How the Ezekiel 38 War Will Happen
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
by Ken Pullen
There has been a lot of chatter lately, as the interceptors and listeners from numerous intelligence agencies would call it, who listen to phone conversations, read emails, text messages, and the like regarding the Ezekiel 38 & 39 war.
The war in which God places a hook in the mouth of Russia and Turkey, reeling them in, by their white-hot hatred and anger directed at Israel and the Jews. With Iran [Persia], Ethiopia, and Libya alongside them.
There has been a lot of speculation as to what will take place to bring this war about and fulfill more Bible prophecy, which unfolds daily before our eyes and ears—if only folks would pay attention and believe!
I read watched and listened to a lot of this speculation.
I hope that at some point Ezekiel 38 & 39 has been read by everyone here. More than once. And a prayer, a fervent [hot] faithful prayer was offered up to the Lord for discernment and conviction of His words to enter the heart and mind in preparing to read those chapters in His Word. [Always a sound thing to do prior to opening God’s Word to prepare a heart for ingesting His Words, eating and drinking of the Word — like having an aperitif, arousing the appetite before a great meal].
If well read, then the knowledge that Israel and the people abiding there will be living in peace prior to the Ezekiel 38 war. The fences, walls, security checkpoints, all the troubles of so, so long that were present with the Gazans [Hamas] and West Bankers will have been removed. No walls. No fences. No gates. The people dwelling safely and in peace.
This will instill anger in the enemies of Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Seizing upon the opportunity to invade and destroy. The Godless nation of Russia, the Islamic false god nations of Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, and Lybia deluded that Israel is slumbering and has let their guard down, and there is no God in existence to protect them, and their false god will allow them to prevail. Ahh, the delusion of so many men and women on this earth! They do not believe what is written in God’s inerrant infallible unchangeable eternal living and active Word which has shown to be more accurate and true, more historically true than any other book in the world [there is no other book ever to reveal such accurate past history, while revealing present history, and future history] — but they do not believe. The world does not believe. It’s the latter of the last days. Faith has waned or disappeared from the hearts and minds of the overwhelming majority. Only a remnant remains.
We’re all living in the last sentence, of the last paragraph, on the last page, in the last chapter, of the book of world history as it has been known.
Why, all of this could even occur right after — or before — the Rapture of the Church the times will be such and so horrible and difficult readying the path for the curtain to be pulled back to reveal the Antichrist and his false prophet, ushering in the Great Tribulation.
But Ezekiel 38 & 39 happen before the revealing of the Antichrist his false prophet and the coming Great Tribulation [with us, the Lord’s people, both Jew and Gentile faithful to Jesus, no longer here to see it].
So how does this tell us how the Ezekiel 38 war will happen? It was mentioned above.
Israel will be safer and more secure than ever before since May 14th, 1948.
Because of the constant problem of having a cancerous mass of Islamist terrorists living within your body on two sides, with the world knowing that Gaza and the West Bank were never legitimate governments, they were just large terrorist cells for the most part, with those living there not belonging to Hamas terrified, suppressed, oppressed and harshly treated — yes, Gazans [Hamas in power] harshly treating other Gazans while the people of Israel helped the people of Gaza before October 7th, 2023 unlike their fellow Gazans [Hamas] ever had while the world persisted in declaring Hamas, Gaza, and the West Bank as legitimate governments at the same time denegrating, persecuting, and lying about Israel — the world revelled and delighted in the fact Israel was hemmed in, pinched, and continually under threat and attack by Hamas. This was pure evil on display. Not a struggling people seeking their own nation to live in peace with their neighbor, who so graciously allowed them to enter their land to work, and earn money because they could not in their own places — Gaza or the West Bank. Not a fledgling government, nothing of the sort. This was pure evil on display. Daily. This was life in the Middle East for Israel and the people of Gaza and the West Bank for decades with the world watching and pouring hundreds of billions of dollars and euros into Gaza and the West Bank while no hospitals, schools, or great institutions were being built. Gaza could have become the Riviera of the South Mediterranean, and Gaza could have become Dubai North with all the dollars and euros poured into it daily for decades. Gaza could have been a shining beacon in the world with all the money it received. But it chose terrorism, death, hatred, bitterness, and destruction instead. We all have choices in this life. They chose unwisely.
Gaza was nothing more than a haven of hundreds of miles of tunnels constructed to conduct terrorism and war, buildings to store weapons and ammunition in — for nothing but the continuation of bloodshed and hatred in their fervent focus of removing all Jews from Israel and removing Israel from the face of the earth.
If only, if only they had bothered to read the Holy Bible and believe it!
Israel is never going anywhere. Israel is the center of the world, Jerusalem its heart. Israel is GOD’S LAND. Jerusalem is GOD’S CITY. As long as there are stars, the moon, and the sun Israel is not going anywhere.
