The greatest responsibility is to return to the whole Word of God. Daily. Deeply. Prayerfully. Meditatively. Deep thinking on God’s Word, in God’s Word, is our main priority — because doing so will then provide the greatest, straightest, truest, best and in reality easiest path to achieving the bearing of good fruit, being a light unto the world, and the salt of the earth — being a richly blessed citizen of heaven and one of God’s people.
No power on earth, no nation, no government, no organization, no individual is greater, stronger, above, or able to begin to wrestle with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the whole Word of God and prevail over Them or it.
There is nothing in all of creation mighier, more eternal, vaster, deeper, stronger, greater or truer than the Triune God Who created all things.
Let’s not ever lose sight of what is what. Who is who. And why. And where it is all ultimately going.
Yes, we have great responsibility. We’re in the dung and state we are due to our lack of being responsible for so long, so many years. For our permitting wolves to enter in. For our permitting to water down the Word of God. For our allowing all the unsound doctrines and false teachers, and for evil to increase unabated and almost uncontested all these years.
God is unchangeable. God’s Word is unchangeable. Why are we so malleable and tossed to and fro like a leaf in the wind, like soft weak clay in the hands of the world rather than in the Hand of God?
Yeah, some very serious responsibility lies ahead. And right now. This moment. And every moment to come that each of us is blessed with.
First and foremost eyes, hearts, minds, spirits, souls, bodies, and lives focused on Jesus. The Jesus of the Bible. Not the Jesus of your making, not a 21st century Jesus many attempt to make in their image rather than submitting and allowing themselves to be made in His image.
This cannot be done without daily time, more than a devotional, more than a verse, more than a quick regimented exercise level of commitment in God’s inerrant infallible unchanging eternal active and living Word — out of love, out of faith, out of a burning desire to grow spiritually in wisdom, understanding, faith, strength and maturity before the Lord — and before every person, moment, time to come in our lives from this moment forward, as our Good Good Great God blesses us with breath, a beating heart, by His will.
Woven in this like the strongest of threads comprising the most beautiful and protective garment is living an ongoing, from the outset of awakening to lying down to sleep again, throughout the day prayer life with the Lord. Turning to the Lord at all times, wherever, whenever, to speak and allow ourselves to hear His reply via the Holy Spirit living within us.
Yeah, like that. Responsible above all else. And all else will unfold then as it ought to. With our thankfulness and understanding of God’s will no matter what unfolds.
Capisce? Maybe you know it as, kapish?
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Sunday, January 5th, 2025
UPDATED Monday, January 6th, 2025
All the smartypants who reside and meet in universities around the world, such as MIT and others well known, and who traverse the planet in Gulfstream jets to places like Davos, Switzerland to plot how to control the world, how to maintain their power, wealth and lives and sustain life on earth realizing we’re all hurtling swiftly to a devastating demise have run in-depth scenarios for decades concluding it’s all going to come crashing down — horribly — not many years hence — come to one conclusion to “save the world” from itself.
Watch this to its conclusion, not a long video, so it’s doable if having any interest at all in these sorts of things;
MIT forecasts society collapse by 2040
And you’ll see just how easy it will be to have the Antichrist and his false prophet enter the scene to take center stage and seduce the overwhelming majority of folks on earth at the time that following him is the only way to go. And the people remaining here will be fighting in queues to have his name branded into their foreheads or hands bowing in worship of him. Deluding themselves it is going to save their sorry souls.
Oh, I won’t be here then. Even if I were still animated in this respiratory outfit of incredible complexity and creation called a human body. Flesh, blood, bone, and every other component, as my spirit and soul will be with the Lord, as will every other Christ follower. Either by our bodies ceasing to be animated, thriving, and alive, or by the Lord coming to gather us to Himself before the Antichrist and his false prophet step up to the world stage to begin the greatest illusion and delusion show in world history leading to the end of all things as they have been known. Then the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, the fulfillment of every word within the Word of God, and after that the 1,000-year reign of Jesus on the throne of David in Jerusalem. With Jerusalem the capital of the world, the heart of the world, Israel the nation leading the world, with the King of kings on His rightful throne for that period — oh, and those that left with Him before the appearance of the Antichrist and his false prophet being with our Lord of lords, King of kings for that 1,000 year period? We’ll be here with Him. For the 1,000 years.
Wow. Incredible isn’t it? And you’re worried about something today? Why?
Then, after that 1,000-year earthly reign, it’s all rolled up like a scroll. Turned to invisible dust to be forever forgotten, and a new heaven and a new earth created by that same Jesus.
As eternity without beginning and without end begins for all those who had their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, oh, and a very different eternity for those who up to death of their bodies rejected the truth of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, of the Holy Bible, and they are in utter darkness, pain unimaginable, burning unlike anything known, falling without end into a bottomless pit, unquenchable agony — forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ∞…
If one of God’s people? Time to really suit up. Be equipped. Ephesians 6 every moment. Be that light and salt we’re commanded to be for the time is short. Evil is raging, and expanding, and the days are certainly evil.
With many still darkness, for they being darkness are the REASON there is darkness!
