U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY ©U.S. House Rules Committee via YouTube© The Center Square
Taxation without representation as elected representatives of, we the people, don’t even bother reading the bills they are putting into law using our tax dollars.
On autopilot NEVER cutting spending ANYWHERE. None of them ever do. No matter the letter designation after their name, or what party they affiliate themselves with on the ballot. They just shuffle things around. Stealing, oh, sorry, too harsh, too much, too honest for most folks [?] — they TAKE from social security, Medicare, programs that can help and pile on the pork [while they preach to us not to eat meat in order to save the planet] for obscene amounts of tax dollars going to sex change operations for military personnel [makes one feel assured our military has its priorities in line, doesn’t it?] and so many other similar spending ventures. Just what the majority of Americans want their tax dollars going to, right? Or sending pallets of U.S. dollars in the billions to Islamic countries because those places love U.S. so much and are our allies, right? Always increasing spending. Always turn it all over to special interests — lobbyists — to determine where our tax dollars go.
We didn’t wage a revolution against the greatest empire on earth at the time, ignited in great part due to a tyrannical government taking more and more and more money from the people making things, working, operating, and owning businesses so an elite 1% to 2% can maintain control and the status quo. Their power and lifestyle.
This is a Constitutional Republic. A government brought about by Divine Providence. Were it not for God America would not exist. No way the colonists are going to defeat the mightiest army and navy in the world possessing the most men, and the best equipment. It was not going to happen. Without the hand of God.
Blood shed. Lives lost. For the establishment of a Constitutional Republic designed to be free of tyranny and despots, fat cats, ineffective leaders thinking only of themselves and how much they can gain from working the system, nor created to be a government of we the lobbyists representing select special interest without the interests of the American people.
This is what we’ve become.
Great? Are you kidding!? Great at living in utter delusion. Great at apathy, great at lying. Great at illusion. Great at denying the truth, the facts and reality choosing to reside in a fantasy that is going to fall revealing the corruption, avarice, and in truth let’s stop mincing words, pretending — the evil at work.
This is what we have become.
Added to this a deluded people that we are a Christian nation full of mostly “good people.”
We have been cowards, asleep at the pulpits, asleep in the pews and seats. Not living in righteous ways according to the Word of God. Autopilot. Complacency. Apathy. Itching ears turned to fables and allowing a stream of false teachers and unsound doctrines in. Looking for entertainment and a pat on the back feel good experience for a little over an hour on a Sunday morning.
Sorry, no gold stars for showing up. Pretenders. Make believers. Lazy Christian pastors and congregants conning themselves they are walking, living according to the Word of God and through the narrow gate where few will enter.
Is it any wonder upon wonders why our nation is in the state it’s in? Near death. No exaggeration.
Will the remnant repent? Is there time left to repent and heal this nation? Or has it already passed the point of no return due to the levels of widespread corruption we’ve permitted to fill the void left by one time caring, aware, truly faithful in the Lord Jesus Christ people?
That bled and died in order to preserve, protect, and continue what God made possible for U.S.
Woe to U.S. for allowing matters to reach this degree of rot within.
Taxation with representation? Good people? Biblical worldview and living lives for Jesus?
HA! Hilarious were it not so tragic and truly impactful on so many lives, many, oh so many for eternity unless there is a great awakening.
But when there has been and is such slumbering, such apathy?
Will we truly sincerely turn to God with contrite repentant hearts?
And if you are deluded that a certain election outcome is the answer? The solution, man, woman, are you lost and deluded. Do you pay attention to what that political party you belong to actually does when they are in Washington, D.C.?
Either let disobedience, let evil reign. As it has been and is. Always increasing.
Or be obedient to the Lord and His Word and live for righteousness to reign — doing the right thing.
Imagine that…
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Friday, September 27th, 2024
Massie: Congress passed spending bill no one read
September 26, 2024
By Bethany Blankley
Reprinted from The Center Square
(The Center Square) – Congress will keep passing temporary continuing resolutions to avoid a preventable government shutdown in bills members don’t read, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, argues.
This will happen because “no one can stand to cut spending,” he said at a House Committee on Rules hearing on the Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025.
The House and Senate Wednesday passed a temporary CR to fund the government through Dec. 20. The House passed it with 82 Republicans, including Massie, voting against it. The Senate passed it with only 18 Republicans voting against it. The CR would not have passed without Republican support.
Massie referred to a prediction he previously made that the SAVE Act, which the House passed in June, would be used as a bargaining tool to pass the CR but would later be stripped. After he made the prediction, it was stripped, the CR was pulled and reintroduced. He also said the SAVE Act, which would implement stronger measures to prevent noncitizens from voting, would not be signed into law.
“Three weeks ago, before the drama started, I said there would be some drama with the bright shiny object called the SAVE Act. I said that was going to get stripped off and you’re going to get a clean CR. I also predicted this would fall right before Christmas,” he said. Dec. 20 was picked as the deadline “because it’s the same reason we always have December 20th … it’s five days from Christmas and four days from Christmas Eve and you desperately want to be there with your family. This is when the leadership here has the maximum influence.”
This tactic applies to both parties, Massie said. “They love to pick the week before Christmas for this showdown because you can smell the jet fuel fumes over DCA. It smells like Christmas. You’re going to get to go home and open presents.” He described how the former House Speaker would tell members, “If you vote for this, you can go home and unwrap presents with your kids. If you don’t vote for this, you’re going to spend Christmas here with Nancy Pelosi. Then the chant starts, ‘vote, vote, vote, vote’” and members got “enthusiastic to vote for something they haven’t read.”
Congress could spend 12 months to work on 12 appropriation bills beginning on Oct. 1, when the fiscal year begins, he said, but won’t.
Instead, House and Senate leadership will push through CRs or omnibus bills to create a government shutdown and budget crisis before Christmas and in the spring, “whether it’s an omnibus that funds all of government with one bill,” or another CR, he said, it will pass again. It will be “written behind closed doors and every lobbyist in this town” will try to attach pork.
This has happened every year in the 12 years he’s been in Congress, he said. “It’s going to be the same old thing, warmed over, written behind closed doors, rolled out here. We’re not going to have time to read this thing.”
Before Dec. 20, leadership will pressure members “using their family, basically taking their Christmas hostage,” he said. “I think that’s wrong, and I don’t think we should do it.”
The funding proposals won’t last more than six months “because written into law signed by Joe Biden, voted for by Chuck Schumer, introduced by myself as a provision in law, it says if you go past April 30 on a continuing resolution you’re going to get an automatic 1% cut to everything that’s appropriated.
“The most responsible thing to do would be a one-year CR but nobody up here can stand a 1% cut to spending,” he said.
Congress has only passed required appropriations bills four times in recent fiscal years 1977, 1989, 1995, and 1997, according to a Pew Research Center analysis. It notes that the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 requires 12 separate appropriations bills to be passed.
A Congressional Research Service 2023 report explains the law also established April 15 as the deadline to adopt a budget resolution. “Congress has adopted a budget resolution prior to April 15 four times since FY1985, most recently for FY2004,” it says.
A 2018 Government Accountability Office report notes that Congress passed CRs 36 times in the most recent 40 years evaluated.
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