I can’t imagine anyone needing more signs that the world is swiftly nearing the time of the Lord’s return and the fulfillment of every word within the Holy Bible. The living, active, inerrant, infallible, unchangeable, eternal Word of God.
The American government, founded for a balanced and accountable government to God, to we the people have become lead singers and dancers for everything unholy, ungodly, reprehensible, and evil. Taking sheer delight in darkness and wickedness.
It’s prevalent in every agency and institution of our government at the federal, state, and local levels. It’s what now forms almost all media and education, as well as many churches and an ever-increasing number of pastors and churches.
Fallen away further than they had already fallen.
We now use government might and authority to aid and abet heinous Islamic terrorists that murder, burn people alive, burn babies in ovens, rape, behead, and slaughter to unthinkable degrees while we criminalize the nation, the people attacked desiring to live in peace. The only place and people in the Middle East living under a democracy. Where Arabs are in the Knesset.
We have turned our backs on Israel, and on Jews, treating Mr. Netanyahu as if he is Benito Mussolini, Scarface, Pol Pot, or Genghis Kahn!
We withhold ammunition and arms that Israel has already paid for the U.S. Congress, as well as the sitting lost president signed off on.
We blame Israel for starting the war with Hezbollah while not acknowledging the war is between Israel and Hezbollah and talk about it being between the people and country of Lebanon. The people of Lebanon don’t want Hezbollah in their country. But Hezbollah took over Lebanon.
Kind of what has been happening in America with only words to resist and fight against it getting to the point where we the people have no say and we’re subject to tyrants, despots, and terrorists holding U.S. hostage as they tell us it’s for our own good.
How much more do you need to see?
How much more do you need to hear?
Are you clear as to just how important Israel and the Jews are? Bible fluent, Bible literate — daily in not only reading but playful meditation on what is read and having the Holy Spirit provide understanding and discernment? Not only going with what is on the so-called news, or a lost, weak, cowardly pastor given over to presenting a watered-down gospel, no gospel at all, or avoiding the times in which we live not giving his flock the nourishment needed.
Is it any wonder we are where we are?
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., Kamala Harris — the deciding vote, the last one in the room, the one making every decision with him, according to herself and Biden, Merrick B. Garland, all the deeply planted and taken root workers in the Department of Justice where anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-God policy germinates, implants from the Barrack Hussein Obama regime, every nation belonging to the Utter Nonsense, Utter Nothingness, United Nations always united against Israel, always in support of every terrorist state and nation, every employee of UNRWA who is an Islamist terrorist and partook of the October 7th, 2023 slaughter of over 1,300 people and INSTIGATED THIS WAR, the whole lot of them are clear no doubt about it ministers of Satan. Workers of iniquity. Lovers of darkness. Refusing the light, refusing the truth, refusing God, refusing the Word of God.
And every person is either a humbled thankful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, repented, born anew, born again by the free gift of grace from God for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and their daily living to obey the Lord, grafted into the root, the tree of hope and salvation, eternal life or…
…they are everyone else. Serving Satan and this world.
There are only those two kinds of people over all the earth no matter their nationality, pigmented skin, age, gender, height, weight, level of intelligence, level of education, amount of material wealth, health, talents, and individual personality just as having individual and unique fingerprints and DNA.
Only two kinds of people on all the earth.
And they are either suited up, making themselves prepared, equipped, and focused on the spiritual war we’re all in, or else they are putting a lot of energy into avoidance, pretending, fantasy, illusion, and delusion to avoid facing reality and the truth of this, the truth of the times in which we all find ourselves.
If you do not stand with Israel and against evil you will not be blessed. Simple as that.
And we’re doing a swell, bang up, spot on job in the war on terrorism aren’t we when we now turn and denigrate, lie about our friend and ally, Israel, and we prop up terrorist regimes — Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Libya, Sudan, Turkey, Pakistan, and… we defend in courts that have become cesspools of lawlessness perverting and corrupting the law terrorists who murdered, burned alive, hacked to pieces, tortured, raped and boasted of doing such to Israeli and American people, slaughtering over 1,300 and taking over 250 hostages, most of whom were raped if women, beaten, starved, tortured and murdered.
Are we great or what? Do we have our priorities in line or what?
And there are those that are deluded enough to think America is getting better. That we have, this world has another 100, another 1,000 years to look forward to.
What is it going to take folks?
Mushroom clouds? An openly hostile dictator to emerge? The official formation of the one world government and the one world religion? A disaster that kills millions? You really need that drastic of a wake up call to finally wake up?
