Depopulation is the agenda. Not merely no more babies. Not merely lowering CO2 emissions. Depopulation. And if researching the Bill Gates quote where he said the world’s population needs to be reduced by 10% to 15% you will discover every available source defending Gates and saying he never said what he said, and what he said was taken out of context.
Okay. By now if a regular visitor or subscriber you’re aware of how the reconstruction of language, using alternate words, acronyms, and such irks me. And I find it offensive that so many professed Christians refuse to speak or write with spiritual accuracy and clarity.
If you want to say or write things such as;
Green Agenda
And similar worldly words and phrases? Fine say or write them. But with this caveat;
Say or write along these lines…
The demonic woke…
The Satanic LGBTQ+ sexually immoral…
The pagan Green Agenda…
Just call things what they truly are. Without fear. Actually revealing the love of God within you and exhibiting love to others who you do not want to perish and continue on in their lost in utter darkness ways. Do you see that?
Speak and write with clarity and light, with words that reveal what ought to be in your heart — the living Holy Spirit revealing how separate and different from the world you are.
Is your speech, thus your thoughts, your heart more in and of this world or in and of the Word of God and God’s holy upright ways?
Reveal the light within by the words that come out of us. Being different. In our speech. And that doesn’t mean omitting profanity and thinking we did what we need to. Omit the world’s words or else use the world’s words making sure to clarify, address, reveal not only the light within but the force at work and behind what is occurring.
Okay, now that I digressed a bit…
Here’s the Bill Gates quote discussing how to “save the earth” by various measures during a TED talk;
“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3 percent.”
He said it. Even though the people under demonic influences come to his aid denying he said it — while even publishing the quote from Bill Gates in their denial of him saying it! But the world’s not gone over to their reprobate minds, right? It’s not utter confusion and lies, right?
Mr. Gates is not alone in working towards wanting to REDUCE population by a very large number in their vain and foolish desire to “save the earth!” from human beings. Revealing their complete abject denial of and rebellion towards God the Creator.
Population reduction is not enacted by mere contraceptives, education, or abstaining from sex and thusly not reproducing. No, the population reduction that has been bantered about by clueless elites denying God and being the current-day builders of the Tower of Babel placing themselves as gods is only brought about by eliminating large numbers of people from the earth rather quickly since from the other side of their demonic tongues they all declare there is no time remaining. Everything must be implemented now! Or else.
It’s going to be incredible to witness Judgment Day.
So many surprises in store for the atheist, the deniers, the liars, those imagining themselves gods, those who were enslaved to Satan their entire lives while having no excuse regarding the knowledge of God, the coming to an understanding of who Jesus is, and repenting of their sin and humbling themselves before Him making Him Lord of their lives.
Even more and more professed believers have turned from God, not truly knowing the Word of God, to become earth worshippers. Worshipping creation rather than the Creator. Idol worshippers. Pretenders.
Environmentalism is just a repacked label of paganism. Pantheism. Goddess worship. Pure paganism redesigned to appeal to the masses.
Here you go…
The Refrain Changed From Zero Population to Depopulation While the Song Remains the Same
Then read on…
Ken Pullen, Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 — January 2025 is almost the past…whish the times goes!
The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As Possible
January 23, 2025
By Michael Snyder
Reprinted from TheEnd of the American Dream
For those that are attempting to fight climate change, fighting population growth is one of their number one goals. They tell us that on average each additional human produces approximately 4 tons of carbon dioxide per year. So many true believers in this agenda are convinced that reducing population growth is the most important thing that they can do for the environment. In recent years, an increasing number of young people have been getting sterilized, the number of childless couples in the Western world has reached an all-time high, and assisted suicide has been legalized in more nations. Of course, abortion continues to be a really big issue as well. Since 1973, abortion has reduced the population of the globe by 1.5 billion. But even though they have made so much “progress” on their agenda, they are not even close to satisfied. During the WEF’s meetings in Davos, Switzerland this year, the fight against climate change is taking center stage. The following comes from the official WEF website…
The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos is bringing together leaders to forge innovative partnerships and dialogue to enable investments in climate and clean technologies – and work towards achieving equitable, secure and sustainable energy systems.
