Dependence on unreliable energy sources (wind, solar), combined with the hasty phase-out of nuclear power, has made Germany’s electricity the most expensive in Europe and compromises the country’s — and ultimately the continent’s — energy autonomy. Pictured: An array of solar panels operated by the multinational energy company RWE, at the Hambacher Forst opencast lignite mine near Elsdorf, Germany, photographed on November 12, 2024. (Photo by Ina Fassbender/AFP via Getty Images)




“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Genesis 3:4-5

It began a while ago. Has only escalated over time. To the degree that the time in which we live man, woman, and child [through the parents] have abandoned God and imagined themselves gods as no other time in world history. Even in the studied historical times of great pagan empires and tribes of the world.

There are currently over 8,000,000,000 individuals on this fallen, dark, lost earth wherein sin and evil dominate. Righteousness, goodness, the way of the Lord does not dominate. Sin and evil do. Were this not so the world would be utterly, totally changed from what we truly are.

Controlling the weather is an obsession of rich nations. America, Communist China, Russia.

Arrogance dominates the landscape. Arrogance and sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity are the rule.

As in the days of Noah…

Thus the inerrant infallible eternal unchanging living and active Word of God tells us it will be in the last of the last days before the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach returns.

There is no precise way to know exactly, or even approximately how many people were living on earth at the time of the Great Worldwide Flood. Depending on the equations used, and who is working them, estimates range from as low as 750,000,000 to as high as 15,000,000,000 given the increased birth rates and longevity in the pre-flood era.

Only 8 people got on the Ark. Only 8 people were saved…

The Wickedness of Man

(Matthew 24:36-51Mark 13:32-37Luke 12:35-48)

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.”

Noah’s Favor with God

“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.”

Genesis 6:1-12

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

Matthew 24:37

Best be building the ark of salvation within your heart, spirit, and life — and that ark of salvation is only possible from one source. One way. The Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, the Son of God. God Himself come to earth in flesh, sinless, pure, to be the Sacrifice for sin. All sin, any sin of those who come to repent, to know Him, have Him as their Redeemer and Savior. To faithfully believe, serve, and follow Him and Him alone. Best be prepared for the flood that is and is to come. For you do not want to be left trembling, shaking in fear, left to the ways of this world once the believers in Jesus, Yeshua, are gathered to Him and the Son of Perdition, the spawn of Satan is revealed, the Holy Spirit, the Great Restrainer no longer restrains and what is unleashed on this world will be such suffering and tribulation as the world has never seen and never will again. Right before the Second Coming and the destruction of the armies of the world that have arisen in their foolishness, arrogance, and ignorance imagining that they could remove Israel and remove God and be the gods of this world.

Or, if once having that ark in the heart, spirit, and life neglecting it, adding to it, permitting it to decay and fall away into disrepair? While the Good Good Gracious and Great God provides every breath — each one given by the will of God, the Creator of life — best be rebuilding, refurbishing, repairing that ark within, and preparing for the flood that is and is to come. Stagnant, backslidden, idle, lukewarm, seeking pleasure, idol worship, being led astray by this world and or false teachers and their false teaching?

You have time to repent and return to your first love, providing the Lord Jesus Christ was and is your true first love and you were taught and know the gospel, which has now been treated shabbily, muddied, tossed aside out of love of the world over the love of the Lord and His ways, His Word.

It’s all about more, much more than energy production. The ignorance and foolishness, the arrogance of men, women, and children to vainly imagine and preach that environmentalism, green energy, solar, wind, electric vehicles, banning this or that is the solution to saving the earth.

All that has is and will transpire as to the destruction taking place and to come is not the result of the internal combustion engine, plastic straws, cows, overpopulation, or any of the lies and distractions put forward by any man, woman, or child. No, its origins began in the Garden. And have only gotten us to the point we now are.

Which is closer, oh so much closer, to the Rapture of those Jews and Gentiles true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, and the advent of the Antichrist, his false prophet, the Great Tribulation and the revealing of every word of Bible prophecy.

Environmentalism is paganism. Earth worship. Just repackaged paganism. Pantheism. Worshipping the creation and not the Creator.

