To any teen, young person, to anyone who happens to find themselves right here right now…
There is no science without God. All creation knows this. Every person protesting, rebelling, and denying God knows this and that there is One True God. Because God the Creator has but that in the heart of every living thing.
All of creation reveals God.
The Just Live by Faith
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Romans 1:16-25
God has established everything so precisely, that if the sun or the earth were only a few miles from each other there would be no life on earth for the coldness, or if they were a few miles closer to each other there would be no life on earth for the extreme heat.
The human eye, the precise rhythm of the waves of the sea, the wind, the changing seasons, birth and instinct — and everything in all of creation know there is God the Creator.
Even the atheists, the deniers, mockers, and scoffers know. In a place within them, they know.
God, the Triune God of Father, Son — the Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit are the Master Scientist of all that is known and unknown. The visible and the invisible.
It is a great tragedy, one of the greatest in all of history that the educational systems of America, the West, of every nation on earth in their schools, their textbooks, and teachers have opted to bow to and serve Satan rather than God in the time since Darwin came u0p with his cockamamie, unscientific THEORY of evolution — cockamamie and unscientific because if it were science, real science it could be proved and to REPEATABLE to verify. Real science can be repeated, proved, and verifiable. The THEORY of evolution is the biggest scam perpetrated on people in the past 165 years [Darwin’s farcical book that he missed the point of adaption and variety of species, thanks to God was published in 1859]. An even greater scam than all the lies we were told regarding the origins and prevention of COVID-19.
But it began being taught and due to that lie, brought to the world by the one who fathers all lies — Satan — what was taught, the facts, the history, the reality of God and creation in schools was replaced.
All the real scientists, the biggies that discovered the most amazing scientific discoveries prior to Darwin acknowledged God and creation. They knew one could not be separated from the other, for it was, is God who is responsible for every action, interaction, and creation within what we know, see, can sense, and experience — CREATION!
There has been, and is, a cloud, a covering, a thick fog and shroud over the so-called great minds, the modern minds, young, middle-aged, or older that cannot comprehend there is no separation between God and science, and they place a THEORY that cannot be proved, will never be proved, is NOT SCIENTIFIC as the cornerstone, the only thing they base their conclusion on.
This is intelligence? Critically thinking? Rational thought? Reasoning?
Faith in God, faith in Jesus, faith in the Holy Spirit, faith in the Word of God is not blind, nor something mythical or a flight of fancy. It’s all factual, can be proved, is all historical, is all very real.
And somewhere within you — you know this even though you fight against it.
Break from the enslavement of the world and give the light, life, truth, and facts, history, reality that can be proved within the inerrant infallible unchanging living and active Word of God a chance. Why push it away? What are you afraid of?
Also, do not look to denominations, people, churches, or what is understood regarding religion. Yes, there are hypocrites — including those who deny God yet live in His creation and witness Him in it, knowing this even if they refuse to acknowledge this. No one is perfect. We’re all flawed. We all make errors, and mistakes. We all sin. We’re all sinners. We’re all flawed people in need of hope, saving, and there is only one way to achieve that — being born again in the knowledge, the faith of and in Jesus Christ making Him Lord of your life.
Don’t look to people and use them as an excuse to not look to Jesus.
Look to Jesus!
Look only to Jesus Christ!
Look only to He Who died for sinners and rose from the dead — verifiable due to an empty tomb and over 500 witnesses who saw Him, lived with Him, ate with Him for a period of 40 days before He ascended into heaven — believe. More than believe. Have faith. See, hear Him seeking you, and do not sit silent, idle, and in constant battle and rebellion against Him. Say test to Jesus.
Look to Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of your life.
And you will for the very first time in your life, no matter your age, background, male or female, no matter what nationality, no matter rich or poor, no matter your educational background — when you cease rebelling against God, against the Lord Jesus Christ, against the Holy Spirit and you do not compare people you know that are Christians or claim to be, and it’s only between you and God, you and Jesus, you and the Holy Spirit, you and the Word of God come, say yes, and for the first time in your life see and know as you never have before and never could by any others means.
Not fantasy. Not hocus pocus. Not blind. Not pretending.
It’s the most real of the real — and if going on until your last breath, your heart ceases beating, and none of us know when then moment arrives, but if rebelling, denying, mocking and loving this world and believing its lies and delusions over the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, over the truth of God, over the power of the Holy Spirit to create an amazing work in you, and you continue to refuse to come out from the darkness and into the light oh my!
The reality of your eternity in hell will be a terrible waste of a spirit, a soul, a life created in God’s image wherein He wanted what was best for you out of His great love.
But refusing His Son, Jesus, refusing His free gift of grace, refusing His offer of forgiveness of sin and salvation, passing on eternal life due to rejecting Jesus and placing faith in science that you have made devoid of God the Creator, due to placing your faith in men, women, the things of this world while rejecting what God did on that cross, in that tomb for you, for me…
I hope you are prepared for what an eternity like that means.
As for me and my house. We will serve the Lord.
