The LORD will appear over them, and his arrow will go out like lightning. The Almighty LORD will blow the ram’s horn and will march in the storms from the south.

Zechariah 9:14

Zechariah 9:14


Is Divine Lightning Fighting Houthis in Yemen?


August 27, 2024

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Reprinted from Israel 365 News





Israel has been fighting a multifaceted war for its existence that has intensified since the horrific Palestinian Hamas attack on October 7. The threats have been from Iran and its regional terrorist proxies. While Hamas has been nearly eliminated in the south, and an Israeli airstrike preempted a massive attack by Hezbollah, the Yemenite Houthis have been strangely silent.

The Houthis began attacking Israel directly less than two weeks after the October 7 attack by Hamas and launching missiles and armed drones. The Houthis have since seized and launched aerial attacks against dozens of merchant and naval vessels in the Red Sea. The group has declared that they will not stop until Israel ceases its war on Hamas.

The Houthis remain intensely focused on attacking Israel. On Sunday, Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones at northern Israel. The attack was almost entirely repelled and did not approach the attack by more than 6,000 rockets that Hezbollah had planned on launching.

The Houthis praised the “large and courageous attack” in a Sunday statement. They warned that a Yemeni response to Israeli operations was “inevitably coming.”

The Houthis may have been preoccupied, coping with the most apparent and most iconic manifestation of Divine intervention: lightning.

It was reported last week that 14 people had been killed in a series of lightning strikes in Hajjah Governorate, western Yemen. Since early August, Hajjah Governorate has been grappling with torrential rains, accompanied by thunder and severe flooding, affecting 13 districts. These extreme weather conditions have caused significant damage to over 7,200 families, including internally displaced persons.

Over the past few weeks, according to unofficial statistics, more than 80 people, including women and children, have died or been injured due to lightning strikes across various governorates.

In addition, rains and floods in the northern part of Yemen earlier this month killed 45 people, damaged 12,584 homes, and displaced 3,640 people, according to a statement by the Yemeni Red Crescent. The rainy season in Yemen begins in late March and intensifies from July to mid-August.

Lightning is a sign of divine anger, as described throughout the Bible, most notably by the Prophet Zechariah:

And Hashem will manifest Himself to them, And His arrows shall flash like lightning; My Hashem shall sound the shofar And advance in a stormy tempest. Zechariah 9:14

Rabbi Yosef Berger, rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, noted that lightning figures prominently in the Bible as an accompaniment to the Messiah.

“The divine role of lightning is emphasized repeatedly in the Bible,” he added. “The Bible says clearly in Psalms that lightning will be like a spotlight, revealing the truth at the end of days.”

His lightnings lighted up the world; the earth saw, and trembled. Psalms 97:4

“But for those working against God, lightning will indeed be an actual means of punishment,” the rabbi warned.

He referenced a well-known Biblical event involving lightning, explaining, “The lightning at Mount Sinai was a preview of what will be in the end of days when lightning will again play a key role.”

And all the people perceived the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of the horn, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled, and stood afar off…And Moshe said unto the people: ‘Fear not; for God is come to prove you, and that His fear may be before you, that ye sin not.’ Exodus 20:14

“Just as powerful lightning at Mount Sinai was not meant to harm, not divine retribution, also in the end-of-days lighting serves a specific purpose,” Rabbi Berger said. “For people who recognize the God of Abraham, it is like an alarm clock, waking them up, telling them to prepare for what is about to happen.”

Rabbi Berger explained that the message of the lightning was sent to all peoples, not only the Jews.

“This is a global warning and not just to Israel. Whoever recognizes God’s rule will be part of the geula [Geula (Hebrewגאולה lit. Redemption) is a neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem, populated mainly by Haredi Jews] and will be gathered in from the far corners.”


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