This isn’t some make-believe once upon a time fairytale. America is not becoming an anti-Christ nation — America has been an anti-Christ nation for some time now and the consequences have been revealed. Only the signs have been misread as being enlightened, right, and the overwhelming majority of people not only accepting it all but approving of it all — even in knowing it is wrong.

Romans 1

Imagine that.

Where was the outcry decades ago — decades ago from within the people for the direction taken? Sorry, but some protests and some marches did little or nothing. The only time they have? Is when the people marching obeyed God, believed God, abided solely in God’s words, trusted God, and did the work the Lord commanded them to do — then the walls from marching and making noise fell down. But if doing so only for a political reason? A cause? For self-willfulness and motivations? What changes? Really.

When permitting the unsound to enter into churches and be preached from pulpits, approving of every vile, heinous act, every perversion and deviancy under the sun and saying or doing little about it all — allowing and approving of the curriculums in schools, and placing faith in politics, elections, and men rather than God —what do people think is going to happen?

The Great Falling Away. The Great Apostasy. Everything unfolds just as the Word of God tells us. If only we would read it, study it, meditate deeply — think, ponder, put into practice what God’s Word says to us. But who has time for that, right? I have to get that report done, go to soccer practice, get to the store for that sale, and either watch or attend the game tonight. Why do I need to put time and effort in, faith in, prayer in, Bible study in? I’m already a Christian!!! I go to church on Sunday!!!

Oy vey people!

Beginning to become an anti-Christ nation? Where have some, so many been living and seeing and hearing things from? Apparent they have no seen or heard as they remain blind and deaf to reality, the truth, the words within the Word of God and prefer the little bubble worlds of delusion they have created in order to cope and remain stunted, enslaved to he who has dominion on this earth for a season.

Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Titus 2:13

Because an election, a politician isn’t the salve, the saving element. Nor is any nation’s system of government or people. Oh, do not misunderstand — I vote and will vote. It is vital and important to vote. But I hold no illusions or have any molecule of delusion in me.

It isn’t about America, being conservative, belonging to a political party, voting for a certain person.

It’s all, it’s only about Jesus Christ. It’s all, it’s only about God. It’s all, it’s only about the Holy Spirit. It’s all, it’s only about the whole Holy Bible from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 and every word in between.

And until and unless that becomes the approved, the accepted, the adopted way to think, behave, and live there is no hope whatsoever for this nation and its people.

if not truly a Christ follower? If not truly a born again individual that has the Holy Spirit indwelling within them? If not truly a faithful, prayerful believer of the whole Holy Bible putting it into daily practice? Placing the Lord Jesus Christ, God as Father, and the Holy Spirit uppermost, foremost the priority in this life?

Well, then you have the spirit of anti-Christ in you.

Just the way it is.

Not according to me. According to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible.

Don’t like or agree with Them or it? Doesn’t matter.

They are, it is spot on spotless, and right.

Who are any of us to dispute, deny, or suppress and supplant the truth of Scripture and God’s breathed words to us?

You think it’s dreadful, difficult, and unhinged in America now? Just wait…just wait… the curtain has gone up, the overture has played and is finished, the arioso is almost done, and we’re in the finale of the Opera of America being sung.

See that fat lady? She is about to bellow it out…

Close curtain. Turn out the lights.

Better be prepared for when that happens. Especially if finding yourself in the theater of this life and not removed from the place you now inhabit.

Because when Christ comes to gather His people and the REAL Antichrist – son of perdition — and his false prophet are revealed and the Opera of the Great Tribulation begins? You do not want to be here to hear and witness that being screamed and performed. It will not be a happy opera, nor have a good ending.

You can learn this by going to God’s Word and not only reading, not only studying, but taking time to think deeply, ponder, practice — meditate upon daily, nightly what is read.

Believe. Live it out. Let it be seen within you.

Do not be afraid. Unless living without God, without Jesus, without the Holy Spirit, and without the whole Holy Bible. Then be afraid — be very, very afraid. But why continue to live that way?

