On June 23, terrorists launched attacks on several churches and synagogues in the Muslim Republic of Dagestan. At least 21 people were killed and dozens wounded. One elderly and ailing Orthodox priest, Fr. Nikolai Kotelnikov, had his throat slit by the Muslims yelling “Allahu akbar”. Pictured: Makhachkala, in the Russian Republic of Dagestan, with the Grand Mosque in the foreground. (Photo by iStock/Getty Images)
Unless your last name is Van Winkle and everyone knows you as Rip it is unfathomable that; The hearing ear and the seeing eye, The LORD has made them both [Proverbs 20:12], has not been used at all and it has either been a twenty-plus year deep sleep, or just refusing to hear, to see, to pay attention that evil has risen up such as it ever has rarely in world history to place its rebellious and destructive diseased hand upon the world laser-focused on persecuting God’s people. Both Christian and Jew.
Christian persecution is at a rate mirroring the beginnings of the faith following the crucifixion and resurrection of God Who came to earth in the flesh for a season — the Lord Jesus Christ.
This Christian persecution is escalating by the week.
Jew and Israel hatred, antisemitism have been at a rate unseen since the 1920s and 30s in Germany when a particular political party seized power and attempted to exterminate all Jews from the face of the earth.
Christian persecution is only going to increase. To the moment the Lord appears in the twinkling of an eye to gather His Church composed of the Family of God Gentiles who have come to see, hear, and know; believers in His Son, Jesus, as Lord and Saviour, and Jews who have come to see, hear, and know that that Jesus born in Bethlehem, of the House of David, as prophesized in every book by every prophet in God’s inerrant infallible living and active Word is Yeshua, Messiah, Saviour, Redeemer, King of kings, Lord of lords.
So what are we to do?
Why it is quite clear and simple, dear ones.
We are to be living pillars of THEE faith [there is only one with Jesus, only one with true salvation and eternal life, only one that forgives sin all due to what Jesus, God come to earth to sacrifice Himself for us, for anyone and everyone who comes and believes and has Him become Lord of their life, Friend, Saviour, Teacher, High Priest and our all]. A true light unto the world so that when we are seen folks see God the Father in us and they glorify Him. Quite a task if we attempt this on our own, or be means were told by pastors, preachers, neighbors, friends, relatives, and the like if they are not offering up sound teaching based solely, one hundred percent on what is in God’s Word, the Holy Bible.
We are to place all our faith and trust in the Lord. This means in the Individual of the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, refine us, reprove us, strengthen, encourage, and become emboldened in God’s ways according to God’s Word.
To live our lives as Jesus’ disciples. Not mere churchgoers. Not members of such and such church or such and such denomination.
No, to be soldiers, warriors for the Lord and the truth and light and life of THE WORD. God’s Word.
A light unto the world. Be example. In everything we do and say.
Thus, being the salt of the earth. We flavor, we preserve, we add seasoning to the bland and tasteless fare offered up by the world.
And there is no such thing as a low salt diet for a born anew disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we pray.
And pray.
And pray.
And pray.
And do not cease in FAITHFUL SPIRITUAL prayers, supplications, and petitions to the Lord our God.
Then we pray more.
Spend more time in God’s Word and a lot more time considering, pondering, deeply thinking — meditating at every possible moment throughout the morning, the day, the evening, the night what we read. Do this with a few verses, a theme, a message delivered to you by your faithfulness, obedience, and trust in the Lord to show you His will, which we hear, see, and find in His eternal living Word.
This is what we do.
While we persevere. Fight the good fight. To the end.
We are family. We are God’s. God’s people and nothing can truly defeat us, or destroy us if we remain true and faithful facing the Lord and having hearts aflame for Jesus, God our Father, the Holy Spirit, and all of the Holy Bible.
You don’t need me to tell you this, dear friend, believer, one of God’s own. You may just need to have it reiterated in order to give you rest and hope and assurance to go onward. Always forward! Never backward. Always forward. Onward Christian soldiers, be they Gentile or Jew who believe in Yeshua, Jesus as Lord and Saviour! All are one, all are the same in God’s eyes.
We are a family no matter our size and being outnumbered who can conquer all things.
Just as the shepherd David did in the valley facing off with a mammoth powerful giant. So well equipped. Appearing so easy to squash the shepherd boy, probably in his teens, but wee and outgunned compared to Goliath.
