Imagine…if the truth about Imagine was realized by the people of the world…
Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
by Ken Pullen
I read the news today…oh boy…
It’s about a Polish journalist, a longtime household name in Poland who got fired for merely speaking his mind regarding the song Imagine written by John Lennon.
Here’s a line from the article in the link below;
“Though revered universally as a hymn for peace and harmony that depicts a world sans borders, possessions, or religion…”
Olympics commentator fired for making controversial John Lennon statement
Really? Imagine by Lennon is now canonized as a HYMN declaring the statement above according to Andrew Gamble & Emily Hodgkin, writing the above article for Irish Star.
Reading, hearing the lyrics —– REALLY reading them and hearing them should reveal to the reader, the listener a truth they missed, couldn’t be bothered with at the time as they became seduced, mesmerized by the dream the delusion of the words ignoring the reality of man, the truth of things.
Just more pretending, hiding, denying, deluding.
The words from a man who mocked many for being genuine, for being hypocrites, for not being honest not being aware…
Imagine if people loved the Lord, loved the Word of God so much that when it or the Lord was blasphemed, mocked, hated openly there was an uproar, the perpetrators lost their jobs, were outcasts, looked down upon? Imagine that. If using the Lord’s name in vain had immediate consequences causing the perpetrator swift judgment and consequences. Accountability for hating God, mocking God.
Never has happened. Never will. Due to the spirit in the world. Due to he who has dominion on this earth and such influence over so many — most — people.
Say something, write something to offend a revered, worshipped, idolized person, go against the beliefs of the world, and the wrath of the woke world, the lost world comes down upon you like a ton of bricks.
Well, go against God the Creator, Jesus — God Who came to earth, lived among us, died, conquered death to walk out of the tomb, and Who is coming again and come to know what real love, real justice, wrath for wickedness is.
(from “Imagine: John Lennon” soundtrack)
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today… Aha-ah…
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace… You…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world… You…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
Yeah, right, let’s have a heroin addict for a long time, a person always searching yet never finding, who during numerous interviews proclaimed he dropped acid daily for a long, long time — let’s have him be the one people follow, know every word to the songs, imagine he had the answers, for a time that he was the answer. Idolized. Worshipped. No matter how arrogant, ignorant, and lost were his lyrics.
A hymn?
Well, to an utterly lost and corrupted world dying more daily while scurrying about seeking the answers, or just not caring any longer — becoming numb, numb, and number to everything, Just another one in the mix. Seeking a fix.
Evil, oh so subtle and beguiling, seductive evil, and its words and ways…
No heaven? No hell?
From the opening lines the seduction of evil, words of Satan given to the mind of a very creative man.
“Why, wouldn’t the world be perfect, so much better were there not these people obsessed with heaven, with hell, believing in such myths, hummm?”
Peace brought about by man, woman, or child?
When did that ever happen, how could it if even the least aware and knowledgeable person on earth?
Living only for today?
Hedonistic, selfish, deluded, lost. Revealing no belief in God, denying Jesus, forget even ever thinking or mentioning the Holy Spirit. Viewing Christ and His disciples, believers, as the enemy of Nivana, the Utopia and Paradise dreamed and desired.
Convince people there’s no heaven, no hell, and no need for possessions, no borders living lives in peace?
Think this grand delusion may have been influenced by something other than a sound mind aware of the world and human nature? Of history? Pretending to be such missing the mark completely.
I was once one of those dreamers. Joining Mr. Lennon in his delusion and dream world for a time.
Know something rather important? Totally important. The Foundation to bringing about nothing to kill or die for, no hunger, no greed, all of those created in the image of God living in peace, a true brotherhood of man, no need of possessions can be, has been, will be achieved — but not by any human rock stars, songwriters, book writers, individual men or women, or any group of men, women, or children.
Only God, only the Lord Jesus Christ, only the Holy Spirit, only the inerrant infallible living and active, eternal Word of God — only FAITH in the above, only living in the reality of this, no dreaming about it, no wishful thinking — only the Triune God and Their eternal living Word, faith in, a life changed by repentance, belief, relief, changed from within can bring about and come to know the dream of the song, not a hymn, a song written years ago by a man thinking of, desiring Paradise, a better way to live.
Only God.
Only Jesus.
Only the Holy Spirit.
Only the truth of the whole Holy Bible.
No man.
Above us, below us, anywhere around us.
No woman.
Above us. below us, anywhere around us.
No religion…
…religion means nothing.
FAITH, oh, faith, faith, a growing understanding becoming more mature daily just like a child growing daily.
In the Lord.
Only through the Lord.
…and for anyone still clinging to the lies, the deception, the seduction of the words given to John Lennon by his mind and Satan all one needs to do is read the article in the link above and how if a person offers up an opinion, a view not in lockstep with the world hell fire reigns down upon them by the supposed knowing, aware, in charge, capable of changing one’s material life and profession.
There is, was more hate in the so-called lovers and peacemakers than those addicted, hypnotized, deluded followers of the utterly lost will ever see or admit.
Until, unless they walk toward the voice of Jesus and allow Him to heal them. To remove their blindness. So they can finally see. Remove their deafness so they can finally hear.
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