The world, the writer of the following, even many professing faith in Jesus in these times place their view, their eyes, mind, and lack of reason on the prevailing worldviews and errant ideologies, claiming that it is due to global warming, climate change brought on by man’s material world that brings about this;

4 Million Seabirds Dead in Alaska – Is This the Start of a Global Wildlife Collapse?

Yes, due in part to the material actions of man — the dumping of trillions upon trillions of gallons of highly radioactive water permitted to flow into the Pacific Ocean for YEARS after the Fukushima nuclear reactors disaster of 2011 — pouring a nonstop heavy load 24/7/365 of radioactive rich water daily, nightly FOR YEARS INTO THE OCEAN and the currents taking that highly radioactive water throughout the ocean has had an impact. One so-called science, governments, and so-called news agencies want to totally ignore and never mention.

Remember that event? Quickly forgotten, brushed aside for the next thing? Well, the disaster of the event was grossly underreported, and facts and truths buried for fear of letting folks know went on FOR YEARS. Unabated. For one thing, it took many months of allowing the radioactive water to pour into the Pacific Ocean before men could even get close enough to begin any sort of feeble containment and cleanup.

Yeah, environmental disasters do matter. But what is the root behind each of them? What brings them about? Really. Environmentalism, “save the earth!” could very possibly be the how and why the Antichrist is revealed to the world and the overwhelming majority worship him as a god.

Distractions. Illusions. Strong delusions.

An utter lack of rational thought, true thinking, reason, logic, sense, and critical thinking allowing God and His Word to be a major component of every equation of man, woman, and child. Instead, there is either the total omission of God and His Word, or a polluted, twisted utterly false coefficients, variables, terms, and constants allowed into the equation. Thus never reaching the right conclusion. The right answer. The correct expression.

Remove God and no man, woman, or child can ever come to a proper conclusion, a correct answer, the solution to any and every question, problems, or equation.

Yes, much of the world’s life is dying off. Will continue to die off in massive numbers. This is nothing compared to what is coming after the Church comprised of Jew and Gentile true believers are caught up with the Lord and removed from this sin-filled world ushering in the Great Tribulation — and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for that end of the age has it has been known.

Climate change? Okay, sure, it’s taking place. But the climate change within the hearts and minds of men, women, and children is of much greater concern with regard to their attitude towards the Living One Triune God of the Jewish and Christian Bible.

Man, woman, and child and our sin is what has been, is, and ultimately will lead to the destruction of nations, of this world and necessitate the return of Jesus to this earth to establish His kingdom on the throne of David for 1,000 years — before dissolving all that is and has been known and creating a new heaven, a new earth, a New Jerusalem…

Do you really believe that banning air conditioning, oil, the internal combustion engine, cheeseburgers [and all cows & cattle] among every other lunacy being put forward can and will save this world?

That solar, wind, and eclectic vehicles are the solution?

While the most important part of a human being, their eternal spirit and soul are neglected or treated to every fallacy, lie, and delusion under the sun to keep them from the truth of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the whole Word of God?

The spiritual economy of God and His Word are greatly depressed and of much greater importance to every individual on earth than the outcome of the greatly suffering, covered up, lied about state of individual nations and the world’s material economy. Which is a shambles and on the verge of collapse.

Yet it is the collapse of truth, of faith in Jesus, in pursuit of God, in knowing, beleiving, preaching he whole Holy Bible as it is written, in being humble and seeking righteousness that is bringing the world to the eve of destruction.

Oh, and this is not just a European malady.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Saturday, December 28th, 2024



Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire



Solar and wind power production falls drastically during unfavorable weather conditions. It happens, in fact, every year. This condition, however, now has far-reaching economic and environmental repercussions, revealing the flaws in an energy policy based on intermittent renewable energies. Why does Germany, while having one of the highest carbon footprints, now consume the most expensive electricity in Europe? How did the country lose its energy autonomy?

For the last fifteen years, Germany invested massively in solar and wind energy, while sabotaging its own nuclear power stations. By 2023, renewable energies accounted for 55% of electricity production in the country. In 2022, it was only 48%.

