Signs and Wonders: So Easy To Be Deceived As You No Longer Can Believe What You See (Videos)


Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

by Ken Pullen

ACP — A Crooked Path



For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

Matthew 24:24 — English Standard Version


Imagine if you will…the Bible is true. Every word of it.

And while the Bible tells us since the time of the apostle John there have been antichrists in the world;

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.

1 John 2:18 — English Standard Version

There is coming an antichrist spoken and written of with a capital “A”.

I have read only a small volume of the voluminous writings and surmisings of who such a one will be. I’ve read how the Antichrist will most definitely be an American, and then he will be a Muslim, and then an Israeli, and then a European leader rising to power, then a powerful businessman, and then, and then, and then and then again…

Know this everyone here now. Every word of the Holy Bible is true. Accurate. The Bible not only tells us plainly, clearly, factually past history but also present history and unlike any other book on earth ever written or that can or will be written with accuracy — future history.

Now bear what I am about to write in mind this is merely my observations and considerations based upon my life experiences, my feeble grasp of human nature, and information gleaned.

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,

2 Thessalonians 2:9 — English Standard Version

There is coming sooner than later the son of perdition. The son of the devil. The antichrist with the capital “A.” Rising up appearing as a god, as a savior to a wailing, spiraling downward world presenting many signs and wonders along with his false prophet. And the world — THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, that’s ALL OF THEM ALIVE AT THAT TIME IN HISTORY will WORSHIP him. Bow to him. Revere and honor and worship him to such a degree they will have his name branded into their skin like cattle owned by ranchers. All the people of the world will do this, eagerly, willingly, why they will be causing violence, pushing in lines ahead of people making the most severe moronic human events of Black Friday shopping appear like orderly quiet situations with only one or two people within miles of each other.

It most likely will be like that the people of the world come to worship this most evil of men to ever rise up in the world.

Well, all the people of the world will do this EXCEPT for the remnant, the few by comparison true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who will not, who will never take his mark, his name in their flesh knowing if they would they would be condemned to eternity in hell just as every person in the world who did will be.

Now imagine if you will, knowing hopefully yourself of many surmisings, opinions, commentaries put forward of just who this man will be. An American? Would the people of the world blindly follow an American and brand his name into their skin worshipping him? A Muslim? A European? An Israeli? Someone dark? Someone white? Someone young? Someone old? This one or that one? Would the people of the world be so entranced they would follow a man of such a specific origin if that man were so different from their own origin?

He and his false prophet will have supernatural powers and abilities but will they be able to in essence hypnotize the people of the world, save for the remnant of true believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ holding firm to the word of God?

Would you worship, follow and brand your flesh with the name of a European? An Islamist? A black man? A white man? An American? An Israeli?

Or would it take something totally different, otherworldly in order for you to do this?

I want you to consider some facts and the rise in a specific viewpoint and specific information gaining in the world today.

What I am about to write here will be mocked, laughed at, ridiculed, and chocked up as utter nonsense and would never, could never happen. But what I’m saying here is that as people wonder how it is one being, one man could somehow mesmerize the people of the world, entrance them, put them in such a spell that they worship him? Think of him as a god? To the point they will brand his name in their flesh in their foreheads or on the back of their hands?

Think about who in the world you might do that for. Go ahead, take a moment and think about it. Seriously.

If you were black would you do that for a white man?

If American would you do that for a Chinese, Muslim, Ethiopian man?

If Italian would you do so for an Englishman? A rich man? A poor man? A short man? A fat man? An unattractive man?

I’m sure you’ve got it by now.

Okay. Now who, or what would have to happen in order to get the overwhelming majority, in fact, every person, not a true Christian. to worship this man, this being? To think of him as a god and have his name branded into their flesh?

Would the people of the world, save for the remnant of true Christians — which I have no idea the number but it is in the millions among the present almost 8,000,000,000 people on earth do it?

Are you aware that as of polls and surveys conducted on a regular basis the number of people who believe there is intelligent extraterrestrial life increases annually? Back in September of 2015 Newsweek ran an article on how the majority of people in America, England, and Germany believed in intelligent extraterrestrial life. From 52% in America to 56% in Germany (England was at 54%). In 2017, only two years later more surveys, more polls, conducted among hundreds of thousands of people were conducted. As of 2017, over 61% of the people polled from nations around the world believe there is intelligent extraterrestrial life. While only 44% believed in God at that time.

You doubt the people of the world could react, would react in such a manner as to bow to, worship, think on a person as a god to the point they branded his name into their flesh? If it is put before the people of the world that an intelligent extraterrestrial being has come to earth to save the earth, to save the people of earth? The lines, the press of flesh and eyes upon that supposed extraterrestrial being will be like nothing that has ever happened to the people when that occurs. They refuse to believe in Jesus in God, in the Bible but they will believe the illusion, the strong delusion, the deception before their eyes and believe in the lie that what they see as an extraterrestrial being come to be their savior, to save them and their earth.