We as light are to push into that darkness, bring that Light of Truth and Life — Jesus — to them. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work on them, and hopefully work into them. There is still good soil out there for seed to fall on and take root. It isn’t all rock, thistles, and barren places, nothing but the rebellious walking dead. Yes, many reject the truth. Most do and will. But enough take root and grow. And one seed, one plant germinating and growing can bear much fruit. We don’t need to be Billy Graham. Just be the who God created us as.
If one of the unbelieving, rebellious ones? The rejectors? Well, good thing you know exactly how many breaths, heartbeats, and days of this life you have left, eh? Being as wise as you are. That you’re in control, right? Why you’re educated! Sophisticated. Chock full of 20th and 21st-century philosophies, psychologies, babel, oh, I mean information and all that God stuff, all that Jesus stuff, all that Bible stuff is just, well, something for weak dumb people, right? There is no devil? There is no hell? You’re more of a John Lennon disciple and follower because he had all the answers, eh, — just imagine? There is no heaven above us no hell below us only sky, just imagine? And that Jesus of the Bible couldn’t possibly have been God on earth dying for the sin, all the sin, of anyone who came to faithfully believe on Him and submit to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to work in them to change their heart, their thinking, right? That can’t possibly be real, right?
Well, enjoy the eternal plummet into the pitch black abyss of heat and torment without end.
Imagine that reality. That eternal future.
While you have this very breath, this very heartbeat, this moment given, aware even if denial is raging within you — turn to God. Pause for a true moment of peace and great reflection. Turn to the Holy Bible. That’s right. Pause here right now and either find that Bible that’s somewhere in the place where you live — find it right now, or add a Bible app to your phone right now and after praying to God to forgive you and sincerely converse with your Creator, the One Who came to this world to die and conquer death for any and all who will believe upon Him, and you’ve repented, told Jesus you take Him as Lord of your life now and forever more?
Well, you can always return to this page and continue can’t you?
Welcome back! I hope it’s welcome back and you’re now a renewed of mind and spirit disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, one of God’s people, now in the family of God. Such a change can take place that quickly. And lasts an eternity. Imagine that.
Welcome back. Welcome to the Light, the Way, and the Truth — a life in Christ.
Taking care of the most important moment in any human life on earth.
If you’ve done this, praise the Lord and know that in heaven the angels know and have openly rejoiced at your repenting of your sin and allowing Jesus in, allowing the Holy Spirit in to renew your heart and mind, to be born from above, to be born again.
And if you’re a Christ follower of some time now, years, decades? Thank you for bearing with this but it’s important to get the message out to those who are darkness and still in sin, isn’t it? We all ought to have patience to allow words, time, for sinners to repent shouldn’t we? Or are we of such importance we have no patience for that sort of thing?
Thank you for your forbearance.
Okay, NOW read on…entering with a much greater awareness of our individual responsibility beginning right now and I beseech you to not ever let up on it from this point onward. Till death doeth part us from this world…
Our Responsibility Didn’t End When We Cast Our Vote… Now The Real Work Begins
January 5, 2025
Reprinted from Harbinger’s Daily
As President-elect Donald Trump’s second term officially begins, following his Jan. 20 inauguration, the 77 million people who voted for him will be looking for change. Many in the media have described November’s election as a referendum on several issues: a vote against “wokeness” run amok, a protest against high inflation, a renunciation of failed border policy.
A host of special interest groups have cast their hopes and dreams for what might be accomplished. Evangelicals, who voted heavily for the Republican ticket, have hopes that a second Trump term might mean more constitutionalist judges appointed, religious liberty protections preserved, and federal agencies stopped from advancing left-wing social policies.
But amid the political optimism of the moment, Tony Perkins has a caveat for followers of Jesus Christ, who have an eternal hope beyond this earth.
“At the end of the day, the government really is protecting our freedom and our ability to do the work that only the church can do,” Perkins said. “And that is to change the hearts and minds of people through the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, and John Stonestreet, president of The Colson Center—told Decision that they believe an opportune moment has been given to protect religious freedom, lessen evil and advance the public good.
While many people may put their hopes in a new White House regime, or seethe in anger over it, Christians must have a distinctly Biblical perspective.
“We can’t feel like our responsibility ended when we cast our vote on Nov. 5. That somehow we can delegate this responsibility to the government. We cannot. We need godly men and women in government,” said Perkins, noting that good government stays out of the way so the church is unhindered in doing the work God has called it to do. “Now, the real work of changing hearts and minds and retaking the moral ground in our country begins.”
Perkins says he was surprised not that Trump won, but by how decisive the victory was. He also believes Vice President Kamala Harris and her campaign emphasized abortion and radical LGBTQ ideology to their detriment.
Sanctity Of Human Life
“She was running with her No. 1 issue as abortion,” Perkins said. “That’s all she talked about. And I think more women were concerned about feeding their families, not aborting them.”
Stonestreet agrees with that assessment. “The Democratic Party has become the most violently and aggressively pro-abortion political group that we’ve ever seen.”
But, Perkins and Stonestreet acknowledge, pro-life Christians will face challenges because of a new GOP platform that removed strong pro-life language.