And who prevailed? What was the outcome?
That is not just some story. That is actual factual history. A day, a chapter in world history, unlike many others.
And why did the youth, a shepherd boy slay the mighty so well equipped, so powerful, and such a physically mighty giant of a man?
And Saul said to David, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.”
[There are always naysayers, doubters, even those of God’s people and Saul the king was with God at this time.]
But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep his father’s sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.” Moreover David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”
[Many are left out, cast aside, dismissed due to their outward appearance or told they lack the right experience, thus removing the power of God to be with a person, work in a person, and not knowing the heart for God in the individual they are so dismissive of].
And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”
So Saul clothed David with his armor, and he put a bronze helmet on his head; he also clothed him with a coat of mail. David fastened his sword to his armor and tried to walk, for he had not tested them. And David said to Saul, “I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them.” So David took them off.
[One needs the proper and fitting equipment to face the enemy. And the perceived accouterments, equipment of the world are not what is needed. Equipped so well in the Word of God that in every battle you are wearing, putting on, having all you need. Be that familiar in the Word of God].
Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine. So the Philistine came, and began drawing near to David, and the man who bore the shield went before him. And when the Philistine looked about and saw David, he disdained him; for he was only a youth, ruddy and good-looking. So the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And the Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!”
Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”
[Place all faith in God. Give God all the glory, praise, and honor. Always. In all things. And He will always deliver. Always. Always. Always.]
So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it.
1 Samuel 17:33-51
So it was…
…due to a heart aflame for the Lord and such faith to overcome any and every adversary — placing faith in God to work the victory, the defeat of the enemy before us. Not us or our doing, our power, our ego, our will — no, God’s will be done on earth as in heaven, His kingdom come…
With the Lord all things are possible.
Fervant faithful prayer avails much. Why, if faithfully believing it could save some in dire straights, in the throes of death or destruction, or incarceration for their faith in Jesus and their unyielding remaining steadfast in THEE faith — they are removed, spared by the power of the Spirit of God.
It’s happened before.
It can happen today.
It can happen in the tomorrows to come, Lord willing we are given many more days.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Wednesday, July 31st — wow! can you digest the fact that July is gone!? — 2024
1 Samuel 17:33-51
He ‘Wanted to Kill as Many People as Possible’: The Persecution of Christians
The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of June 2024.
The Muslim Slaughter of Christians
Russia: On Sunday, June 23, terrorists launched attacks on several churches and synagogues in the Muslim Republic of Dagestan. At least 21 people were killed and dozens wounded. One elderly and ailing Orthodox priest, Fr. Nikolai Kotelnikov, had his throat slit by the Muslims yelling “Allahu akbar” [“Allah is the greatest”]. At least one church, that of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was set on fire. In another church, in the words of one report,
“Gun battles erupted around the Assumption Cathedral in Makhachkala and heavy automatic gunfire rang out late into the night. Footage showed residents running for cover as plumes of smoke rose above the city.”
About 5-6 militants were killed; the rest fled. No one claimed the attack, which follows the Moscow massacre, claimed by ISIS, on March 22, 2024, when 145 Russians were murdered.
Democratic Republic of Congo: On Friday, June 7, ISIS militants, using machetes and rifles, slaughtered more than 80 Christians and forced of several churches to close. ISIS emphasized the religious identity of its victims in a post, saying that “Caliphate soldiers” killed “Christians.” According to one report, many of the slain were “very young” and were targeted for “refusing to convert into Islam.” This incident is part of a larger pattern of violence against Christians. According to another report, “nearly 150 people have been killed by the group since early June.” This includes a June 7 attack that left 41 people slaughtered; some bodies were found “tied up” and “decapitated.”
Nigeria: Some June headlines from the ongoing Muslim genocide of Christians in the African nation follow:
- June 2: “Islamic Fulani Militants Kill Pastor, Wife, 3 Other Church Members.”
- June 6: “Terrorists Murder 3 Abducted Christian Passengers in Borno.” (After stopping and raiding a bus, the Muslims separated the Christian passengers from the Muslims, then killed all the Christians.
- June 9: “Priest Kidnapped in Kaduna State, Nigeria.
- June 17: “Suspected Islamic Fulani Militants Kill 5 Christians.”
- June 22: “Muslim Extremists Abduct Second Church Leader in Three Weeks.”
- June 23-26: “Eight Christians Killed in Plateau State, Nigeria.”
