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Hezbollah Textbooks Inculcate Antisemitism


July 21, 2024


Reprinted from Jihad Watch


There is a high level of antisemitism in the textbooks used in Hezbollah-affiliated schools in Lebanon. Of course, none of this is shocking; it is exactly what one would expect to find, given what the Qur’an teaches about Jews, and what can be found in textbooks of the Palestine Authority, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and many other Muslim lands.

But it’s still useful to recall the Der-Stürmer-like hatred inculcated by Hezbollah. Hezbollah textbooks have been inculcating murderous hatred of Jews for several decades. And Hezbollah has been politically dominant in Lebanon since it murdered Rafik Hariri in 2005.

It’s not only the schoolbooks that describe Jews as “the enemies of humanity.” The Qur’an teaches that Jews, like other Infidels, are the “most vile of created beings.” While all Infidels are bad, the Jews are especially hateful. Robert Spencer has compiled a list of Qur’anic passages on the Jews: “The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the wellbeing of the Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); as fabricating things and falsely ascribing them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); claiming that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); loving to listen to lies (5:41); disobeying Allah and never observing his commands (5:13); disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18); devouring people’s wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being cursed by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly (4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more.”

Yet even those who have criticized the antisemitism in Hezbollah’s schoolbooks don’t dare, of course, to ascribe it to the antisemitism in the Qur’an. It will continue to deliberately overlook the antisemitic verses in the Qur’an, lest it antagonize the world’s Muslims, who don’t like to be reminded of what they know to be true: the Qur’an is virulently antisemitic. The pretense must be maintained that there is nothing wrong with the Qur’an itself; it’s only the “extremists” – such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Islamic State – who twist its meaning, and need to be exposed.

While the scandal of Muslim Arab textbooks inculcating antisemitic views is not new, at this time, Hezbollah is suffering from a self-inflicted wound. When nationwide protests in Lebanon erupted against the corruption and mismanagement within the government, Hassan Nasrallah made a fatal decision. Instead of telling his fighters to remain above this political fray, or commanding them to join the side of the protesters, he chose instead to send his fighters to violently suppress the protests. He did this because Hezbollah now controls the government, both through its own members in high positions, and through non-Shi’a allies of Hezbollah, including the Maronite former President Michel Aoun. Nasrallah does not care whether the Lebanese rulers are incompetent or corrupt – Nasrallah is himself scandalously corrupt, with a fortune estimated at $250 million – but only whether they will support Hezbollah in whatever it undertakes, including dragging Lebanon into another costly war with Israel. As the current government is dutifully subservient to Hezbollah, he sees no need to replace it.

But when Hezbollah members were seen on videos beating up peaceful protesters, the fury directed at Hezbollah went beyond anything seen before. And it was not only the Sunnis and the Christians who raged against Nasrallah’s terror group, but also many Lebanese Shi’a who have had their fill of Nasrallah and Hezbollah. While Hezbollah has always pretended to be a defender of Lebanon, the center of its“national resistance” to the Zionist threat, in recent years it has been seen, correctly, as a puppet of Iran. At the Supreme Leader’s command, Hezbollah sent thousands of troops to Syria to help support Bashar Al-Assad’s forces. What did that have to do with being the center of a “national resistance” to Israel?

Then there are the continuing worries about Nasrallah’s miscalculations possibly leading him to start a war with Israel which will necessarily drag Lebanon into a conflict it does not want and cannot win. Hezbollah has 140,000 rockets and missiles hidden throughout civilian areas of southern Lebanon. Israel will have to find and destroy that huge armory, which means launching attacks on buildings where those rockets and missiles are believed to have been hidden. The damage to civilian infrastructure will be huge, far greater than occurred during the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel war. Most Lebanese would like to see the Lebanese National Army strengthened, and for Hezbollah to disarm, as it was supposed to do back in 2006, according to U.N. Resolution 1701. It might then transform itself into a political party that will promote Shi’a interests in the Lebanese legislature, pushing for increased government spending in Shia areas, and more government jobs for Shi’a — in other words, bread-and-butter issues, rather than disastrous schemes to destroy the Jewish state.

The terror group’s antisemitic schoolbooks, meanwhile, justify a comprehensive crackdown on its supporters in the West, as one more stake in the evil heart of Hezbollah.

Filed Under: FeaturedHizballahLebanon