Finding Meaning In The Vast Universe — Dr. Jennifer Wiseman


You alone are the Lord;

You have made heaven,

The heaven of heavens, with all their host,

The earth and everything on it,

The seas and all that is in them,

And You preserve them all.

The host of heaven worships You.

Nehemiah 9:6


Even when I was a heathen, a lost soul destined for the pit of hell for eternity before becoming changed within by the Spirit of God, renewed of mind and spirit, born anew…

I knew. I believed in God. As does every living thing. Even the most devout atheist. Oh, they may vocally protest and claim God does not exist but only a fool, an idiot rails against something that does not exist. Is that not akin to true insanity?

I lived many years without turning towards He Who came to this earth, God in the flesh, to live, die on a Roman cross, walk out of the tomb alive, resurrected from death three days later — but I always knew that God created everything there is. How? Why? Because it’s how God made me, and none of the dung flung about and supposed to land on me and stick in school, in all the science classes, everything I read and was told, none of it made more sense than the Creation of everything known exactly as we’re told in Genesis.

I knew, and know even greater now, that without God there is no science. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit ARE the Master Scientist Who made all things known and They did so in perfection. A perfection that can only be seen, heard, and known by a Creator of it all. Not from happenstance. Not something, everything from nothing without it being in the heart and mind and said, “Let there be…” by a Creator that had no beginning and has no end and established EVERYTHING.


With the overwhelming majority of everything still operating in TOTAL PERFECTION — with the only exception being the arrogance, ignorance, and foolishness of man to be the only part of Paradise, perfection to upset things by willfulness to ignore God Who made everything, provides everything, ad even created everything WITHOUT DEATH, without suffering, even without weeds.

Man and woman brought pain, suffering, death, and weeds into the perfection God made.

Everything is so finely tuned. To perfection. Still.

Only man, woman, and child disobey. Are arrogant, ignorant, rebellious against the Truth, against God.

This impacted ALL OF CREATION in how animals behave, how the flora and fauna grow,  behave as all of creation groans due to the sin, the ignorance, the disobedience, the arrogance, and foolishness of man and woman to listen to Satan, serving him, rather than seeing, hearing, knowing what they were given by God.

Imagine that.

And if you think for a moment you would have done differently and blame Adam and Eve? Think again. You, I, everyone ever born would have been seduced, intrigued, and fallen for the lies of the Serpent, the devil. Do not be deluded otherwise.

God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Triune God IS THE MASTER SCIENTIST and without Them, there is nothing to debate, or argue about as to the chasm between God and science all brought about, only brought about by that agitator and servant of Satan, Charles Darwin, and his ridiculous THEORY [that folks act as it it has been proved and over 186 years later there are more holes in that idiotic theory than the worst made Swiss cheese overly gassed, in which Mr. Darwin didn’t need to sail as far as he did to observe adaptation and the diversity of Creation God made. We should pity such a confused man and all those who follow the lie rather than the truth they see all about them every day] I digressed, excuse me — Charles Darwin and his ridiculous THEORY that was exactly spoken to the ears and hearts of all men and women on earth in the tone, the cadence, the seductive rhythm that Satan spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden.

Imagine that.


For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Romans 1:18-23

Romans 1

Men, women, children taught to be futile in their thinking. Suppressing the truth. No excuse then for the consequences of their rebellion and disobedience against God and His righteousness and so, so easy to see, to know, to understand HIS BEING and WHY everything is as it is.

Only seeing, hearing, knowing Jesus makes all things clear and right.

Resets the spirit, the soul as an individual creation of God.

Ahh, the perfection of Almighty God!

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Monday, August 12th, 2024



How Science Suggests God May Have Created the Universe


August 16, 2024

by Johann Hunt

Reprinted from Housely


How Science Suggests God May Have Created the Universe

The quest to understand the universe often parallels science and faith in their debate. Yet, what if science holds clues pointing toward a divine creator? Find out the three ways science has hinted at the existence of an intelligent hand behind the creation of the universe.

The Fine-Tuned Universe Discovery

Scientists have made a mind-boggling discovery: the universe is like a finely tuned machine, with all its parts intricately working together to make life possible. This revelation suggests that a creator is intentionally involved in this balance. But that’s not all.