It’s time. Now. On our knees if healthy enough. Prone before the Lord. The remnant in great repentance and sorrow for our becoming lax and fat and complacent and loving and trusting of the world. Of putting faith in a place, a government, in people rather than constantly, daily, always rededicating our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and living in, eating of, drinking of His Word to keep us focused. Aware. Knowledgeable in what we truly need knowledge in, to have the faith of a child, the faith of Abraham, the faith of Daniel, the faith of Joseph, THE FAITH in Jesus to not only sustain us but to increase us, to ignite the flame in our hearts for Him and God, with the Holy Spirit, with the whole Word of God.
Defend and aid terrorists?
Revile, rebuke, rebuff, and run from our ally and friend Israel?
Woe to U.S.! Woe to U.S.!
Humble ourselves, repent, and pray faithfully for the Lord to heal our almost dead, very sick, and diseased land and people.
It isn’t up to the majority. It isn’t up to some big revival on TV. It isn’t up to others. It’s up to the remnant of true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, September 26th, 2024
Still Refusing to Acknowledge How Lost, Evil, & Given Over to Wickedness America Has Become? — One Example: Outrage as U.S. DOJ defends U.N. staffers who collaborated in Hamas’ terror
September 25, 2024
By Mark Goldfeder & Eugene Kontorovich
Reprinted from The New York Post
“No one is above the law,” Kamala Harris says when speaking of her rival, former President Donald Trump.
But the Harris-Biden administration is arguing in federal court that lots of people are above the law — in particular, the many U.N. employees who helped Hamas build its terror facilities and launch its genocidal pogrom on Oct. 7.
In June, some victims of the Oct. 7 massacre filed suit in New York, where the United Nations is based, against the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, alleging that UNRWA and its officials have aided and abetted Hamas.
Evidence of UNRWA’s wholesale collaboration with the designated terror group is abundant, and goes back years.
“Oh, I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll, and I don’t see that as a crime,” then-UNRWA Commissioner-General Peter Hansen stated in 2004.
Twenty years later, many UNRWA staffers participated directly in the Oct. 7 terror attack, while others imprisoned and tortured the hostages afterward.
The United Nations, which claims to be dedicated to advancing human rights, has pledged that it will waive any claims to immunity for acts of terror.
Nonetheless, it responded to the victims’ lawsuit by invoking immunity for itself and its employees.
And this week, news broke that the United States Department of Justice has joined that effort, filing a submission to the U.S. District Court arguing that both UNRWA and its workers should have “absolute immunity” from suit.
As the first anniversary of Oct. 7 approaches, the DOJ is lawyering for some of the attack’s perpetrators.
The DOJ letter asserts that the U.N. officials have immunity under the 1945 International Organizations Immunities Act.
Indeed, the United States has historically supported a broad interpretation of U.N. immunity — but despite significant prior misdeeds, U.N. agencies have never before been structurally intertwined with a U.S.-designated terror group, or had numerous employees carry out mass atrocities.
And the administration’s defense of the U.N.-Hamas terrorists is not only ugly — it is legally unnecessary.
For one, it is not clear that IOIA immunity applies to the U.N.’s myriad affiliated agencies, an argument that was recently rejected by the D.C. Circuit Court.
UNRWA, which receives most of its funding from outside the U.N., is quite plausibly not covered by the IOIA.
But even if the IOIA does apply to UNRWA, it does not give U.N. employees a license to kill.
In 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that IOIA only affords international organizations the same immunity from suit that foreign governments enjoy under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
The rationale is simple: It would be absurd to give the U.N. more immunity than the countries that created it.
Under the FSIA, sovereign immunity does not extend to support for terrorism, and allows the president to designate “state sponsors” of terror that can be sued for such acts — a list that currently includes Hamas’ patron, Iran.
By extension, the Harris-Biden administration could have determined that by partnering with a State Department-designated foreign terror group, UNRWA can also be sued.
In short, the administration was not legally compelled to argue that UNRWA enjoys greater immunity than foreign countries and former presidents.
This is a policy decision the DOJ has chosen to make.
Under the U.N. Charter, its officials are entitled to such “privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions.”
The United Nations thus claims that immunity from civil suits for invading a country and massacring its citizens is “necessary” for the exercise of its functions — and President Biden and Kamala Harris apparently agree.
If immunity for mass murder is necessary for the U.N.’s functioning, maybe it is time to rethink the U.N. entirely.
The administration’s position underscores the need for the Limiting Immunity for Assisting Backers of Lethal Extremism (LIABLE) Act, introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) in March.
This measure would explicitly allow international organizations to be sued for promoting terror, just like countries like Iran can be — a consequence that might finally give U.N. leaders an incentive to provide meaningful oversight and control, rather than a blank check and legal impunity, to UNRWA and other agencies.
As a former prosecutor, Kamala Harris should approve.
Mark Goldfeder is director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center. Eugene Kontorovich is a professor at George Mason University Scalia Law School.
Biden DOJ files to grant immunity to UNRWA employees accused of working with Hamas on Oct. 7
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