“There was a political shift [in 2024] on the issue of life that we have to reckon with,” said Stonestreet, alluding to the watered-down GOP platform. “We have to reckon with the fact that the Republican Party is now the Democrats of the 1990s on abortion. Just because the Democratic Party is worse on this issue doesn’t mean the Republican Party is OK. Essentially, the Republican platform argues for ‘safe, legal and rare,’ which was the Clinton motto of the ’90s.”
Perkins added: “Trump’s numbers were a little softer with evangelicals than last time. I think part of that was that there was less emphasis in the GOP on the life issue and less clarity in the platform—although it was still a contrast with the Democrats.”
On the other hand, Perkins said, “Harris drove a lot of pro-life voters out to the polls” to vote against her.
“She accused [Trump] of being staunch, and she wanted abortion until birth.”
Perkins said he has spoken with Trump about the GOP’s softened abortion stance. “While I disagree, I understand the president’s position.” Perkins points out that there is still much to be done at the federal level. “Pro-life groups must continue to have conversations and work with Congress on this.”
Leaving the federal government to continue its practices of the last four years, Perkins said, would mean allowing the FDA to continue mailing abortion pills even to states with strong pro-life laws. “That’s a federal role that would need to be addressed.”
“Planned Parenthood funding needs to be cut,” Perkins said. “There’s plenty of excess to cut. Just getting the federal government out of the promotion of abortion is going to be a step in the right direction.”
Stonestreet said that on the state level, Christians have a tall task. In seven of 10 states where abortion initiatives were on the ballot, voters chose to expand abortion access, including Stonestreet’s home state, Colorado. In one state, Florida, a proposal to write abortion rights into the state constitution was barely defeated. The ballot required 60% of voters to approve the question: 57% voted to expand abortion, falling short but outpacing the 53% of pro-life voters who opposed it.
“We just staved off defeat in Florida, and we’ve got to have the cold, hard facts on that. It is not good,” Stonestreet said. “State by state, we are going to need to figure out just how committed we are to our position.”
LGBTQ Activism
Some observers have said Trump’s election represents not merely a rejection of left-wing activism, but transgender activism specifically.
As Republican voters counted their blessings post-election, some Democrat strategists wondered if their party’s devotion to radical causes was a liability with mainstream voters.
The Biden administration was quick to embrace the extreme elements of the LGBTQ agenda—especially in pushing gender ideology and by opposing state bans on transition procedures for minors. The administration set the tone for its term by announcing it was nominating Rachel Levine, a trans-identifying biological male, as assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, before Biden took the oath of office.
Stonestreet said in the last 12 to 16 months, there has been a “great backpedaling” on the transgender issue as even secular observers have begun to question the stringent adherence to trans ideology that radical activists are demanding. Meanwhile, leading European countries have begun to outlaw or at least discourage transitioning for minors because of health concerns. “On the cultural level, about the only thing that was still propping up the trans agenda was Biden-Harris administration officials,” Stonestreet observed.
During the last four years, the Biden administration drafted a radical rewrite of Title IX education law by redefining the term sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The administration also imposed a rule requiring states to place LGBTQ-identifying foster children with families willing to affirm their LGBTQ identity, and rescinded conscience waivers for faith-based adoption and foster care agencies.
On the positive side, Stonestreet noted, Trump has promised to issue an executive order seeking to protect women’s sports in publicly funded institutions from the encroachment of biological males.
Public Distrust
For most evangelicals, the right of Israel to defend itself and a belief in the foreign policy doctrine of “peace through strength” led to broad support for the Trump-Vance ticket. The feverish antisemitism seen on college campuses and elsewhere over the last 15 months also mobilized other subgroups of voters to oppose the Harris-Walz ticket for its tepid response to groups spouting antisemitic rhetoric.
There were also messages from the White House that didn’t seem to ring true with voters about the economic realities everyday people face, Stonestreet noted.
“There was a great bit of effort from media outlets and certain personalities to tell us that ‘The economy is great. Why is everyone so worried?’ And so on. And people just didn’t believe it. Why? Because they’re buying eggs. Why am I spending this much for eggs?
“But that lack of credibility points to something even more serious, and that is that there was a serious trust crisis. The political messaging about the state of the economy and a host of other issues wasn’t believable.
“As Christians—people who know truth and not only truth, but Truth as a person—we should be those who can contribute to the rebuilding of trust.” Also, Christian people must have the courage in a world of hostile, godless cultural pressure to “live not by lies,” said Stonestreet, an allusion to the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian writer who was imprisoned by the Communists.
The nation has seen a “spiral of silence”—especially on the issue of gender and sexuality pertaining to children—because Christians and even some pastors have been too timid to speak up, he said.
“But when one person speaks up, somebody else is willing to speak up and the social pressure is alleviated by an act of courage. And I do think that we have seen this play itself out in real life recently” with the pushback against radical ideologies.
“I love the line: ‘We have to be ruthless with ideas and gentle with people,’” Stonestreet added. “And I think too many churches want to be gentle with ideas and gentle with people. It’s going to take a lot of work, and I’m not sure the typical discipleship experience most Christians have is preparing them for that necessity.”
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