Lifeless Law

 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”



Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:12


Lifeless Law


Miles Stanford

Reprinted from Bible Portal


For if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law”

Galatians 3:21


Paul devoted two full chapters to establish our freedom from the fallen Adam. Romans Six sets forth our freedom from the dominion of Adamic sin; Romans Seven explains our freedom from Adamic law.

Whereas our liberty was won on the Cross, it is worked out in our daily life and experience by the Holy Spirit. On the Cross, by the Spirit, in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“If ministers and teachers of God’s Word would set saints free and establish them in the Gospel, let their preaching and teaching be based upon the sixth and seventh of Romans, the central theme of which is our union with the Lord Jesus in death and burial; and our resurrection and ascension with Him into newness of life; where not the law, but grace, reigneth; where not the letter but the Spirit, moveth the heart and life of the believer. Satan will fight most fiercely against such teaching, but no other will establish the Lord’s people.”

“If God has declared that we died, we did die. If God has declared us discharged from the law, we are discharged and are hereby God’s free children, new creatures,’ created after God in righteousness and true holiness.’

“Our longing for conformity to the image of God’s Son shall be confirmed and fulfilled by the Holy Spirit who hath been given unto us. No man can believe he has a right to walk freely and fully in the Spirit until he believes himself to be free from the law.” -W.R.N.

“Law cannot give eternal life, nor have, therefore, any control over it.” -L.S.C.

“But now we have been discharged from the law, having died to that wherein we were held” (Rom. 7:6, ASV.).

Bible Verses:

 Galatians 3:21

Romans 7:6


About the Author:

I am a simple God-fearing, Bible-believing man. A sinner who by the free gift of grace from God, and the Sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ for my sin has been transformed, born anew, to serve the Lord my God as best I humbly can with my limited gifts. I've been directed to do this work. Even though at times I've fought and resisted doing it. I don't deserve anything but condemnation were it not for the mercy, forgiveness, grace, and love of God the Father, Jesus Lord of my life, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

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