Pictured: Bangladesh’s interim leader Muhammad Yunus speaks next to former U.S. President Bill Clinton in New York City on September 24, 2024. (Photo by Leonardo Munoz/AFP via Getty Images)
Perhaps you’re like a man I knew — we’re no longer in contact and haven’t been for a couple of years now — who when I would let him know of the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria and other parts of Africa, in the Middle East and other places around the world responded, “Well, their all mostly Catholics anyway.”
And this is what resides in the so-called professed Christian heart and mind.
This is the sick state and condition of the professed Church [make sure to check out the next article to be posted here on ACP which relates to this].
I mention this at the outset because the following is about the slaughter of Hindus in Bangladesh by the Islamist terrorist government led by with the help of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative [think working 24.7/365 and not taking time off when it’s a leap year to work evil and towards a one world government and you’ll understand clearly the Clinton Global Initiative], Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Biden/Harris administration to aid and abet the government in Bangladesh led by Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), ultra-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Hizb Ut Tahrir and other Islamist organizations in the country, which installed Muhammad Yunus as head of the government, pictured above with his patron, Bill “I’m bad and evil to the bone” Clinton, but, man have I had and do I have a lot of people fooled!
We, in our finite simple minds, compared to omnipotent God, might think in error — if we even bother taking a moment to think about others, truly be aware, truly think of others, along the lines of the man I once knew who with his tongue proclaimed those Christians in other places around the world, being beheaded, murdered, their throats cut, being burned alive, being raped, having their churches and homes burned down really weren’t considering since, well, they’re all mainly just Catholics, right?
How lost can someone claiming to be found and serving the Lord Jesus Christ be?
Well, extremely lost it turns out.
God, heaven weeps when someone unsaved, refusing to have faith and obedience to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ dies.
Because that is one less person to come to the knowledge and life afforded by Jesus and that will be in heaven.
Be they Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, or whatever. Even Catholics. Imagine that?
God desires everyone to hear the gospel, to repent, and to come to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And He and all of heaven do not rejoice at the loss of one soul to Satan and the darkness, the lies of the world.
So, yes, this slaughter in Bangladesh — of human beings created in the image of God — matters. Be they Hindu or what have you.
All at the hands of Islam.
Imagine that.
What to do? Be aware in constant prayer. For all the lost. Even more than praying for your dishwasher to be fixed, your car to be fixed, or for yourself all the time. Yes, clean dishes and a working safe vehicle are important — but those things aren’t going to heaven or hell for eternity are they? Perspective folks, perspective, and priorities folks.
Pray for all the lost leaders, people, and souls of this corrupted and fallen world and the raging violence, deceptions, and false teachings occurring — that in faithful prayer, in being aware, active for the Lord — faithfully believing that God is at work in these last of the last days and nothing is impossible with God.
After all, He saved you, sinner, didn’t He?
After all, He saved me, who I consider myself to be chief among the sinners I know, didn’t He?
Right now it’s more important, much more important to be praying continually for Israel, the people of Israel, for the people of the Middle East — all of them, even the Islamic jihadists that the One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob work in their dark souls, pray for the people of Ashville, North Carolina, pray for those running for office in America in the upcoming election, pray for the Hindus, the Buddhists, the atheists, all the pagans, the pastor in America, and for the lost Church serving the world rather than repenting and serving the Lord.
Probably more in line with what God would like to hear from us rather than our constant focus on our things, ourselves, just guessing, but it’s probably a worthwhile guess wouldn’t you agree?
Was a time in world history when there were only eleven true Christ followers. Only eleven true believers. In a world of pagans, darkness, confusion, lies, and myriad other deluded and lost faiths.
Don’t tell me that God isn’t amazing and can’t do all things far beyond our feeble comprehension.
How about we stop playing God deciding who can and can’t be saved and we do as we’re told to do by the Word of God, obey, repent, serve the Lord, and place all our trust — truly place all our trust and faith in the Lord to be the Lord as He is?
Imagine that…
What could possibly happen then?
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Monday, September 30th, 2024
Slaughter in Bangladesh and the International Cover-Up
On August 5, 2024, Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina was forced to flee the country and take refuge in India following a month-long anti-government movement led by Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), ultra-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Hizb Ut Tahrir and other Islamist organizations in the country. It was earlier perceived by many that the Biden administration had been trying to topple Sheikh Hasina from power and install Muhammad Yunus as head of the government.
Muhammad Yunus is one of the major donors of Clinton Foundation, and according to a cable leaked by Wikileaks, back in 2007, Hillary Clinton made frantic bids and exerted pressure on Bangladesh Army to make her friend Yunus head of the then military-backed interim government.
Following the ouster of Sheikh Hasina, Muhammad Yunus returned to Bangladesh on August 7, 2024 from France and on the subsequent day took oath as the “Chief Advisor” of the military-backed revolutionary regime. Meanwhile, since August 5, 2024, massive attacks on Hindus, including their homes, businesses and temples began, while local media were barred from covering these incidents, as the Yunus regime has been arresting critics and journalists and bringing murder cases against them.
As Yunus is enjoying full support of the Biden administration as well as Democratic Party leaders such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, none of the rights groups, including Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch has issued any statement pertaining attacks (including murder and rapes) on Hindus in the country.
Organizations such as Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also did not issue any statement condemning the arrest of journalists and imprisoning them in murder cases.
On September 26, 2024, during his U.S. visit to attend UNGA, Muhammed Yunus was accorded a reception by the Clinton Global Initiative, which was also attended by Bill Clinton. In this program, Bill Clinton applauded Mahfuz Alam, a leader of Hizb Ut Tahrir who led Islamist revolt in Bangladesh. Here is a video of the event.
Here is one more related link to Mahfuz Alam’s Hizb Ut Tahrir connections.
Incidentally that Hizb Ut Tahrir is an anti-democracy Islamist outfit, which advocates establishment of a caliphate and is banned in Bangladesh and many other countries, including Britain and the United States.
Vijay Patel is based in the Subcontinent.
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