The week’s sessions come as U.S. President Donald Trump has issued an executive order to pull the country out of the Paris Agreement. In many respects, the attitude has been one of ‘business as usual’ with participants describing a situation where climate activity is so entrenched that policy and action towards net zero and the shift to decarbonization will continue, regardless.
Did you catch the point of that second paragraph?
They believe that their agenda has become “so entrenched” that not even President Trump can do anything about it.
On another page on the official WEF website, the fight against climate change and the fight against population growth are explicitly linked…
More people means more carbon footprints – more cars, waste and emissions, more houses and infrastructure to be constructed using the world’s limited resources, more mouths to be fed using more water and energy in food production. So, how many people is too many?
That is a rather chilling question.
Later on in that same article, we are told that if everyone in the world behaved like typical middle class Americans, the “carrying capacity” of our planet would only be somewhere around 2 billion people…
“An average middle-class American consumes 3.3 times the subsistence level of food and almost 250 times the subsistence level of clean water,” according to Professors Stephen Dovers and Colin Butler in their paper, Population and Environment: A Global Challenge.
“So if everyone on Earth lived like a middle-class American, then the planet might have a carrying capacity of around 2 billion. However, if people only consumed what they actually needed, then the Earth could potentially support a much higher figure.”
There are 8 billion people living in our world today.
In order to get down to 2 billion people, approximately 6 billion of us would have to go.
Let that sink in for a moment.
That article also suggests that getting women into schools that teach their agenda is one of the best ways to control population growth…
As for controlling population growth, the education of women is one key factor. Research shows the higher level to which a woman is educated, the fewer children she is likely to have. In Ghana, for example, women who have been to high school, have a fertility rate of between two and three children, compared with six for those who have no education.
Of course “family planning” is another favorite population control tool that the globalists love to use.
Sadly, giant mountains of our tax dollars have been funding “family planning” programs all over the world, and most Americans don’t even realize that this has been happening. For much more on the sick agenda of the globalists, please see my previous article entitled “47 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch”.
Thankfully, some world leaders are now taking a very strong stand against this agenda.
For example, Argentine President Javier Milei just delivered an absolutely blistering speech to the WEF…
In his speech to world leaders in Davos, Switzerland, Milei said, “it is our moral duty and our historical responsibility to dismantle the ideological edifice of sickly wokeism.”
Milei denounced the “sinister agenda of wokeism” and the “mental virus of woke ideology” as the “great epidemic of our time that must be cured” and “the cancer that we need to get rid of.” He elaborated on what he viewed as the harmful impacts of “woke ideology,” specifically the “bloody and murderous abortion agenda” that he described as an outgrowth of a faulty premise “that overpopulation will destroy the earth and that we must therefore implement some form of population control” as well as “the LGBT agenda.”
I have never heard a world leader put it so bluntly.
Donald Trump had an opportunity to speak in Davos as well, and he specifically addressed how his administration will be turning away from the environmental policies of the globalists. The following comes from the official White House transcript of his remarks…
I terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful Green New Deal — I call it the “Green New Scam”; withdrew from the one-sided Paris Climate Accord; and ended the insane and costly electric vehicle mandate. We’re going to let people buy the car they want to buy.
I declared a national em- — energy emergency — and it’s so important — national energy emergency to unlock the liquid gold under our feet and pave the way for rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure. The United States has the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we’re going to use it.
Not only will this reduce the cost of virtually all goods and services, it will make the United States a manufacturing superpower and the world capital of artificial intelligence and crypto.
My administration has also begun the largest deregulation campaign in history, far exceeding even the record-setting efforts of my last term.
Every human life is incredibly valuable.
You are not here by accident.
God put you at this specific moment in human history for a reason.
But you are not the only one that is unique. Ultimately, God made each one of us unique in our own special way.
When we choose to take a life, we are destroying someone that God uniquely created.
Being pro-life is to be pro-God. Being anti-life is to be anti-God.
Unfortunately, much of the global population has bought into the anti-life agenda of the global elite. Let us do our best to try to wake them up while there is still an opportunity to do so.
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