Israeli soldiers and relatives carry the flag-draped casket of 1st Sgt. Matityahu Ya’akov Perel, who was killed in combat in the Gaza Strip, during his funeral at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem, Israel, Jan. 9, 2025. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)
There is no real peace on earth. There only has been one moment in world history. When the Lord Jesus Christ, fully truly God entered this world fully truly a human man, born a baby, of a virgin. Only moment in world history when peace was on earth.
There is no peace and never will be anywhere on earth — until the Lord returns His Second and Final time and takes His rightful seat on the throne of David, in Jerusalem, to rule the nations for 1,000 years.
Not believing that truth of world history to come?
Okay, let’s set that aside for a moment.
To achieve any manner or appearance of peace there are only two possibilities among battling, warring, opposing forces. One side must be utterly destroyed and weakened to such a degree they come to understand they are defeated and to continue on would mean total annihilation. Total humiliation even though defeat is humiliating to be wiped out due to arrogance and ignorance wouldn’t leave such a good mark in the history books.
So, one side is so overwhelming that they weaken and destroy an enemy, a foe, an adversary to the point of surrender and they come to a negotiated peace. Vainly imagining it is a lasting peace.
The only other scenario among opposing views, forces, and adversaries is they both come to an understanding prior to physical battles and war erupts and comes to a mutually agreed peaceful arrangement both parties can live with.
That’s the only way any semblance of peace erupts, occurs, can be even considered.
All the talk of peace, we want peace, all the baloney and dung of the 1960s and Give Peace A Chance and lost fools such as Ringo Starr, now 84 years old, still going around flipping two fingers in people’s faces and saying, “Peace and love,” from a clueless individual having no comprehension of what real peace is, real history shows us, and what real love is. It’s not the 1960s cultural free love sexual revolution upheaval and mere lipservice.
I understand that the people living in Israel want nothing but peace. I have heard Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu say he and the people of Israel want peace, I’ve heard many Jews proclaim all they want is peace, and I understand that. I really do.
Peace, no war, no death or suffering, no high costs on so many levels would be a wonderful and beautiful thing. I used to be one of those 1960s dreamers thinking peace could be brought about. But I wised up with growing up.
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the same result and never learning from it then millions, billions of people meet the criteria of being insane.
Well, they’re just utterly lost in darkness, as darkness, for if they were not darkness, darkness would not exist. Understand? It is individuals who are darkness that make up the atmosphere of thick clinging rotting stench of death darkness on this earth.
It is naive to think if one side craves peace and acts a certain way that their enemies will recognize their desire for peace and relent. No longer hate them, desire them dead and destroyed.
It is foolish and naive to believe the olive branch, the hand thrust forward in peace to shake and agree would be recognized and accepted by an enemy with white-hot hatred towards you that desires above everything else on earth your total and utter extermination from the face of the earth.
Appeasement does not bring about peace.
A one-sided agreement does not bring about peace.
Anyone who has ever been in any sort of relationship, held a job, or been born into a family ought to clearly know and understand this.
Yet idiots, foolish, blind lost men and women who have the wisdom of infants continue to think mere words and throwing money around, passing a law, and making a demand will bring about the desired peace and result.
Not when one-sided and not mutually understood and agreed upon.
Yes, love your enemies, as the Lord commanded us. But He did not say be blind, be stupid, be foolish, be ignorant, be appeasing to your enemy who desires to harm you, did He? Loving an enemy is not being blind with regard to your enemy’s true intentions and desires towards you.
Yes, be the example. But also be vigilant and protective.
Always. One hand with the sword, one hand working to build, not ever changing out of or removing the whole armor of God.
It is a good thing to see so many Israelis waking up and realizing the so-called two-state solution is no solution at all.
The only true peace, lasting peace comes from a transformative, renewing of the mind, renewing of the heart — comes from an event wherein an individual is changed from within, dramatically, radically, by the Holy Spirit of God through faith, submission, commitment, and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, making Jesus Lord of one’s life.
THAT is the only true and lasting peace.
Appeasement of the enemy, of the world, of those who oppose the truth, and oppose peace never is the solution.
Very interesting and wonderful things taking place in Israel, in the Jewish people.
Marking just how close, how very close we are for the Lord to come gather His people to Him and for the fulfillment of the remaining Bible prophecy to unfold and for this world to enter into its final period of being.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, January 9th, 2025
Large Majority of Israeli Jews Now Oppose Palestinian State Under Any Conditions
By John Waage
Reprinted from CBN — The Christian Broadcasting Network
JERUSALEM, Israel – Fifteen months of war in Gaza and skirmishes in Judea and Samaria may have dramatically changed the Israeli outlook on a Palestinian state. For the first time since 2008, a majority of the Israeli Jewish population opposes a Palestinian state of any kind, according to a Swords of Iron survey conducted by Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) taken in December and published Monday.
Among Jewish Israelis polled, 64 percent opposed a Palestinian state under any conditions. When the surveyed Israeli Arab population was included, the numbers opposing a state were smaller but still constituted a majority of 52 percent of Israeli citizens.
Knesset member Ariel Kallner from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party told JNS News Thursday that creating a Palestinian state would be the equivalent of national suicide for Israel.
“And we are finished with committing suicide,” Kallner said.
He added, “I would have been surprised if the poll results were different after our experience with the Palestinian state in Gaza. Prior to Oct. 7, 2023, Gaza was a Palestinian state, and we know what the result was for southern Israel, the ensuing difficult war, and the challenging times we now live in,” he stated.
Throughout the early 2,000s, a solid majority of Israeli Jews supported some form of Palestinian state, but support began to slowly decline from the time just after the destruction of the Jewish Gaza settlements following the disengagement in 2006 and Hamas’ violent takeover of Gaza in 2007.
Support for a Palestinian state continued to decline from the beginning of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s second stint as leader in 2009 until 2020.
Among the poll’s other findings: One-third of Israeli Jews surveyed support Israel’s annexation of the Gaza Strip, and of those respondents, half said they favor rebuilding Jewish settlements in Gaza.
Slightly over half of Jewish respondents favor giving control of Gaza to a “moderate” Palestinian entity or some form of international administration.
Regarding the outcome of the war with Hamas, just over half of Israeli Jews surveyed said Israel would achieve most or all of its war objectives, while 38 percent believe few or none of the objectives would be attained.
The margin of error for the INSS survey is 3.5 percent.
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