Donald Trump is Right: Hillary Clinton’s State Department Sold Hypersonic Tech to Russia

Hillary Clinton’s State Department Sold Hypersonic Tech to Russia




It is highly unlikely that in many, or any American public schools American history is being taught, and if any is it most likely is so manipulated as to project and indoctrinate beliefs and values not aligned with true American foundational values and beliefs, so the historical account of how a one-time loyal American born Benedict Arnold, who became a Major General with distinction in the American Continental Army of the American Revolution became a traitor, and had he not fled he most certainly would have been hanged for his being a traitor is unknown to anyone in America under the age of 40.

Arnold’s treasonous act pales in comparison to the treasonous acts of individuals alive and known today. Such as Hillary Clinton. Barrack Hussein Obama and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

All of whom if not for the internal weakening of America since World War II, the influence of resurrected and revived paganism [New Age Movement doctrines and practices], the rise of the youth movement of the 60s, the spread of communism, socialism and every other ism creating schisms and divisions, cracks, weakening by constant erosion — Hillary Clinton, Barrack Hussein Obama, and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. would all have been arrested on charges of treason. Tried in a court of law. Convicted. And hanged by the neck until dead, which is the sentence passed down to found and convicted traitors — enemies within.

The enemy within. The most dangerous because they usually are able to rise to positions of either authority or having the ability to gain entrance to sensitive information to pass on to the outside enemies of America desiring nothing more than the downfall, the weakening, the destruction of America. The greatest nation ever conceived and brought about on earth.

Oh, something else she did that was either ignored or never paid attention to by almost every person in America at the time when she was Secretary of State — she sold the rights to all American uranium deposits to Russia. Don’t believe this? Look it up. Take about 3 minutes and learn some history rather than all the dung flung on TikTok or social media. Some real American history. That we’re paying for to this day while we’re not paying for Arnold’s treasonous actions which might or might not still be talked about.

But what do we do now?

Why, we do nothing.

Nothing at all.

Imagine that…

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Friday, January 31st, 2025



The Enemy Within — President Trump is Right: Hillary Clinton’s State Department Sold Hypersonic Tech to Russia


Russia’s Skolkovo Foundation, with Clinton’s copious help, was the source of Russia’s incredible hypersonic weapons technology.


January 30, 2025

By Brandon J. Weichert

Reprinted from National Interest


During his first TV interview as the new President of the United States, Donald Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the Russian Federation had been “stealing” hypersonic weapons research and development from the United States during the Obama administration. This point went viral. But the story is murkier than that.

Certainly, Russia did acquire key components from the United States during the Obama administration. But they did not steal it. They purchased it. And the person who authorized the sale was none other than then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Background

It’s important to first understand what transpired, and put a few key caveats in place. Clinton did not approve the sale of hypersonic weapons research to Russia. She did, however, allow for dual-use hypersonic technology to be sold to a purportedly civilian research project in the country.

All this goes back to 2009, when then-President Barack Obama announced his ill-fated “reset” with Russia. The world was in the midst of the Great Recession, Americans were tired of foreign entanglements, and Europe was fearful that, after the Russian invasion of Georgia, they would soon turn their ire to Ukraine or elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

To head these problems off, Obama sought to restore ties and work together to enhance economic relations between the two powers. Thus, the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission was created, with then-Secretary of State Clinton serving as a leader for the American side in that group.

Around this time, Russia announced the creation of its version of Silicon Valley known as “Skolkovo,” which the Russian government dubbed as an “innovation city” of 30,000 high-tech workers just outside of Moscow. Clinton believed that the Americans could help Russia develop Skolkovo, and economic success there would ameliorate the bad blood between Moscow and Washington. In fact, Clinton and her team running the State Department coordinated with the Russian State Investment Fund (Rusnano) to identify American tech firms that would help Russia develop Skolkovo!

According to investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, Clinton used her pull and personal ties with major U.S. tech companies, such as Google, Intel, and Cisco, to encourage them to invest in the development of Skolkovo. And, as Schweizer pointed out in his investigation of the matter more than a decade ago, these were the same donors behind the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), the non-profit run by former President Bill Clinton and his wife, that became the source of much controversy during the 2016 presidential election.

Skolkovo’s Real Purpose

But by 2012, U.S. intelligence had changed its view on the joint-American and Russian Skolkovo Project. That’s because—surprise!—the U.S. Army had determined that Skolkovo “was a vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information, technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology.” A year earlier, in 2011, U.S. military intelligence assessed that Skolkovo approved the development of a hypersonic cruise missile engine.

And Russia’s Skolkovo Foundation, with Clinton’s copious help, was the source of Russia’s incredible hypersonic weapons technology. In 2014, the then-FBI assistant special agent in charge (ASAC) of the Boston Field Office took the stunning move of writing an op-ed explicitly warning that American hypersonic weapons technology was being sold to Skolkovo, thereby giving an advantage to the Russians that even the Americans still lack. No one in the Obama administration listened.

President Trump’s Claims Are True

Russian social media bot farms and propagandists dutifully decried the claims by President Trump that the genesis of Russia’s potent hypersonic weapons arsenal would not have been possible had it not been for the “theft” of that baseline technology from the Americans during the Obama administration.

But what if it was even worse than simple espionage and American complacency at the security level that allowed for that technology transfer?

It looks an awful lot like Secretary Clinton simply sold dual-use hypersonic technology to Russia—despite repeated warnings from both the FBI and U.S. military intelligence that such a sale would, in fact, damage U.S. national security. Russia didn’t steal our hypersonic weapons tech, because they didn’t need to—the Obama administration gave it to them! That’s the real controversy here.

So when American business publications claim Skolkovo was a “failed” Russian version of Silicon Valley, they miss the mark entirely. Skolkovo was an unqualified success in its real goal. Russia’s superior hypersonic weapons arsenal, and all the misery that has come from it, all derived from Clinton’s ill-advised sale of the dual-use technology.