Fools, anyone who refuses to acknowledge or believe this — including most of what supposedly passes for the Christian church in these last of the last days with their evil Replacement Theology given to them by Satan not given to them by God or anything in His Word. Just a whole lot more false teaching from the already massive flow of it from pulpits in America rather than sound Biblical teaching.
“Okay, we get this, so what, you still haven’t told us how the Ezekiel 38 war happens, like you know!”
Okay, okay, it’s coming.
It’s in the works right before our eyes and ears. Has been for thousands of years. But this isn’t that long a piece, really, it isn’t, and we don’t have the time to cover that timeframe, so let’s begin here…
October 7th, 2023. I do not need to reiterate the events of that day, do I?
What followed was Israel defending itself, and going after the purely evil terrorist organization, Hamas, funded over the years by Iran, America, and the European Union nations with billions and billions and billions of dollars and euros, and the Israel/Gaza War of 2023-2025, with that war concluding in 2025.
Mr.Donald Trump wins the November 2024 election [thank the Lord!] with an overwhelming majority of support from the American people. No longer being a former president. Given a mandate by we the people. Please, proceed, Mr. President. You have our support. Fix all the broken things as God has spared your life for such a time as this.
President Trump announcing to the world [yesterday] that every Gazan will be removed and relocated from Gaza. To never return to inhabit that place again. And America, along with Israel will clean up the pile of rubble and debris that Gaza now is, uninhabitable, and the people of Gaza will be sent to other places where cities and towns, villages will be built for them with hospitals, schools, and things they never had before, They will have the life they never knew in Gaza under the Islamic terror iron fist of Hamas and Iran.
Israel and America will fill the place known as Gaza, much to the chagrin of the world that loved the continual threat, violence, and death of Jews, the constant chipping away at Israel and the Jews by having Hamas attached to the side of Israel.
Gaza will be redeveloped. Israel will expand in territory — still not anywhere close in size to the territory that God set aside, laid out, and promised them — but that is coming.
Israel will grow. In territory. In prosperity. In peace.
It is very likely that the West Bank will meet the same fate and future as the people of Gaza. And Israel will again increase in territory, prosperity, and peace.
Enraging the nations of the world.
Especially Turkey. Especially Russia. Especially Iran [Persia]. Especially Ethiopia and Libya. Those five nations conspiring that it is time once and for all to align, form a bond, and march on Israel. Attack Israel. Destroy Isreal. Steal the goodness and prosperity of that land.
Only they do not know or believe in the God of the Jewish and Christian Bible and will learn of Him. The hard way.
The Ezekiel 38 war has been fermenting for thousands of years. It just happens dear ones, beloved brothers and sisters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, and friends, unbelievers — foes found here in rebellion against God, against Jesus, against the Holy Spirit, and against the truth — that each of us blessed with breath and a beating heart are witness to such amazing history unfolding right before our eyes and ears. That each alive this day may be alive in the near future if the Lord wills and He has not come to gather us to Himself, or we expire and exhale our last, that in the very near future, we witness the problem of Hamas and Gaza, the problem of the PLO, the West Bank, and the whole idiotic never-would-work two-state solution that was no solution — just another worldly scheme given to the people of the world by Satan in his and their vain and foolish attempt to destroy Israel and the Jews — evaporate. Nevermore. The end to all that nonsense that a 5-year-old child could see all along was sheer stupidity and wrong.
As a result, this ushers in that period of great peace and prosperity for Israel mentioned in Ezekiel 38. This stokes the rage in the enemies mentioned and they have a hook placed in their mouth pulling them into what they vainly imagine their golden opportunity to destroy and loot Israel — for much of the hatred is due to jealousy as Israel is such a blessed nation, such a blessed people [some time look up the proportion of Nobel winners per capita for Israel compared to the rest of the world, and the research and development of what Israel has done, is doing, and can do compared to the rest of the world — creating a very JEALOUS world towards Israel].
The perpetual threads of history are ever woven into the fabric, the design that can be seen, felt, put on, and worn on our backs — if only people would pay attention! And believe.
In conclusion — “Oh, happy day I thought you’d never get there!” For the short version, although this has all been coming together for thousands of years;
October 7th, 2023.
The Israel/Gaza War.
The November 2024 American election.
Mr. Donald Trump winning that election by an overwhelming number of popular votes and the electoral college, giving him a mandate to execute his government, his policies.
The recent announcement [just yesterday] to remove the people of Gaza from Gaza permanently. For those people to be placed in countries where they will have a much better life. Where they can prosper. Live in peace from the weight of Hamas and Islamist terrorists pressing down on them. And America will make this possible. Israel will make this possible. GOD WILL MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. President Trump has the ability to leverage Egypt, Jordan, and other nations to accept his plan and implement this.
