If going about daily life deluded that America is a Christ following, Bible-literate, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching nation, and believing poll upon poll, survey after survey that pushes the lie that within 3 to 5 percentage points a little more than 6 out of 10 Americans call themselves “Christians” I direct you to the following, wherein the study below, albeit from a small sample size — with all participants claiming to be “Christians” — reveals just how lost, deluded, arrogant, idol worshipping, Bible ignorant and illiterate, tried in unsound doctrines and adhering to heresies and blasphemous beliefs fill the minds and daily lives of so-called American “Christians.”
I do not call or consider myself a “Christian” any longer. I’ve grown weary of describing myself as such. What? Why? How could that be!? Wait, here’s why —because the word Christian in America has become so corrupted, so perverted, so misused, so depleted of its meaning to call oneself a Christian one might as easily call themselves a raving lost in darkness rabid pagan. The word Christian has lost its meaning it has become so muddied, so corrupted. And most avowing to be Christians are just pagans. Idol worshippers [the proof in the responses found in the study below]. Because that’s what most calling themselves Christian in America today truly are. Walking in blindness. Deaf to the truth of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, and of the inerrant infallible eternal unchanging living and active Word of God, which most do not know, read, study, or attempt to hear and understand. Not rightly dividing what little they do know of God’s Word in their illiteracy of the Scriptures.
Redundant? Yeah, for good reason. Let it soak in and saturate to the marrow of your bones, to the core of your heart and soul. For the hearts on fire for the Lord, in the whole Word of God are but a remnant, and many of those but a flickering heart aflame.
Want proof of this? Just look around. Just listen. Be objective, aware, ruthlessly honest and critically thinking, logical, wise, about what America is and why. And it isn’t because of election outcomes or certain political parties.
Imagine calling yourself something, especially a child of God, a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and neglecting the words that feed, that nourish, that strengthen and restore, that protect and guide and uplift. Not knowing what is contained in the Holy Bible, not discerning rightly what is contained in God’s inerrant infallible unchanging eternal living and active Word, and not believing most of it. And then claiming to be one of God’s people.
What gall! What audacity! What delusion and arrogance, what foolishness in not fearing and not desiring to truly know God, to truly know His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the ONLY Saviour and Way to eternal life!
To call yourself a Christ follower when not exhibiting any light, any truth, any sign of knowing what that means, and not living it out in words, in daily life is…
Akin to calling yourself physically healthy and fit and you exist, barely, on a diet of chocolate ice cream, potato chips, and Coke.
No different, greatly ailing and diseased nation calling itself Christian rather than being true committed dedicated followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, true children of God rather than children of disobedience being seduced and beguiled and deluded by he who rules for a time on this earth — Satan — and make no mistake, with the true state of our dysfunctional and decaying union, the true state of the churches, the true condition of today’s pastors and what passes for preaching, what the reality is all around us and within U.S.? Yes, the overwhelming majority calling themselves Christian may be just that by today’s meaning of the word — someone who shows up at a church on a Sunday morning while being indistinguishable from any heathen, pagan, person of the world the other 6 days of the week, and on Sunday afternoons when the corrupt NFL is in session. Someone who wears the tree of shame around their necks as fine sparkling jewelry without ever thinking deeply about He Who was put on that cross and what He endured, did, God Himself — so that those who faithfully believe and live out their lives in faith, humbly, obeying the Word of God can have eternal life — to most the wearing of the gold, platinum, silver, bejeweled cross is but a necklace, jewelry, almost worn as an amulet in their mingling of what they perceive as being godly and of God while in truth holding more firmly to pagan practices and beliefs [New Age doctrines which pervade and permeate every part of American life today].
“Have you noticed how much praying for revival has been going on of late – and how little revival has resulted? I believe the problem is that we have been trying to substitute praying for obeying, and it simply will not work.”
~ A.W. Tozer
“Religion today is not transforming the people – it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society – it is descending to society’s own level and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smiling accepting its surrender.”
~ A.W. Tozer
The problem is people are more concerned about religion and being religious and appeasing the world, fitting in with the world rather than knowing, believing, and obeying God and His Word. A. W. Tozer wrote in his fine book about The Pursuit of God, I believe that book, that for a person to attempt to imagine in their mind what God looks like is a form of idol worship. And I heartedly agree. For every imagination of an individual is vain, foolishness, and founded on what they desire rather than what God truly is. Spirit. He is not like your favorite uncle, or grandpa rocking gently on the front porch in his rocking chair. And it’s past high time everyone stops thinking as they do, spending so much time on the banal, the foolish, wasn’t precious time being deluded and putting our hearts, minds, spirits, souls, and lives daily into the true pursuit of God and growing in the one true faith. In Jesus Christ as true Christ followers.
I could go on and on and on and on some more regarding this matter.
But, read on…
Ken Pullen, Monday, September 23rd, 2024
The Blasphemy & Abomination Of; What Americans Think God Looks Like
Reprinted from Viral Chatter
By Martha A. Lavallie
Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have used an innovative technique to reconstruct what the average American Christian thinks God looks like.
The results, published in the journal PLOS One ¹, offer a fascinating glimpse into the psychology of religious belief and how our own biases shape our perceptions of the divine.
A Younger, More Feminine God
The study ¹ involved 511 Christian participants who were shown hundreds of randomly varying face pairs and asked to select which face from each pair most closely resembled their image of God.
By combining all the selected faces, the researchers assembled a composite “face of God” for each person.
Surprisingly, the resulting faces depicted a God who appeared younger and more feminine than the stern, elderly, white-bearded man often portrayed in popular culture. This challenges the conventional imagery of God that has been perpetuated by centuries of art and literature.
Political Beliefs Influence Perceptions of God
The study also found that people’s political affiliations played a role in how they visualized God. Conservatives tended to imagine a more Caucasian and powerful-looking God, while liberals saw God as more loving and feminine in appearance.
According to the researchers, these differences might stem from the kind of societies that liberals and conservatives envision. Conservatives may prefer a powerful God who can maintain an orderly society, while liberals may favor a more tolerant, loving God to preside over a more inclusive community.
Seeing God in Our Own Image
Perhaps the most intriguing finding was that people tended to perceive God as resembling themselves. Older participants envisioned an older God, more attractive participants saw a more attractive God, and African Americans imagined a God that looked more African American.
This reflects an egocentric bias, where we project our own traits and beliefs onto others, including our conceptions of God. “People believe in a God who not only thinks like them, but also looks like them,” explained Professor Kurt Gray, the study’s senior author.
The study sheds light on the deeply personal nature of religious belief and how our individual experiences, identities, and biases shape the way we imagine and relate to the divine. It also highlights the incredible diversity of religious views, even within a single faith tradition like Christianity.
As we grapple with questions of faith and spirituality, this research invites us to reflect on our own assumptions and to recognize the complex psychological and cultural factors that influence our understanding of God.
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