Miguel Medina - AFP / Getty Images

French President Macron with Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. on Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. Biden caught on a hot open mic saying to Macron he has to leave first, at the instruction of his advance team, because he always holds people up due to his multiple incapacitations. Mental and physical.

Another Rod Serling - Imgflip


Imagine if you will…


Thursday, June 6th, 2024

by Ken Pullen



Imagine if you will…

You are a leader of a nation. Take your pick. A country which would at some point have you meeting with the sitting American president.

And you are at such an event. Today. You come in contact with Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., the worst president in American history. Besides some of the most ill-advised and unhealthy policies and actions — or inactions of any American president in history — also experiencing massive mental and physical incapacitation as no other president unless they had been one of the assassinated ones. Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy.

We won’t even get into the criminal and traitorous acts of the man here now.

Just the mumbling, fumbling, not knowing what he’s saying, hearing, or talking about many times. Many times. Most times. Unless given drugs behind closed doors to keep him lucid for a while. Similar to what they did with, and to, Adolf Hitler and others in history.

And today you’re the president, premier, top leader of [insert your favored nation status here] and you meet Joe. And you are near him for let’s say, an hour. Which would mean most likely seeing him nod off a few times. A half an hour? Even only 10 minutes. You are a keen observer. Top notch. You have excellent hearing and eyesight. You see him. You hear him. You are constructing your overall appraisal of him as you must being the leader of your nation, your people.

You then go back home to your official residence and meet with your cabinet, close advisors, friends, and network you hold close and you relay to them the state and condition of the American president.

Does this fact bring you comfort? Help you to sleep at night? Give you confidence in the present American political goings-on? The future of tomorrow let alone the next four years…

Imagine if you will…

Yes, it’s all in God’s hands. God is in control and Sovereign in all things.

And we the people get the politicking we deserve.

But imagine meeting Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. as a leader of a nation and going back to your people and reporting to them the state of America under such a leader, the condition of America under such a person in the position of the highest office in that land.

Imagine if you will…


Biden barely holds it together during 80th anniversary of D-Day landings | Blaze Media