Luck is a manmade notion, an illusion, a delusion — there are no coincidences
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
by Ken Pullen
Excerpt from the Washington Examiner article, in Italics, written by Byron York who interviewed President Trump aboard the Trump jet heading to Milwaukee;
“The most incredible thing was that I happened to not only turn but to turn at the exact right time and in just the right amount,” Trump said Sunday afternoon in a talk aboard his Boeing 757 as he flew to Milwaukee for the start of the Republican National Convention. “If I only half-turn, it hits the back of the brain. The other way goes right through [the skull]. And because the sign was high, I’m looking up. The chances of my making a perfect turn are probably one-tenth of 1%, so I’m not supposed to be here.”
“I had to be at the exact right angle,” Trump said at another point in the conversation, which included the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin. “Because the thing was an eighth of an inch away. That I would turn exactly at that second, where he [the gunman] wouldn’t stop the shot is pretty amazing. Pretty amazing. I’m really not supposed to be here.”
It was obvious that Trump was still processing what had happened. Who wouldn’t be? It is something that will stay with him for the rest of his life. At the moment, he is grappling with the feeling that something very big has changed in his life and in the presidential race. When I asked him, “Does this change your campaign?” he immediately answered, “Yes.”
A brush with death has had an obvious effect on Trump. He survived “by luck or by God,” he said. Once the trigger was pulled, the chances of Trump avoiding a fatal injury seemed infinitesimally small. “I mean, I’m supposed to be dead. I’m not supposed to be here,” Trump said yet again. “It did have a lot of impact.”
You may disagree, but the notion of luck is a manmade conscript. It’s how most folks, far too many folks explain far too many occurrences in their lives, in the lives of others. The idea of luck is an illusion, a delusion of man. Created by man. Not created by The Creator.
I pray that Mr. Trump comes to know, believe, and live accordingly that it was the latter — it was God and not luck that he is alive today.
I’m an American man. I’m a very conservative American man. I’m first and foremost though a thankful disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. A true child of God and no longer a child of disobedience. I do not know how any true Christ follower, Bible believer, a faithful disciple of Jesus cannot know and understand there is no such thing as a coincidence.
A photographer at Donald Trump’s rally captured the would-be killer bullet. DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES/REDUX/EYEVINE
Even getting in your vehicle, driving along, and getting a flat tire is not happenstance or coincidence. Now I’m not foolish and ignorant enough to think or believe that God gave you that flat tire. You got that flat tire for any number of logical reasons. You ran over something that pierced the tire enough to release its air. You should have bought that set of new tires when you thought about it. You stub your toe God didn’t do that to you. You did that for any number of reasons. The main one being you probably weren’t paying attention or you were in too much of a hurry. Really.
We do have myriad examples upon example in God’s Word of what may appear coincidences or happenstance but were directed by the hand of God in an individual’s life, in the lives of a group of people. We know, we can discern the difference between getting a flat tire because we failed to buy a new set and our tires are overly worn and getting a flat when as a result of what may appear on the surface a coincidence, happenstance we are drawn closer to God. It works within our hearts, our minds to know what happened God had His hand in it. It changes us. Draws us closer to Him. Closer to Jesus. Closer to living as we ought to live.
And, then, go out and buy that new set of tires…
…but one-tenth of one percent is not luck.
What occurs in the twinkling of an eye — the time it takes for light to enter the eye, reach the back of the eye, and be reflected back out is about one billionth of a second.
There is no such thing as luck. Or coincidence.
No. This is, this was Divine Intervention. Providence.
Now, do not get all tingly inside imagining, incorrectly, that Donald J. Trump is now some divine savior. Yes, it is by the will and grace of God that Mr. Trump is still among the living – but…
Mr. Trump is still a man. An alive one, but still a sinful man. A great man. A smart man. A successful and very blessed man, but still and always will be a sinful man while in this life, in this realm. Just as anyone, everyone finding themselves here is a sinful man, woman, or child [young person]. We’re all born into, and even when born again, we still sin and are not perfected. Sanctification is an ongoing process.
