Sinking Ship by Q80designer on DeviantArt



Kept by the Spirit


Don’t let the world creep in


September 16, 2024

Billy Graham

From Billy Graham Evangelistic Association



“We know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.”
—1 John 3:24

A boat doesn’t sink because it is in the water; it sinks because the water gets into it.

In the same way, Christians don’t fail to live as they should because they are in the world; they fail because the world has gotten into them. We don’t fail to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit because we live in a sea of corruption; we fail because the sea of corruption has gotten into us.

It can happen almost without our realizing it. At one time we were dedicated to Christ, surrendered to the will of God. But little by little the chilling waters of the world crept in. We became preoccupied with the things of this world rather than the things of Christ.

Most ocean-going ships have pumps running constantly, sucking out any water that might have leaked into the hull. Similarly, we need to keep the “pumps” of repentance running. We need to plug the holes with the truth of God’s Word. Don’t let the world sink your ship!


Under the Shadow of the Almighty