Thursday, September 26th, 2024
by Ken Pullen
Look. Contemplate. Then answer the questions at the end. There are only a couple of them. No math involved…
Are you so closed minded, so gullible, so easily manipulated, so dense as to believe the utterly implausible notions, theories of the world by flawed men and women that you accept whatever you’re told by the world? Such as everything known started from nothingness. A BIG BANG! Primordial ooze. Goo. Bacteria.
Charles Darwin would fail high school science and biology today. Do they still have high school biology, I mean, the real one, not the made-up woke one?
Have you ever looked around the world you inhabit? Or do you just blindly plod through it, banal, mind closed, heart seized up in the darkness of the life of lies fed to you?
Refusing to believe in the God of the Bible. Refusing to believe…the wonder, the awe, the magnificence, the amazing world of creation, or diversity, of perfection and balance that was…
You really think all of this is the result of happenstance? Everything from nothing? Gases, rocks, bacteria -living how in the vacuum of space? How did life form out of rock, gases, and the elements of a BIG BANG in the vacuum of space to result in a perfectly balanced galaxy, universe, wherein if the earth were 2 miles further from the sun, or 2 miles closer to the sun no life would exist on this earth?
Perhaps for the first time in your life finally see. And hear. And respond to the Lord Who has made all He has made so you can know Him, know His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and come to know the peace, the life, the reward, the free gift, and forgiveness — eternal life only faith in Jesus can bring.
Because you’re not really that closed-minded, dense, foolish, blind, gullible and easily manipulated by the lies of the world, are you?
I didn’t think so.
So, now do something about your eternity while enjoying this life, this creation the Lord has made for us because this world is swiftly coming to its end and the Lord is going to return.
There is no time to waste.
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