if you’re under the illusion, stuck in the delusion that a majority of U.S. Senators with an “R” after their name after the November election outcome meant the Golden Age of America it’s time for a reality check. Time to think again. Clearly this time. Misguided elation is just another type of dangerous drug.
Words are only words. Oh, they pack meaning, surely, but without action and bearing fruit behind those words? They just become hot air spewed that vanishes into the atmosphere. Now that’s a true source of global warming.
Take a dose of reality.
And then also learn why a majority of 3 is nice, but not what it has been touted as being. Ahh, perhaps those American History, American Government, and Civics courses should never have been axed from American education and replaced with the utter drivel and rubbish that they were.
Then a greater understanding would be present in this lost in illusion mired in the tar pits of delusion so many are. And Executive Orders aren’t the solution, friends, foes, anyone finding themselves here. Not how this most amazing form of government was established to operate.
Yes, the premeditated murder of human children is going on, will go on unabated. Because evil never rests, never sleeps, yet it does dull and lulls the senses, it lies and misdirects those enslaved to it and also those believing they have mastered it. Via government and the voices of men and women rather than via God. And His voice. Which can be barely heard due to all the noise.
Satan hates life. Satan loves death for after all he is the one who introduced and brought death to this world. Not God. Satan despises and spits and fumes at the living, at the truth.
Who are you going to please?
Him, the bringer of lies, pain, suffering, and death — or the God of truth and life?
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
Senate Democrats Block Bill to Stop Infanticide
January 22, 2025
By Steven Ertelt
Reprinted from LifeNews.com
Every single Senate Democrat just voted against a bill to stop infanticide. They voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to provide appropriate medical care for babies who survive abortions.
While federal law has protections in place to ensure that babies who survive abortions receive lifesaving medical treatment and are not merely left to die, the legislation doesn’t have strong criminal enforcement mechanisms to punish those who would let babies die who survive abortions. This bill would solve that problem and put strong criminal enforcement in place.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act requires that, when a baby is born alive following an abortion, health care practitioners must exercise the same degree of professional skill and care that would be offered to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. It also requires that, following appropriate care, health care workers must transport the living child immediately to a hospital.
With 47 Democrats voting against ending debate on the common senate bill, a filibuster remains and the pro-life measure can’t go forward for a final vote.
“EVERY Senate Democrat just voted AGAINST my bill with Senator Lankford that would provide lifesaving care to newborns who survive abortions. This isn’t about politics. This is basic human dignity. Very disappointing!” said Indiana Senator Jim Banks after the vote.
Senator James Lanfork added, “I am disappointed that every Senate Democrat voted against my Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, making something that should be commonsense, completely partisan for the first time. This bill is straightforward and would save lives. I believe every life is valuable and that no one is disposable.”
“The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is straightforward. It says a child born after surviving an abortion should receive life-saving medical care. It’s not an abstract concept—it’s a living, breathing child. This bill should be passed,” Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana said.
Senate Republican Leader John Thune added, “A baby born alive after an attempted abortion should be entitled to the same protection and medical care that any other newborn baby is entitled to. This shouldn’t be a controversial bill.”
Every year, babies are born alive as a result of botched abortions in America, but no one knows exactly how many. LifeNews recently examined abortion data from seven states between 2020 and 2022 and found reports of 34 babies who were born alive in botched abortions. The numbers almost certainly are much higher; most states do not keep track of abortion survivors.
Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as the personal testimonies of nurses and abortion survivors themselves, also provide evidence that babies survive abortions. According to the CDC, at least 143 babies were born alive after botched abortions between 2003 and 2014 in the U.S., though there likely are many more.
Though babies’ survivals have been called “imaginary” and protections for them unnecessary, state health data indicates that at least 40 babies were born alive after botched abortions in just three states between 2016 and 2018. According to the state health data, 11 babies were born alive after botched abortions in Minnesota, 10 in Arizona and 19 in Florida.
Research by the American Center for Law and Justice estimated the number is much higher, at least 362 between 2001 and 2010.
Currently, about 18 states do not have laws to protect abortion survivors from infanticide. Some states never have passed laws to protect abortion survivors, while at least two others, New York and Illinois, repealed their laws requiring medical care for infants who survive abortions.
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