Oh, how the people are and will be deluded!

Taking the fact the Antichrist and his false prophet will be supernatural beings of and from Satan himself, the Antichrist being the very son of perdition able to create many signs and wonders to amaze and control and hypnotize and mesmerize the people of the world? Along with the technology available at the time of his appearance and rising?

Taking into consideration as well the work taking place at CERN? And an even larger halide collider in the works to be built attempting to open up unknown at present dimensions? Portals?

Imagine if you will…

The Muslims would accept a Muslim as the savior of the world and worship him as a god and brand his name in their flesh, but they would not do so for a Jew, an American, a Chinese man, or any non-Muslim.

A Jew would accept another Jew as the savior of the world — although they continually reject the True Saviour, Jesus Christ the Lord — and they would worship a fellow Jew, even brand his name in their flesh if he performed enough signs and wonders to have them believe he was a real living breathing god.

An American…

A Lithuanian…

A German…

A Muslim?

A Jew?

An atheist?

A Japanese person…

An Irish man…(I know a good friend who would if an Irish man)

A short bald man?

You get it.

But how many would do so for anyone else? Any other man they would not, could not so closely relate and identify with?

But if an alien life form finally made contact with earth? And said he had the answers, the solutions to our every problem. And he began performing incredible signs and wonders? The people would be in line 24/7 in order to worship that being, have his name branded into their flesh.

Then, take into account current technology? And what will that technology be in 6 months as it increases in its depth, breadth, and abilities weekly? What will technology with everything — EVERYTHING — having AI (Artificial Intelligence) implanted in it become? What will technology be capable of 2 years from now? 6 years from now? 10 years from now should the Lord tarry and the Antichrist still not show up on the world stage?

You watch television ever?

Ever see an automobile or SUV commercial on TV? Think what you’re seeing is real? What actually took place as your eyes and mind see it?

Think again. And begin to think deeply and expand your thinking and realize right now today, you can’t believe ANYTHING you see on TV, in video, in film as being real. Because of current technology. Imagine what it will be like, how deceived and difficult it will be to discern reality, what is really there versus what is created in the eyes and mind by software, hardware, and technology?

Look at this…

http://Link to video of “The Blackbird” by The Mill in use


Artificial Intelligence presently is advanced enough to alter images of actors so they appear to speak in a foreign language naturally. Not as they appeared dubbed in the past. Watching and listening a person cannot discern that the image they see isn’t really speaking the words they hear.

There is an article in the May 8th, 2021 The Times (London) discussing this in length and detail, along with a video example. My wife and I are not NetFlix users. I realize we’re probably among only a few people on earth at this time who do not subscribe to and use NetFlix but if you are familiar with NetFlix? You are seeing and hearing this AI technology already being used.

And what is coming will make what is here now appear like chiseling a wheel out of stone or striking a flint stone with another flintstone in an attempt to create a spark and make a fire. Technology is advancing that quickly. Much faster than human beings can even keep up with it.


“You want to know about UFO[s] and little green men? Contact the Vatican. They have an observatory out in Arizona, and that’s what they are looking for.”Gordon Cooper, NASA astronaut


And then there’s this as well. The church of Rome, the heretics and cunning evil and darkness within that so-called church which is in truth a massive cult — now do not grow angry with me or delete this and go elsewhere as I believe there are those individuals within the church of Rome that can be, may well be renewed of mind and spirit but for some reason, they just can’t jettison their upbringing and leave that heretical entity. Not every person within the church of Rome is lost. But the leadership, those in the Vatican most certainly are. Those who pass down the edicts and set the orders to follow and the doctrines to believe, which are false? And haven’t really changed much since Martin Luther railed against such things and posted his thesis on the church door for discussion which lead to a worldwide spiritual revolution? — they create and orchestrate a cult. Not true Christian beliefs and practices as laid out in God’s word to heed and follow. They, the church of Rome leadership make themselves out to be gods and push and profess idol worship and myriad lies and distortions in order to control people.

And they are heavily into this as well…

The Large Binocular Telescope observatory on Mt. Graham named LUCIFER.


The VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope) as seen from the balcony of the nearby LBT (Large Binocular Telescope) on Mt. Graham in southeastern Arizona.


Vatican astronomers are using both the VATT and the LBT’s LUCIFER instrument to watch for an alien savior. Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, authors of Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican’s astonishing plan for the arrival of an alien savior (that book was released for publication in April of 2013), visited with the Jesuit astronomers at the VATT, including Guy Consolmagno.

The authors claim that Consolmagno revealed to them documents showing that the Vatican believes “that we are soon to be visited by an alien savior from another world.”

http://Link to video of the coming Vatican alien deception
Imagine if you will…

Technology to the point you cannot believe ANYTHING you SEE, HEAR, TOUCH or SMELL. The world of reality has been altered beyond that of even taking hallucinogenic drugs! You can’t know by seeing it, hearing it, touching it if it’s real or has been manipulated, created by a machine, by software? By evil in order to deceive?