Why am I writing this now?
Because I like Mr. Trump. A lot. Oh, there have been times he has really annoyed me. Irked me. Ticked me off with his comments, his words, but he is what he is as he was created. I’m sure I have really annoyed and irked a lot of people in my lifetime. We all do at times. It’s our sinful natures and the fact that we all are individuals seeing, and hearing things differently at different times in our lives.
With the most important thing, the most important matter being that at some point while our Great Good Good God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, and the Holy Spirit are blessing us with breath, with animation in the fallen flesh, with coursing blood and a beating heart — and an aware and working heart and mind that we come to see, come to hear, COME TO KNOW THE LORD. Not to only reference His name, speak of Him, but speak to Him, LISTEN TO HIM, and COME TO KNOW HIM AS LORD OF ONE’S LIFE. The only way to life.
Faithfully believing every word within the whole Word of God.
No matter our age.
I’m going to certainly vote for Mr. Trump and J.D. Vance come November. Mr. Trump is the only real, honest choice if, in my opinion, a person is a true American, understanding our history, really understanding our history and place in history. If truly understanding and caring. If rational, of sound mind and spirit, if objective, if thinking critically. Mr. Trump is the only choice.
…much more important than my vote, than your vote, than anyone’s vote?
Is our prayers, our fervent, humble, faithful prayers that our Great & Good Good God Who by His will, His Divine Providence — no luck, no coincidence — saved Mr. Trump’s life last Saturday, July 13th in Pennsylvania, that much greater than millions of votes is our prayers that this event truly does change Mr. Trump from just talking about God to COMING TO TRULY KNOW GOD & HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, JESUS CHRIST, AND THAT MR. TRUMP IS BORN ANEW. RENEWED OF MIND AND SPIRIT TO BE TRANSFORMED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Not that we then become a theocracy.
But that we have true healing, true repentance, from Mr. Trump and EVERY professed Christian in America, and more come to know Christ, more professed Christians spend every day in God’s Word, and that more than 4% of the population possess a Biblical worldview, and America is truly repentant and revived. Restored to its foundations. Our Christ follower foundations, the foundations upon which America came about and was built upon. Which were built upon faith in God, in Jesus, in the Holy Bible and we the people to the greater extent lived accordingly.
We have lost our way.
We have become a perverse and very corrupt, lost, sinful generation.
A generation of vipers, liars, deluded, with itching ears, hypocrites, dead dry bones.
And that’s just the professed Christians in this nation, the so-called Christian churches for the most part.
There is no such thing as luck.
There are no coincidences.
There is God.
There is Jesus.
There is the Holy Spirit.
There is the Holy Bible.
There are all of us. All of U.S.
And it’s all about, only about our relationship with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible that matters.
Nothing else really matters. I know that makes many gasp, refuse to accept that reality, that truth, but if and when an individual comes to know, believe, and then faithfully live out through repentance, through faith, through regeneration of mind and spirit, born again — such a truth, such a reality and they know the Word of God and live it out that…
My son, do not forget my law,
But let your heart keep my commands;
For length of days and long life
And peace they will add to you.
Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,
And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones.
Proverbs 3:1-8
Truly my soul silently waits for God;
From Him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be greatly moved.
How long will you attack a man?
You shall be slain, all of you,
Like a leaning wall and a tottering fence.
They only consult to cast him down from his high position;
They delight in lies;
They bless with their mouth,
But they curse inwardly. Selah
My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.
Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah
Psalm 62:1-8
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
…it is only when placing all trust, all faith upon the Lord uppermost in our lives that clarity, a keen understanding, true wisdom, knowledge, peace and real life occurs.
We need to stop making ourselves, our nation, and any man our idol. Something far too many of us do while denying we do so.
Pray not only for Mr. Trump to heal, or be elected our next president.
Pray that God’s will be done, on earth, as in heaven, His kingdom come, and that whatever happens though we may not understand it we place all our trust in Him. In Jesus. In the Holy Spirit. In the whole Holy Bible.