Find the peace, the everlasting peace, joy, delight, and fulfillment of living life in the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s real. It’s true. I didn’t believe it myself when I was outside of the understanding and knowledge of just what it meant to be transformed, renewed of mind and spirit, born anew, and truly changed from within. But I can tell you firsthand — there is no real life, no other way to live. And it can happen for you, with you, to you. Believe. Confess. Repent. Faithfully seek Him and believe. Hear Him. Know Him — the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for you. The gift of FREE grace and forgiveness of every sin — as He took all that upon Himself on the tree of shame for any, every person on earth who would come to Him in faith, believing, obeying, making Him, Jesus Christ, the Lord of their life.

Ignite Your Life | Ignite America

Read on…but make sure to come back to the link right above these words when finished with the article below.

Ken Pullen, Tuesday, June 4th, 2024



Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?


June 2, 2024

By Michael Snyder

Reprinted from The End of the American Dream



Once upon a time, America was a Christian nation.  I know that many on the left cringe when they read a statement like that, but it is true.  For most of our history, the population of the United States was overwhelmingly Christian, and the values that governed our society were primarily Christian values.  But of course everything has changed in recent decades.  When Barack Obama boldly declared that “we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation” in 2009, he was speaking the truth.  We are no longer a Christian nation and we haven’t been for a very long time.  So if we aren’t a Christian nation at this point, what exactly are we?

According to the Pew Research Center, 64 percent of Americans still considered themselves to be “Christians” in 2020

About 64% of Americans call themselves Christian today. That might sound like a lot, but 50 years ago that number was 90%, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center study. That same survey said the Christian majority in the US may disappear by 2070.

If nearly two-thirds of your people consider themselves to be “Christians”, that would seem to indicate that you are a Christian nation.

But we obviously aren’t.

Just look around.

Many of the signs and symbols and messages that we see all around us are overtly anti-Christian.

So what in the world is going on?

Ultimately, there are lots of Americans that still identify themselves as “Christians” even though they have completely abandoned everything that Christianity represents.

Joe Biden is a perfect example.  He says that he is a “Christian” and he attends church regularly.

But then the rest of the time he is working very hard against virtually everything that  the Bible teaches.

Of course he is far from alone.

According to George Barna, 6 percent of Americans had a “biblical worldview” in 2020, and by 2023 that figure had dropped to just 4 percent

The first national study of Americans’ worldview since the COVID-19 lockdowns shows that the incidence of biblical worldview has fallen to a mere 4%—a drop of one third from the 6% recorded just three years earlier.

In fact, the 6% benchmark measure recorded in January 2020 may prove to be the high-water mark of biblical worldview among American adults for the foreseeable future, according to a new report from the American Worldview Inventory 2023 from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

I wish that I could tell you that his numbers aren’t accurate.

But I can’t.

Barna says that there is a second group that has “a substantial number of beliefs and behaviors consistent with biblical principles”, but unfortunately that group fell from 25 percent of the population in 2020 to just 14 percent in 2023

The number of adults who don’t possess a biblical worldview, but still hold “a substantial number of beliefs and behaviors consistent with biblical principles,” has also fallen dramatically. Only one of every seven adults (14%) belong to the category of what Barna identifies as an “Emergent Follower.” That number was 25% only three years ago.

When you add the first two groups together, it comes to a grand total of 18 percent of the population.

That is just depressing.

So what about everyone else?

Well, just about everyone else would fall into Barna’s “world citizen” category

The bulk of the American adult population—82%—falls into the “World Citizen” category, described as people “who may embrace a few biblical principles but generally believe and behave in ways that are distinct from biblical teaching.” According to the report, this group has grown substantially from the 69% registered in 2020.

I think that the term “world citizen” perfectly describes most people these days.

Sadly, on at least some level the vast majority of the population has embraced the new values that are constantly being pushed on us by the western elite.

And this is clearly showing up in the poll numbers.

