'Not illegal if you don't get caught': Texas school official caught on vid giving advice on how to put a boy in girls' sports




If you’re under the impression — illusion — that President Trump with the writing of his signature on an Executive Order will halt the advancement of evil and wickedness in America you’d best think again.

He is the President. A very good one. The right one. But he’s the President. Not a savior and certainly not the Savior as many professing faith think of him as being. Also, one man, one man, and his administration are not capable of halting evil — unless they are truly righteous men and women soundly deeply abiding in the Lord and His ways. Even then…evil never rests or surrenders.

Just the way it is here on earth. Among people. All sinners, by the way. All falling short. Even the ones idolized. Imagine that.

Evil never rests. Never surrenders. This isn’t a political battle being waged. This is a spiritual battle being waged. With tens upon tens of millions of followers of Satan equipped, ready, and more than willing to engage in battle.

Too bad that for decades the professed people of God, who ought to know the Scriptures and live them daily were instead of putting on and keeping on the whole armor of God doing a Rip Van Winkle impersonation and asleep for decades. Leaving things up to others. Never being aware. Never believing it would come to this.

Adopting, accommodating, implementing, and approving of all the psychological and philosophical Babel of the world. Doubting that America would ever become the America of the past 20, 30 years to become what we have today.

I know folks who are telling me things they have recently learned and are upset about that were made knowledge for anyone to find and learn 20, 30 years ago — or more. If only they would be bothered to take a small amount of time to pay closer attention. To have been watchmen and watchwomen on the wall, and more than just watchmen or watchwomen on a wall. If they had been equipped — in the Word of God — and attired from head to foot to heart with the necessary weapons to engage in battle. Rather than being more concerned with everything else designed to distract and devour time and attention.

I’ve had people say to me, “Well, you have the time to do this stuff.”

I’ve done “this stuff” since I was in my teens. Throughout my working life. Active and busy in many other areas and pursuits. Actually more involved way back then — writing letters, those things where words were put down on paper, folded, placed into an envelope, a stamp attached, one that had to be licked or wetted and didn’t come with adhesive on it already, and then given to the Post Office to deliver.

Yes, I’d often see the Postman riding his T-Rex that had been tamed going from house to house delivering letters and picking up those recently written from mailboxes…

I used to attend meetings. Go door-to-door speaking to people about issues. All this long before I came into the Light, into the Life, and the Truth in the Way of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, being born from above, born anew by the Supernatural power of the Spirit of God.

Now I just focus on what I do here on A Crooked Path.

And it’s like being Don Quixote fighting windmills. And that’s with many professing to be Christians. It’s like swimming continually against a mighty riptide with those who rebel and doubt and refuse to submit to Jesus, submit to God, and believe the Word of God.

But, I have been caught and pulled far out to sea, and pushed far under the sea in this life. And came near to death. Only to be spared by God and the help of an excellent lifeguard and being very fit and much stronger than I am now [that occurred about 48 years ago or so. I do not remember the year but vividly remember the experience].

Let’s pay attention, folks, shall we?

Without putting inordinate faith in any man or woman. Be that man or woman be related to us, be a leader of great renown and power, be that man a pastor, that woman your doctor, or whomever.

Faith in God the Father, as Father, if a Christ follower.

God is not your Father if you are not one of His children and one of Jesus’ own.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, having Him be not only Savior and friend but Lord of your life.

Faith in the power and working of the individual of the Holy Spirit.

Faith in the whole Word of God. Every word within the Word.

To do this a person needs to be fluent, literate, well versed, knowledgeable of, understanding, and discerning well and wisely by trusting the Holy Spirit — in the whole Word of God.

And when discovering through the best research being conducted by the George Barna Group out of Arizona Christian University that only about 4% of the people in America possess a Biblical worldview, and only about 6% read the Scriptures on a daily basis — is it any wonder America has become as we have and it now is such a major turbulent, enraged, vehement, churning battle in the war that the effort to quell and subdue is now much harder than it should be, could have been, if only instead of being lukewarm, otherwise occupied, sound asleep, numb, or doing anything other than putting on and keeping on the whole armor of God and being engaged in the battle daily, relying on the Lord for strength, for words, for nourishment, for guidance and direction along the way — is it any wonder we are now faced and have been faced with what lies before U.S.?

Evil has never stopped, been settled, happy, had enough, not demanding more. No, evil never has slowed down or slept or been otherwise occupied.

Why have we, the so-called “good people,” God’s people been so idle and placid, so otherwise occupied, so distracted, so foolish in thinking, “It never has happened before, so it won’t ever happen now, it can’t happen here! This is America!”

Look around.

Inhale deeply.

Cough on the stench. It won’t defile you. Might make you queasy at the knowledge, but only what comes out of the mouth defiles.

Your eyes ought to be watering — crying for what we’ve permitted and accommodated. Even approved of.

It all should be like smelling salts for those professing to be Christ’s followers. Jolting to an awakedness and awareness as never before. Because things as never before have happened and more are rapidly on the way.