And that alien man? You were told has come from some distant planet and a world far superior to save you, save this world? He is not what you’re being told he is.

Even if the overwhelming majority of you out there believe there is intelligent alien life beyond earth. O some planet somewhere.

Oh, I will agree that in another dimension? In another place somewhere? There is intelligent ETERNAL life beyond comprehension alive and thriving and well right now. It’s called heaven. Where God sits on His throne and Jesus stands at His right hand. And there is a massive heavenly host. But there are not intelligent beings on some distant planet and world who are going to send one of their emissaries to earth to save the earth and save the people of earth. And all you need to do is worship him. Believe he’s a god. Brand your flesh with his name and it’ll be peace, love, happiness, prosperity, and Utopia from that point on.

Do not be deceived.

Now is the time to pray continually for increased spiritual DISCERNMENT. To have the Holy Spirit provide you to know what is real, what is true, and what is not. Not only in doctrines but what you see, hear, feel and even smell.

The signs and wonders coming are going to have many fall. Many become lost and to follow the lies and the delusions. The signs and wonders to deceive and lead astray.

Do not become one of those.

Fight the good fight to the end and receive your reward of glory.

Because nothing seen or heard on this earth to deceive ought to be strong enough to have any person forfeit their eternity. Forfeit their eternal life in heaven because they were fearful, allowed themselves to be deluded by the signs and wonders.

Yes, it will be difficult. To the point, God tells us if He doesn’t shorten the days at that time even the elect would be lost it will be so evil, so deceptive, so many signs and wonders.

A supernatural being spawned by Satan himself to deceive billions. Along with a powerful supernatural false prophet. And all the technology at their fingertips to use on the people of the world.

If you are a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, a true child of God and not a child of disobedience, not a child of the Evil One, you then know how it all ends and Who is greater, Who is most powerful and true and right, and Who will prevail, and Who will conquer evil, conquer the lies and sin of this world, conquer death itself, and you then ought to keep that in your heart and mind and not let anything — ANYTHING seen or heard on this earth to pull you, separate you from your love for God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the inerrant infallible living and active word of God!

And I realize what I propose here might seem unfathomable, preposterous, and could never happen.

But think deeply on these matters and equip yourself, gird yourself, prepare yourself, your loved ones, your friends, your family for the days grow eviler by the hour and you cannot, will not be able to believe what your eyes see and your ears hear.

That is why it is vital, oh so vital to study and read daily the word of God and hold it, keep it in and on your heart and mind, and to pray faithfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you, hold you, lead you and protect you. Always. As God has promised.

We might be slaughtered. We might be beheaded.

But let us desire to have the faith of a Stephen and not run or hide in fear or have our faith fail.

Be stronger, deeper, bolder in your faith. In the word. In prayer. In worship to God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord, holding onto and not grieving the Holy Spirit within us.

And the governments of the world are continuing to prep the people of the world for the lies that will unfold sooner than later.

Do not be among the deceived. Do not fall prey to the lies and deceptions about to unfold…

Pentagon Confirms Authenticity Of UFO Footage That Shows Flying Object Defying The Laws Of Physics

May 14,, 2021

By Alec Sears

Reprinted from The Daily Caller


The Pentagon confirmed footage taken aboard the USS Omaha in 2019 is being investigated by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (UAPTF) after Navy personnel recorded video of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) exhibiting characteristics that defy our current understanding of physics.

Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confirmed the authenticity of the footage to Daily Caller. She said, “I can confirm that the video was taken by Navy personnel, and that the UAPTF included it in their ongoing examinations.” (RELATED: Former DNI John Ratcliffe Says The Government Has Proof Of UFO’s Doing Things Humans Don’t Have The Tech For)

Veteran Documentary Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released footage of what the Pentagon calls a “transmedium vehicle” entering the ocean without damage. The Pentagon uses the term “transmedium vehicle” to refer to an unidentified craft that moves through multiple mediums, such as air, water or vacuum space.

This video comes at a time where UAPs are getting more attention from the top brass at the Pentagon and in Congress. The Pentagon is expected to provide a comprehensive report to Congress on their involvement in researching and reporting UAP’s around our Armed Forces Personnel and assets. Sen. Marco Rubio has given them a June 1 deadline(RELATED: Pentagon Confirms Video Of Spherical And Pyramid-Shaped UFOs Over US Warships)

CBS News’ 60 Minutes is expected to report on the current state of the UAP issue on Sunday, May 16. According to Air Force Veteran and UAP Researcher Jeremy McGowan, 60 Minutes passed on using this footage in their report.

Tags : cbs news 

jeremy corbell 





unidentified aerial phenomenon 

unidentified flying object

Source for the Gordon Cooper quote:

Timothy B. Benford, “UFO, Aliens and the Vatican: And Why Astronaut Gordon Cooper Lied to Me,” Yahoo Voices, June 11, 2008,