Pray that what happened on Saturday truly has a Supernatural spiritual event take place in Mr. Trump. Not mere contemplation about a near death experience. Not chalking it up to luck, or coincidence. Pray that in his private times, when about to go to bed, when perhaps in his office alone that he acknowledges the presence of the Lord, acknowledges God’s Providence in saving his life. The Secret Service didn’t save his life. God did.
For a reason.
And not only to become president to install his policies in our land.
Too many of those policies are not Biblical. Such as an openness, acceptance, and approval of homosexual marriage, or the premeditated murder of children [known by most as the euphemisms to numb the mind, keep the heart dead and cold; a woman’s right to choose, or a woman’s health issue. Only God grants, gives and makes any rights possible. And God certainly does not stand with or abide a woman’s premeditated decision to murder the child within her womb He has knitted together], among others. Revealing more of a desire for votes than in pleasing the Lord, abiding in the ways of God, knowing and living according to God’s Word as a child of His, a disciple of His Son, Jesus.
Not that Mr. Trump or anyone can effectively wipe away these sins and abominations, this blight upon our land and our people. We are deluded to think such is possible at this time. Once the door to such is thrust open the rot enters and can never again be swept out one hundred percent. We embrace sin, we embrace evil, we invite it in. We’ve done this ever since the Garden of Eden. We do this continually in America. Abandoning THE faith, abandoning our foundations.
Pray that Mr. Trump through the events of Saturday and every moment thereafter that he now has a repentant heart — he said in an interview back in 2016 when running for president, when asked about forgiveness and repentance, that he had nothing to repent or be forgiven about.
May his mind, his heart, his spirit, and soul now be changed in such thinking and attitude.
Mr. Trump is not America’s savior.
He is a man who can help restore U.S. in many ways if elected.
But if we the people place him above or on par with the Lord, if we idolize him, ourselves, this nation, if we do not repent ourselves, if we do not obtain, or maintain the correct perspective and understanding God will not bless us.
We have turned from God.
Within the Church.
The overwhelming majority professing to be disciples of His Son, Jesus Christ, exhibit the reality that few really know what that means.
Repent. Turn back to the Lord. Turn back into the Holy Bible. Daily. Nightly.
Be fervent, faithful, and continual in prayer — not amiss. Spiritual prayer. Not carnal. Not selfish. Not making demands upon God. Seeking humbly His will be done.
And if we truly repent, if we truly turn back to the Lord, turn back to His Word — faithfully, He will keep His promise to us.
But if it’s only lip service, outwardly, for a show, for appearance’s sake, and our hearts are not truly changed?
How can we honestly expect God to continue to bless us knowing just how far we have gone from Him, from Jesus, from the Holy Spirit, from the whole Word of God, from our history, our foundations, our Founding Fathers’ faith, and understanding this nation only came to be by God’s Divine Intervention, God’s Providence — and it could all be lost if we the people stray. Walk away. Turn from that which made us, saved us, made U.S. possible.
God freely gives and blesses.
God also removes and takes away.
Because of the condition of hearts and minds towards Him and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus. From our disobedience. Our turning to idols.
And that is just judgment.
For He is God.
Our Creator. Our only way to life, truth, light, liberty, freedom, real love, real peace, real hope.
Pray that Mr. Trump, members of Mr. Trump’s family, those in Mr. Trump’s inner circle, and more of us come to believe, know, understand, and live that out accordingly.
There is no such thing as luck or coincidence.
If believing that lie, that illusion, that delusion when are you going to come to know and understand the truth, reality, to come to know God?
The only salvation, the only Saviour, the only way to life? To true freedom and liberty? To any sort of future worth living?
No more lip service. What is needed, what is required is true heart service. True spirit, soul, heart, and mind service to the Lord our God. To the whole Word of God.
Then and only then will we, can we see things happen that we so much desire to occur. Only then folks.
God is not mocked.
God knows every heart, every thought.
And if we really want to make America great again? We then first must make God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God the greatest most important parts of our daily, nightly lives.
Man, no man can do it.
Only God and our faithfulness to Him can perform such a feat, such an act.
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