Try opening a Holy Bible and reading Romans 1, Ephesians 6, and Revelation 19, and while you’re at it from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 slowly, prayerfully, meditatively every day, praying to the Holy Spirit to hear you, help you, guide you, teach you.

Do grow ready for the battle at hand. So many waking up finally and coming to the battlefield late, which is better than never — while so many others pretend to be on duty as one in the Lord’s army while in truth they are agents of The Enemy. And if the Lord continues to tarry and bless you, me with breath and a beating heart, a working mind, a heart aflame for Him that each of us does not fear engaging any of The Enemy’s captives or ministers. Especially the ones appearing as ministers of light while spewing deadly doctrines and death to those easily taken captive.

Important, turbulent times, times of great warfare taking place, the spreading of false teachings and so many being misled, lazy, numb, held captive requires strong words and active duty — action. Spiritual action moved by the Spirit of the Lord to do His will. Nothing more. Not our will. Only on active duty to learn the will of God in each of our lives and then do it. Each day.

Revealing light to the darkness. Making everything salted in the ways and Word of God. Because the world has no difficulty or indecision in heavily seasoning the deadly dishes they serve up, do they?

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, January 29th, 2025



‘Not illegal if you don’t get caught’: Texas school official caught on video giving advice on how to put a boy in girls’ sports


The school administrator told a parent the parent should get the child’s gender status changed out of state before applying to Texas schools.


January 29, 2025


Reprinted from Blaze Media



An official with the Irving Independent School district was caught on camera giving a parent advice on how to sidestep rules in order to have a male play in female sports.

The alleged parent is heard on camera speaking to Reny Lizardo, executive director of campus operations with Irving ISD.

The woman appears to tell Lizardo she is thinking about moving her family to the district, including her “daughter” who is “transgender.” She then told the official she was concerned about “transphobia” and “bigotry.”

In the video, Lizardo appeared to tell the woman how to work around district rules in order to have the boy play on a girls’ sports team.

“Could you legally change a gender on a birth certificate?” Lizardo asked the woman.

“I believe in some places you can,” the woman replied.

“So if you can get that done, and you turn [in to] us a birth certificate that says ‘this gender,’ that’s the gender we go with,” Lizardo explained.

“I’m not a lawyer,” Lizardo continued. “Texas is super conservative. So how do I say this legally? It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught, right? If no one knew, then we’re good. If a parent found out or a student found out … and they sued the district, we’d be in trouble. But we can also say, ‘We didn’t know,’ so there’s a plausible deniability.”

Lizardo is also seen on the hidden camera video telling the woman, “Me and you never had this conversation.”

The district official went on to say that “technically,” students do not have to present a birth certificate to enroll. Lizardo even warned the woman that other officials would likely continuously request to see documentation but that it wasn’t required.

When the woman asked if there were “a large number of undocumented” — presumably meaning students — Lizardo said, “Yes.”

Lizardo explained that in some cases, “sooner or later” the district gives up on acquiring the documentation and moves on.

Link to the video if unable to open it and watch it by clicking on the image above.


Lizardo also said the woman wasn’t the “only person” who wanted to know how to get around the rules.

“Hopefully no questions are asked and we move forward, but … we are not in the business of witch-hunts and who’s not what they say they are and let’s go after them,” the school official claimed.

Lizardo also assured the woman, “There are very open-minded, more progressive parts of Texas.”

When confronted by a journalist from Accuracy in Media, the group behind the report, Lizardo denied any such conversations existed but said he didn’t quite “recall” who said what.

At the same time, when asked specifically about his quote, “It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught,” Lizardo claimed it was actually the parent who said it.

On X, Texas Governor Greg Abbott shared the story and clips of the report before commenting, “This Irving ISD Administrator should be fired on the spot.”

Abbott continued, “Both criminal & civil investigations must be taken against both the Administrator & Irving ISD. Has Irving ISD and its employees been involved in a fraudulent breach of state laws & a cover-up? We must get the facts.”

Accuracy in Media President Adam Guillette spoke to Blaze News and claimed many school district officials do not follow the law.

“I’ve been undercover in over 100 Texas school districts, and it is abundantly clear that the law means nothing to these radicals,” Guillette said.

In regard to policy surrounding birth certificates and the number of illegal immigrants in district schools, Guillette added, “From what we’re told, the policy is to start educating the child right away, regardless of paperwork. That’s a noble goal, but it’s morally outrageous that administrators exploit this loophole to advance their radical agenda.”

Blaze News reached out to Lizardo through his Irving ISD email address regarding the rules surrounding transgender athletes and illegal immigrants in Irving ISD schools; he did not respond.

An email was also sent to Irving ISD Superintendent of Schools Magda A. Hernández, but she did not respond either.

At the time of this writing, Lizardo’s public profile on the Irving ISD website appears to be missing. However, it is unclear whether he was let go from his position.


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