The main contribution to renewable energy has comes from wind power, at 31% of total production, followed by solar power at 12%, biomass at 8%, and other renewable sources such as hydroelectricity for the remaining 3.4%. In 2024, renewable energy accounted for almost 60% of German electricity production in the first half of the year. This production level, however, is smoothed out over a given period and does not reflect moments of crisis such as the “Dunkelflaute.”


Literally “flat, dark calm,” Dunkelflaute is characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter, when demand for electricity in Germany is at its highest. These episodes last from a few days to several weeks, with wind and solar production sometimes falling to less than 20% of their capacity, and sometimes nothing. On December 12 of this year, for example, German electricity production from wind and solar power was thirty times lower than the demand for it.

Renewable policies would be bearable if they were based on a sustainable energy source — indifferent to the weather — such as nuclear power. In 2011, however, in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, Germany abruptly decided to phase out nuclear power, and gradually shut down fully operational plants. This decision reduced the country’s capacity to produce stable, predictable electricity and instead made heating, cooling and so on cruelly vulnerable to fluctuations in renewable energy sources. In short, when there is neither wind nor sun in Germany, the lights go out.

The phase-out of nuclear power has left Germany incapable of being self-sufficient in energy, especially during Dunkelflaute. The country imports electricity on a massive scale from France, Denmark and Poland, and has to use coal and lignite to produce electricity. Germany’s massive imports of electricity also lead to colossal increases in electricity prices for its neighbors.

The prices are indeed staggering. In 2024, the household price of electricity in Germany was the highest in Europe, at €400/MWh, reaching peaks of €900/MWh during Dunkelflaute episodes, compared to a much lower European average. By comparison, the average price in nuclear-powered France and Finland was €250/MWh over the same period (2024). And, in the United States, rates are 30% lower than in France. How is all that “sustainable” for Europe?

But this is “for the planet”, right? Not even close. Despite its commitment to so-called green energies, Germany still has a high carbon footprint due to its increased reliance on coal and lignite to make up for energy shortfalls. In 2024, the country remains the second-largest emitter of CO2 per unit of energy produced in Europe, with a significant proportion of electricity coming from fossil sources. Ten times more CO2 per unit of energy produced than France.

Economic and geopolitical repercussions

Germany’s high electricity prices are leading to the relocation of its industry, as companies look for sites where energy costs are more affordable. How can you stay viable when you pay three times more for electricity than your competitors? (Natural gas prices are even worse: five times more expensive in Europe than in the USA.)

Whole swathes of Germany’s proud industry are collapsing. We only remember the big names — VWBASFMercedes-Benz — but every big company that disappears or downsizes takes with it a myriad of small and medium-sized enterprises that end up collapsing along with it. Energy-intensive sectors such as metallurgy and chemicals are particularly hard hit.

Finally, Germany’s increased dependence on its neighbors for energy supplies has been creating tensions in Europe. High electricity prices in Germany are being passed on to neighboring countries, making electricity unaffordable there and generating growing frustration. Discussions are emerging in Europe about withdrawing from certain energy agreements, particularly those relating to electricity imports.

In short, the Dunkelflaute is the symptom of a profound energy crisis, caused by an ideological, authoritarian, irrational and failed energy transition. Dependence on unreliable energy sources (wind, solar), combined with the hasty phase-out of nuclear power, has made Germany’s electricity the most expensive in Europe and compromises the country’s — and ultimately the continent’s — energy autonomy. The consequences are manifold: environmental, with high CO2 emissions; economic, with industry in steep decline, and geopolitical, with Germany’s neighbors fed up with its failing energy diktat.

Given Germany’s demographic and economic weight, this latest German misstep is proving to be yet another European catastrophe.

Drieu Godefridi is a jurist (University Saint-Louis, University of Louvain), philosopher (University Saint-Louis, University of Louvain) and PhD in legal theory (Paris IV-Sorbonne). He is an entrepreneur, CEO of a European private education group and director of PAN Medias Group. He is the author of The Green Reich (2020).