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“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

Jesus Christ the Lord, Matthew 7:13-14 — English Standard Version


On Preaching “Tolerance”



Monday, September 9, 2019

By David Lane

Reprinted from: American Family Association



In a 22-second video, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees encourages students to “live out your faith,” promoting Bring Your Bible to School Day, an annual event that will be held Oct. 3 this year. Rather than affirming Christianity in the culture, the message somehow got “converted” into an infomercial for lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender and queer pro-homosexuality, cheered on by the media from their amen corner.

It is easy to understand how this could happen. Christianity has discarded Jesus’ “ekklesia” mandate for cultural transformation, given in Matthew 16:18. As a defense for abandoning the culture, modern Christendom embraced the passive attitude that “you don’t polish brass on a sinking ship.”

This is a theological heresy because Scripture instructs the opposite (from Bruce K. Waltke’s Genesis Commentary; the 2002 Christian Book of the Year):

“The serpent’s final defeat under Messiah’s heel (Genesis 3:15) is delayed to effect God’s program of redemption through the promised offspring. In the interim, God leaves Satan to test the fidelity of each succeeding generation of the covenant people (Judges 2:22) and teach them to fight against untruth (Judges 3:2).”

In the process, the scriptural incitation that believers are here to “fight for every inch of ground, and combat untruth” (A.W. Pink, Gleanings From Joshua) has been thrown overboard, while fostering a subculture behind the four walls of the church building, the antithesis of Matthew 16:18.

All told, control of the public square has been surrendered to public education, academia, mass media, sports, the Courts, Fortune 500, Big Business, Hollywood, and medicine.

Which brings us to “tolerant” secularists, who have firmly interwoven their religion throughout the warp and woof of society. It won’t be long until they demand full and complete subjugation to their jackbooted “education” fancies, or face the consequences.

Secular education in public schools – secularism’s houses of worship – takes place five days a week, eight hours a day, all across America. Here secular worship is compulsory for K-12 and evangelicals, with secularists instilling feral values pursuant to their belief system. Porn and consensual sex are part of the introduction.

Secularists love to preach “tolerance,” but the California Safe Schools Coalition shows what’s really going on behind the headlines: “Do parents have the right to [be notified] about and to opt their children out of diversity education programs that include discussions of sexual orientation or other controversial topics? No… ‘Instruction or materials that discuss gender, sexual orientation, or family life and do not discuss human reproductive organs and their functions’ is not subject to the parental notice and opt-out laws.”

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich exposes Secularism’s real agenda:

“This is about a cultural struggle that may well define whether our civilization survives. We’re now engaged in a two-front war. On the one front, you have a ‘Secular Totalitarianism’ that wants to use the power of government to coerce us on every level. To define what we are allowed to think, what we’re allowed to say, and to establish a politically correct set of rules for college campuses. To determine even what happens inside of churches and synagogues, and to impose on us left-wing, frequently, atheistic values, and to say in effect, ‘You’re allowed to sort of, vaguely, believe in your faith as long as you don’t talk about it, certainly don’t do anything in public about it, and that religion should be reduced to one-hour on Sundays; and even then you better be careful what you say.

“A lot of these left-wing secular judges, left-wing secular lawyers, and activist groups are trying to coerce Americans into giving up the beliefs that made us famous. Forget that the Pilgrims came here for religious liberty, forget that the Jamestown Colony, which people think of as secular, actually had church services fourteen times a week, forget that the core of America, as defined by Lincoln, and redefined by Eisenhower, is a nation under God. That has been the heart of who we are, our rights come from our Creator, they don’t come from some random thing.

“So on the one front, we’re in a huge struggle, particularly with the academic, news media, and judicial world over just survival, and having the right to go to God, having the right to preach salvation through Christ.

“You are at a moment in history that is as defining as anything in the Old Testament. You’re at a point where some people have to have the courage to witness for Christ, some people have to have the courage to stand up and tell the truth to their flock, and some people have to have the courage to get into the public arena themselves.”

Homosexual activism has “grown” over the last century. The mantra was once libertarian: “Please allow us to live our lives in the privacy of our own bedrooms.” Then came the overbearing, imperious Obama Administration and its unscrupulous the-end-justifies-the-means approach: “People who differ with homosexual immorality – i.e. bakers, photographers, Christian retreat centers – will take part in same-sex weddings or be bankrupted.” Having dodged the coffin’s final nail with a Hillary Clinton presidency in 2016, fascism has been kept in check by the Trump Administration. Otherwise, the experience of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ 2015 showdown with absolutism would most likely be today’s norm. “Christians are free to worship inside the church, but keep your so-called principles there. Otherwise, outside of the building, you will accept same-sex intercourse and marriage rites as norm or spend time in prison.

A clash between two religions – Christianity and Secularism – is taking place in America. Whereas secularism asserts man’s fundamental goodness, biblical Christianity holds that man is deeply flawed in will and mind, imperfect in knowledge, and inclined to evil. Given America’s last 100 years, natural man plainly favors darkness over light.

A.W. Tozer said, “Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. It is not ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of spiritual penetration and interpretation, the ability to appraise the religious scene as viewed from God’s position, and to tell us what is actually going on.”

Elisha, the prophet from 2 Kings, provides proof. Following Syrian commander Naaman’s healing, “the man of God assured him that the king of Syria ‘shall know there is a prophet in Israel’ (2 Kings 5:7-8), and when Naaman was recovered of his leprosy he sought unto the man of God and, before all his own retinue, testified, ‘Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel’ (2 Kings 5:15). And now this heathen monarch had sent his forces to take the prophet prisoner! Very well, then, if he were not yet convinced that it was the true and living God whom Elisha served, he would receive further proof. It was Jehovah’s glory that prompted Elisha’s request. Weigh that well my reader. Everything depends upon the motive which inspires our petitions, determining whether or not we shall receive an answer. True and acceptable prayer rises above a sense of personal need, having in view the honor of God’s name.”

The honor of God’s name, that’s what’s at stake in America.

There is good news, as the eyes of the LORD keep on looking for men and women who will stand (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Gideons and Rahabs are indeed beginning to stand.

Matthew 7 — English Standard Version