Survey after survey has shown that close to two-thirds of the U.S. population disapproves of the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.  Here is just one example

About two-thirds (65%) oppose the 2022 Supreme Court decision, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, and 34% approve, numbers that have remained effectively unchanged in CNN’s polling across the nearly two years since the ruling. Those who strongly disapprove of the decision continue to outnumber those who strongly approve by a more than 2-to-1 margin.

We live in a country in which nearly two-thirds of the population claims to be Christian, but nearly two-thirds of the population also wants Roe v. Wade back.

That doesn’t make any sense at all.

Surveys on other topics tell a similar story.

According to a Gallup survey that was conducted last year, 71 percent of the population approves of gay marriage, and a Gallup survey that was conducted earlier this year discovered that 22.3 percent of Generation Z adults now identify as LGBTQ+

Overall, each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as LGBTQ+. More than one in five Gen Z adults, ranging in age from 18 to 26 in 2023, identify as LGBTQ+, as do nearly one in 10 millennials (aged 27 to 42). The percentage drops to less than 5% of Generation X, 2% of baby boomers and 1% of the Silent Generation.

Bisexuality is the most common LGBTQ+ status among Generation Z, millennials and Generation X. Fifteen percent of all Generation Z adults — representing more than two-thirds of those with an LGBTQ+ identification — are bisexual.

What values are being relentlessly promoted by just about every major institution in our society?

Is it Christ and His values that are being promoted?

Or is it the opposite?

At this point, even the U.S. military is systematically promoting values that are directly opposed to the values that we find in  the Bible

Judicial Watch announced today it received 25 pages of records regarding drag shows, drag story hours and other pride events for military personnel and their dependent minors organized and paid for by the U.S. Air Force.

The documents were obtained through a May 5, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) by Judicial Watch and CatholicVote Civic Action. The Defense Department issued at least half a dozen “no records” responses to the FOIA request prior to finally releasing these records.

Jesus said that you would know a tree by the fruit that it produces.

Needless to say, the fruit that America is producing is not Christian fruit.

In fact, most of the fruit that America is producing is the kind of fruit that we would expect from an anti-Christ nation.

But even in the midst of all the darkness, God is still at work, and amazing things are happening.

For example, author John Burke has interviewed 70 different people that have actually been to heaven and have come back to tell us about it…

Imagine all the love you’ve experienced in your entire life, from parents, spouses, friends, and family — and then multiply it by a thousand. That’s the kind of love experienced by people who’ve had near-death experiences. They report being in God’s presence. John Burke, the Texas-based bestselling author of “Imagine Heaven” and now the follow-up book, “ Imagine the God of Heaven,” writes of the topic vividly. Together with his wife, Kathy, of Gateway Church in Austin, he is also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. He and his family live in Austin.

In an interview, Burke said he spoke with 70 “different people for ‘Imagine the God of Heaven’ — from every continent, every religious background. And yes, they encountered this God of light and love, but many of them also encountered Him as Jesus.”

And all over the world, Muslims are having supernatural encounters with Jesus that radically change their lives

Uncharted Ministries has interviewed former Muslims who now follow Jesus, and many of them had supernatural encounters with Jesus during Ramadan. These former Muslims are sharing their stories of discovering Jesus as their savior and praying that others will have the same experience.

Husein tells Uncharted Ministries that he was once a devout Muslim and extremely anti-Christian. But one year, during the week of Easter, Husein saw a Christian preacher on TV talking all about Jesus. He could not take his eyes off the broadcast. And then something supernatural happened to him.

“Suddenly, the Holy Ghost fell on me! I looked up and Jesus was there in front of me. I’d been a devout Muslim but as soon as I saw Him it was like seeing an old friend that I knew before. And I knew it was Jesus. And I knew something else. I knew that He was the Son of God!”

The God that created all things is still doing supernatural things in our day and time.

But even though we have so much evidence staring us in the face, our society continues to run away from God as rapidly as it can.

If we stay on the road that we are on, it isn’t going to lead anywhere good.

America needs to change course while there is still an opportunity to do so, and the clock is ticking…


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