The Four Fundamental Forces

The Four Fundamental Forces

There are four main forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetic forces, and two types of nuclear forces. These forces must be balanced, just like ingredients in a perfect recipe. If gravity were even slightly stronger or weaker, the formation of stars like our sun and, consequently, the existence of life would be impossible. This delicate balance further suggests a creator’s intentional design of the universe.

Earth’s Perfect Positioning

Earth’s Perfect Positioning

Earth rotates at the right speed to give us day and night, and it’s tilted at just the right angle to provide seasons. Astronomers call this the ‘Goldilocks zone’—it’s just right for liquid water to exist, which is essential for life. It’s almost as if someone meticulously adjusted everything to make it perfect for humans to thrive.

The Atmospheric Precision

The Atmospheric Precision

The atmosphere is another marvel. There is enough oxygen to breathe, but not so much that everything would catch fire easily. And there’s plenty of nitrogen to balance things out. Looking at all these factors is like a cosmic miracle, where countless factors have aligned perfectly to allow life to flourish.

Implications Of A Fine-tuned Universe

Implications Of A Fine-tuned Universe

As a result of the precise balance and calibration of the universe, life points to an external intelligent or creator. However, skeptics propose the alternative multiverse theory, suggesting the universe is only one of many, and we simply exist in one capable of supporting life. The problem with that?

The Problem With The Multiverse Theory

The Problem With The Multiverse Theory

We can’t observe other universes, so designing experiments that could definitively prove or disprove the multiverse theory is difficult. The theory also doesn’t solve the fine-tuning problem; it merely pushes it back a level and then begs the question: What fine-tuned the multiverse generator itself?

The Redshift and Cosmic Expansion Discovery

The Redshift and Cosmic Expansion Discovery

This discovery shook up human understanding of the universe in a big way. And it started with one man’s mistake. Albert Einstein, arguably the most famous scientist ever, initially thought the universe was static like a frozen snapshot. He even added a constant to his equations to keep it that way. But then along came Georges Lemaître.

An Expanding Universe

An Expanding Universe

Georges was a Belgian priest and astronomer who questioned Einstein’s stance. Edwin Hubble backed up his findings with more evidence that distant galaxies were zooming farther away, which caught Einstein’s attention.

Einstein’s Visit to Hubble

Einstein’s Visit to Hubble

Then, in 1931, Einstein visited Hubble at Mount Wilson Observatory in California. When he saw and reviewed Hubble’s data on galaxies’ redshifts, he reportedly admitted that sticking to the idea of a static universe was his “biggest blunder.”

Implications of a Finite Universe

Implications of a Finite Universe

Hubble’s discovery lent strong support to the Big Bang Theory, suggesting a finite beginning to the universe and resonates with the concept of a Creator. If the universe is expanding outwards, it means it started from a point, a “birth moment,” which raises all sorts of intriguing questions about what caused it and why it seems so finely tuned for life to exist.

The Information in DNA Discovery

The Information in DNA Discovery

At the heart of molecular biology lies the discovery of DNA, which carries the genetic instructions for all living organisms. The structure of DNA reveals a complexity and information density that is often compared to computer code, leading to discussions about the origins of this information.

The Double Helix

The Double Helix

In 1953, two scientists named James Watson and Francis Crick figured out what DNA looks like. It is composed of two long strands of nucleotides twisted around each other. These strands are held together by base pairs to form a code that specifies the amino acid sequences of proteins, the life builders.

Complex Information and Intelligent Design

Complex Information and Intelligent Design

The complexity and specificity of genetic information in DNA is truly staggering. Unlike random sequences, the genetic code exhibits a high degree of order and functionality, akin to a computer program written by a skilled programmer. This level of complexity attests to the intelligence behind its design.

Complex Information and Intelligent Design

Image result for complex internal computing

Bill Gates once remarked that DNA is a computer program that is far more advanced than any software. His comparison highlights that DNA’s complexity surpasses even the most advanced human-designed systems, suggesting that such complexity might arise from an intelligent source rather than random processes.

Implications Of The Information In The DNA Discovery

Implications Of The Information In The DNA Discovery

DNA’s precise coding and functionality are too sophisticated to have arisen purely by chance or through undirected evolutionary processes. The view suggests that the existence of DNA could be evidence of a higher intelligence, creator, and God.