It can happen. It likely will happen. Sooner than later.
Gaza is unsafe and uninhabitable.
All of this, each thread, attached, not separate, has woven the fabric creating the design, the picture on the cloth to be seen, if only folks would pay attention and believe!
Even Jesus said the signs are visible and heard if only you’d bother to pay attention! Get beyond the weather forecasting, folks! We have the ability. Use it.
Come on, people, pay attention!
Do you want to know why you are living in the most exciting time in world history after the first coming of God to earth in Jesus Christ the Lord?
Because…He’s coming back soon, again. And every word within the Word of God is being fulfilled daily right before us.
There has never been a more exciting time in world history. Other than the Lord’s coming into this world as a child, living among us, fulfilling Bible prophecy, and going to the tree of shame to die [for the Sacrifice needed for Salvation, the forgiveness of sin of any and all who would believe, repent, and become His], to only rise from death on the third day and walk out of that tomb. Now He’s coming back to gather us, His people to Him, and for the fulfillment of the small percentage of Bible prophecy yet to be fulfilled.
Soon…dear ones, beloved brothers and sisters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashicah.
Oh, and for those foes out there at enmity with God? In opposition to the truth of the Word? In rebellion against Jesus and the truth? You are blessed with each breath and heartbeat the Good Good Great Gracious & Merciful God blesses you with. You don’t provide such things for yourself. You are not in control. You are not a god contrary to what the world teaches. Make your plans, you gods, and see how they unfold. You are dependent on God’s will. For EVERYTHING. You have every opportunity, with every breath and heartbeat given to you to pause, listen, turn to the Lord. Acknowledge your need for a Savior. Since nothing else has really ever worked, has it? And stop deluding yourself that you’re doing great and don’t need saving, that you know with certainty there is nothing after death. Or, making the excuse you’ve sinned so much you can’t be forgiven. Why do you suppose yourself greater than God the Creator Who created you and came to this earth to give you the opportunity for Salvation and eternal life? Acknowledge your shortcomings, your sin [all of which can be eternally forgiven, forgotten], your need of salvation. And seek the Lord. From your sincere heart. Ask for the Lord. Ask for help from Him and the Holy Spirit. Go to His living Word for help. Find a disciple of Jesus founded in sound teaching and ask them to help you as well. Push the fear, push the voice of opposition to this aside. Tell that voice to flee from you and begin to walk towards the sound, the voice of Light, Truth, and Life — the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashicah, Who loves you more than anyone on this earth could ever love you, give you more than anything on this earth could give you.
And He will come. He will be there for you. To never leave you if you are sincere and allow Him to change your heart and mind from within, to become born from above — born anew, renewed of mind and spirit, to see, to hear, to walk, to know, to live as never before.
Do this while He blesses you with breath and a beating heart and this fleeting life. Because once the animation of the fleshly body ceases and falls appearing lifeless, the spirit, the soul lives and goes on eternally — to only one of two possible destinations.
Eternity, in case you haven’t checked — lasts a long, long, long time.
And hell is nothing like the world makes it out to be — either non-existent or one long perpetual party.
Seek the Lord while you can.
Oh, and beloved dear brothers and sisters in the faith of our Lord and Savior? Now is not the time to coast, be on autopilot, silent, napping, reclined in the Laz-E-Boy, imitating Rip Van Winkle or anyone in and of the world — otherwise occupied. Or led astray by the world or false teachers and their unsound doctrines. Now is the time to engage in the battle before us as never before. Suit up. Wise up. Discern up. Power up in the Spirit. Because it isn’t going to get easier from here on out. Just the opposite. And our confused wavering lukewarm ice cold are-they-really-Christians? brothers and sisters, our lost pastors and church leaders need our help, as do those who are darkness, creating all the darkness in this fallen world. Because the Supernatural power and working of the Holy Spirit is alive and well and working in lost Gentiles, in lost Jews, in lost Muslims, in lost atheists, bringing them to the knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashicah. You might be needed by the Lord. Know that YOU ARE NEEDED BY THE LORD.
All the world will soon come to know Who God is — He being, the Triune God of the Holy Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — the God of the Jews & Gentiles who faithfully, obediently believe.
My hope & prayers daily are that when that occurs it won’t be too late for you, or for those you know and love. That today, while there is breath and opportunity in you provided by the Lord, you repent and faithfully, obediently come to Him FULLY, TRULY. To be born from above — born anew.
And if a stumbling, slumbering, backslidden, lukewarm going through the motions “Hey, I go to a church every Sunday, I’m religious, I’ll have you know!” one-time believer you will repent and renew yourself in the ways of the Lord. Today.
I’m not a prophet — just a keen observer ever thankful for the Lord, in the Lord — and the above is a likely scenario for the coming of the Ezekiel 38 war. Just saying…
Pass it on…
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