganism, pantheism, making the earth a point of worship rather than just our home to live on for the seasons of our lives, the seasons of all things — created by God. Created by THEE Creator.

Earth is not to be worshipped. Idolized. Neither are the multitude of false goddesses and gods, the multitude of false teachers and unsound doctrines put forward by the New Age Movement; with it’s branches extending from its root of feminism, environmentalism (pantheism), sorcery, divination (witchcraft), goddess worship placing the matriarchy above the patriarchy and working to completely remove the patriarchy — and of course, to corrupt, defile, curse and attempt to both pollute, invade and remove Christianity from the face of the earth they worship.

Not heeding God the Father. Not paying heed to it is God and Jesus who made all things seen and known. No, they rebel and make themselves gods. It is founded in demonic Satanism although they vehemently deny this truth.

Paganism at its core, aside from earth worship is worship of SELF. Self-centered self-worship. Who within all of history is the father of self-worship imagining himself a god, greater than God the Creator? Is it none other than Lucifer? A.K.A. the devil, the serpent, that old dragon, Satan, the Evil One, the father of lies? Is it not him? Creator and perpetuator of self-worship. Paganism unfurled.

Let’s not be lulled, deceived or misled. Paganism never died and left. It may have cooled at times but the embers were always hot and ready to flame and catch fire and spread into the people — believing blindly, foolishly it would warm them, save them, cure them when in fact all it does is condemn them. To eternal death for following idols, worshipping creation rather than the Creator. Denying God, denying Jesus as the Son of God, mocking and denying the Bible while it is these very ones who live lives based on myths, illusions and complete deceptions and lies!

Incredible is it not, were it not so sad this is taking place.

And growing rapidly. The religion of paganism is the fastest growing religion on this sin consumed earth.

I have a question, and I sincerely someone out there will respond to my question:

In poll upon poll, survey after survey 9 out of 10 people in America when asked the question, “Do you consider yourself an environmentalist?” — nine out of ten replied, “Yes!”

How can 90% of the population be pagans, worshipping the earth, practicing pantheism and then we also have 80% claiming they are Christians and believe in God?

How can this be?

Paganism and God cannot be mixed and blended together although that is what has transpired and is increasing within almost every denomination, every church across the land!

Do not you see? Do not you see the writing on the wall? Can’t you smell the perversions and corruptions being offered up?

Paganism is pure evil. Enmity with God. Of the world. Worship of the world. Worship of the matriarchy over the patriarchy and, yes, THAT matters. Feminism is merely renamed paganism 101.

Let’s not pussyfoot around these matters any longer. Let’s call things what they are. Sin is sin. Lies are lies. False teachings are false teachings. And, yes, we are instructed, we are directed to discern wisely, rightly divide the world and to judge all things! Just the opposite of the chants and rants those in ignorance of the whole Scriptures spew when true judgments are called for what they truly are, and those speaking the truth hear the rants and chants, “Your Jesus said  DO NOT JUDGE!”

They are not Bible scholars, nor even casual Bible readers who only know a few select words taken out of context not taking into account what comes before, what comes after, to whom and for what purpose? The Evil One has taught his followers well how to use language and the Holy Bible, twisting and perverting the real words and truth to suit their purposes.

I could have merely written, “Of course the Green Movement is pagan in its nature,” but that would not have clarified anything. Sometimes we all need to dig into more words, take more time, not be consumed with speed, brevity, moving on.

For it was due to laxness, ignorance, avoidance, denial that Paganism and all its suffocating tentacles have gone out from glowing embers, seeds germinating from the turn of the 20th Century and sprouting prior to WWII and really bursting forth, spreading, growing and flowering after WWII with its “pollination” of the world in the 1960s with most inhaling its toxicity and allowing its doctrines to seep into their daily lives. It is worse than getting a cancer diagnosis to fall prey to the lies of Satan, to fall prey to the cunning, the lies of this world with regard to “saving the earth!” climate change, feminism, homosexual “rights” and at its heart earth worship — pantheism.

From all I pray you will flee if stuck to the flypaper of Paganism and seek, pray for repentance, for purity of mind and spirit on the ways and Word of God. And flee from false teachers, false beliefs, the real myths, flee from the second death and eternal damnation and turn, bow to serve the Lord our God, Creator of all we know and see.

I thank you for your time, there is an article below to continue reading. That article was written by Curtis Dahlgren for Renew America.


Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path

Saturday, September 14th, 2019

See the source image

The ‘green movement’ – climate change included – is an ancient pagan cult



By Curtis Dahlgren

September 12, 2019

Reprinted from: Renew America



(Quoted by the Britannica from Grant Showerman’s ‘The Great Mother of Gods’ [Bulletin of the University of WISCONSIN, No. 43, Madison, 1901].)

Here are some more pithy excerpts from the Britannica:

“During the brief revival of paganism under [Caesar] Eugenius in A.D. 394, occurred the last appearance of the cult in history [the last open one at least]….

“She was known as the All-begetter, the All-nourisher, the Mother of all the Blest. She was the great, fruitful, kindly EARTH itself.

“Especial emphasis was placed upon her maternity over WILD nature…. Her universal POWER over the natural world finds beautiful expression in Apollonius Rhodius….

“Her especial affinity with wild nature was manifested by the orgiastic character of her worship. Her attendants, the Corybantes, were wild, half demonic beings. Her priests, the Galli, were eunuchs attired in female garb, with long hair fragrant with ointment.

“Together with priestesses, they celebrated her rites with flutes [etc.]…and tambourines, madly yelling and dancing until their frenzied excitement found its culmination in self-scourging, self-laceration or exhaustion. Self-emasculation sometimes accompanied this delirium of worship on the part of candidates for the priesthood.”

(Doesn’t this sound vaguely like some of our modern music and “multicultural” lifestyles, including sado-masochism and nature-worship? Are we experiencing a stealth “brief revival of paganism” as in 394 A.D., or what?)

“At Rome the immediate direction of the cult of the Great Mother devolved upon the high priest, Archigallus, called Attis, a high priestess, Sacerdos Maxima [etc.]…. Besides other priests, priestesses and minor officials, such as musicians, curator, &c, there were certain colleges connected with the administration of the cult….”

(Oh, that reminds me, the “art museum” at Harvard right now has an exhibit celebrating ActUp, pagan “eunuchs,” and other strange things.)

Environmentalism in the extreme, or “Deep Ecology,” by any other name is a CULT WITH DEEP ANCIENT ROOTS. The “green movement” is not a “secular” one, as advertised, but is deeply religious in the pagan sense.

That this cult-movement now has near control over our nation (think mainstream media) means, in a very real sense, that Christians are battling wicked spirits in “High” places (and I don’t mean Mt. Ida). The Britannica concludes the Great Mother of the Gods article thusly:

“Together with Isis and Mithras, she was a great enemy, and yet a great aid to [professing] Christianity. The gorgeous rites of her worship, its mystic doctrine of communion with the divine through enthusiasm, its promise of regeneration through baptism of blood in the taurobolium, were features which attracted the masses of the people and made it a strong rival of Christianity; and its resemblance to the new religion, however superficial, made it, in spite of the scandalous practices which grew up around it, a stepping-stone to Christianity when the tide set in against paganism.” (My emphasis throughout.)


The modern nature-worshipers have (they think) “power over the natural world” – and its climate – not to mention your life. Graduates of their colleges tell us that right now, we may have only “50 days to save the planet” from global “warming” (just “trust them” and the United Nations panel on climate change)!