And I know this and believe this with all my heart;
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
And I know from years of loving the world and rejecting Jesus to being blessed to hear Him, see Him, and come to Him to allow the Holy Spirit to renew my heart, mind, and spirit — to be born anew, born again in faith and obedience to Jesus Who by His blood, His Sacrifice. His love, His conquering death brought me from death, among the walking dead, heading for eternal death into the light, the truth, the way, and to life — eternal life.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
Romans 1:16-17
The confusion, the anxiety, and the fear are removed in coming to Jesus. No panic in what is transpiring in the world. Coming to Him for real. Repenting for real. Loving Him for real for what He did for sinners such as us truly brings a peace that cannot ever be known outside of faith in Jesus Christ the Lord.
Oh, it isn’t peaches ‘n cream, moonbeams and everything coming up roses as a Christ follower. Quite the opposite as you will come to finally see and know the spiritual warfare taking place.
But in coming to Jesus and keeping your eyes, your heart, your mind, your life on Him? Knowing this realm is so fleeting and temporary and that you have life in Him, security in Him, assurance in Him, and His promises to you?
Nothing can then separate you from that love…that new life in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Monday, August 5th, 2024
Study on ‘Christian’ teens reveals a worrisome trend
3 August 2024
by Joel Tay
Reprinted from — Creation Ministries International
According to a 2019 Barna study, once again ‘Science’ is one of the main reasons why young adults (18–35 years old) doubt things of a spiritual dimension.1
This accounts for one-third (30%) of all the people surveyed. In Australia and New Zealand, science ranked as #1, while in the USA, science ranked as #2, just a percentage point behind another major reason, the ‘hypocrisy of religious people’.
Even among those who consider themselves to be Christians, two-thirds (64%) are ‘church dropouts’. That is, they either grew up with a Christian background but no longer affiliate with the Church, or they still identify as Christian but rarely attend church.
This study confirms what we concluded in our documentary FALLOUT.2 Evolution and the idea of millions of years is the single biggest excuse given for why most people reject Christianity.3
Another Barna report looked specifically at how teens (13–17 years old) viewed the Bible.4
Of the teens who professed to be Christians, only 58% said that the Bible is ‘The Word of God’, and only 12% said the Bible is the ‘inspired word of God and has no errors’!
A mere 12% of professing ‘Christian’ teens believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, true, and therefore authoritative Word of God.
The study goes on to show that even among the ‘Christian’ teens who were confident of their answer (i.e., those who chose “strongly agree”), many of them still have doubts about the Bible.
Only 61% believe that the Bible is fully inspired by God, holy (63%), good (59%), trustworthy (53%), true (54%), important (59%), and relevant (53%). Since these beliefs about the Bible are a foundational part of evangelical Christianity, shouldn’t we have expected this to be 100%?
Looking more narrowly at only ‘Christian’ teens who believe that the Bible is ‘very true’, we find that only a little over 80% affirm each of the following categories: The Bible is completely true, should be followed, is a source of truth, has teachings that are relevant to the world today, is essential to being a Christian, and provides a way to know Jesus.
This tells us that most ‘Christian’ teens today, including even 1 in every 5 who profess that the Bible is ‘very true’, still have festering doubts about the inerrancy, authority, and relevance of the Bible.
Yet another 2018 study by Barna found that the two biggest excuses for why millennials (those born between 1980 and 1999) reject the Christian faith, boil down to:
- science refutes the Bible and
- refusal to believe in ‘fairy tales’.5
These two points are essentially the same thing in the sense that they both tie back to what the Bible teaches in Genesis on God’s creation of the world.6
Why does this keep happening when we have the answers to the very questions our youth are asking?
Of course, by ‘science’, these studies are really talking about the idea of evolution and millions of years. But, Christians don’t have to be afraid of science. Good science (i.e. not evolution) is always consistent with the Bible. Contrary to the idea that creationists can’t be scientists, CMI employs in our worldwide offices, multiple Ph.D. scientists and other qualified academics. While our confidence is never to be grounded on ‘fallible’ science, but only in the inerrant Word of God alone, CMI’s mission is to equip believers to be able to defend their faith in the area of creation and evolution.
CMI is here to help. Call us!
Thank you for your partnership in the ministry as we seek to proclaim the truth and authority of God’s word, and to see the Lord Jesus Christ honored as the Creator and Saviour of the world.
R. Alvares wrote to us sharing how the ministry impacted her life (Edited for brevity):
“Thank you CMI. You all don’t know how your ministry kept me from believing in evolution and all its frauds. I had lost hope. I read some other Christian websites, but they never answered my questions. I can’t remember how and when I landed upon your website, but at the right time, God gave me help … It is all because of you … the real challenge and frustration of my journey in Christ has been ‘evolution’—which you have answered. I will always support you all and encourage you. And as a youth, I will certainly plan to have the privilege of working with you guys. Love you all in Christ.”
References and notes
- Barna Group, The Connected Generation—United States Report, p.21, 2019. Return to text.
- See Return to text.
- Gillis, S., and Bates, G., Revisiting the FALLOUT! 21 May 2019;
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