- June 21-25: “Islamic Terrorists Threaten to Kill Kidnapped Clergymen in Nigeria” (unless heavy ransoms are paid).
Germany: A roaming gang of ten “youths” savagely attacked a 20-year-old Christian of Greek origin, Phillipos Tsanis, for wearing a large pectoral cross. “They beat him to death,” Phillipos’s grieving father told reporters, “all 10 people were kicking him in the head, after he had dropped to the floor unconscious. Rushed to a hospital and placed on life support, the 20-year-old nonetheless succumbed to his injuries.”
“The most disturbing aspect,” another relative said, “is that they recorded the attack and are boasting about it.” This incident, he added, mirrors other disturbing occurrences in the area targeting individuals perceived as Christian, including the deaths of a 26-year-old man and a policeman. The primary suspect is of Syrian origin. Phillipos’s father said that the youth was just returning from a celebratory party:
“He just wanted to enjoy the graduation party with his sister and friends. His life was just beginning. The violence has to stop. This could happen to anyone’s child, and no parent should endure such a devastating loss.”
Separately, on June 28, a 15-year-old Muslim boy was sentenced to four years in prison after he confessed to planning a major terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Leverkusen. According to the report, “the boy became radicalized in the fall of 2023,” after which he and another Muslim teenager made their plans:
“The suspect wanted to kill as many people as possible at the Christmas market with a rented truck. The other suspect would film it. The teenager had posted a video in a chat group announcing an attack, which also features an Islamic State symbol in the background.”
Uganda: On June 18, the slain body of Richard Malinga, a 36-year-old pastor. was found. He had been receiving threats from Muslims for leading their coreligionists to Christianity.
According to his pastor (name withheld), “The evening of June 17, I received a short message from Malinga of being surrounded by the Muslims. I wrote back to him several times, but there was no response.” He was later found “in a pool of blood. We found the victim dead and tied with ropes.”
In a separate incident, Muslims savagely beat two Christian evangelists—breaking the leg of one—for preaching Christ in their village. Once they began to preach, Tenywa Herbert, 34, and Mukisa Siraji, 30, found that “We landed among some angry Muslims who were hunting for me,” Mukisa said:
“Before completing our message, one sheikh called Jaberi, the imam of one of the mosques in Kaliro, who had a big beard, ordered other Muslims to beat us and get Jannah (Paradise). We were grabbed and flogged publicly until my leg was hit with a hammer, and it got broken totally.”
The Muslims then culminated this punitive “ritual” by tearing their Bibles and religious tracts to pieces.
Pakistan: Blasphemy Charges, Rape, Forced Conversions and Murder of Christians
On June 4, In Lahore Pakistan, authorities arrested Jameela Khatoon, a 62-year-old mentally ill Christian woman, after a Muslim shopkeeper, Muhammad Asif, complained that she had committed blasphemy against his namesake, the prophet of Islam. Jameela is being charged under Section 295-C of Pakistan’s Penal Code, which carries a mandatory death sentence for those who insult Muhammad. Earlier that day, after Jameela had entered Asif’s shop, they argued about shampoo. After she left, he called police and accused her of “uttering derogatory remarks about Muhammad.” He alleged that she said that “Christ was greater than the prophet of Islam,” and generally “screaming and shouting.” According to Jameela’s son, Sonny Gil, everyone in the neighborhood knows about her mental condition:
“Ali also knows about her illness, and we are surprised as to why he filed a case against her… Ali has claimed that when he and some other Muslims tried to stop my mother from blaspheming against their prophet, she started walking towards her home but kept insulting Muhammad.”
Gil said his mother’s mental health has been rapidly deteriorating for four years and added:
“We have taken her to the Punjab Institute of Mental Health several times for treatment, but she hasn’t improved much… We have tried our best to keep her in the house, but she refuses to stay confined and becomes violent… My mother didn’t know what she was saying or doing. It would be very unfair to keep her in prison with such a medical condition. We hope that the court will drop the charges against her on compassionate grounds.”
Meanwhile, the rest of the 40-45 Christian families living in Jameela’s neighborhood have fled their homes: reprisals and collective punishment against Christians are routine in Pakistan.
Separately, on June 29, an “anti-terrorism” court, despite lack of evidence, handed out another death sentence to Ehsan Masih, a 27-year-old Christian man, for allegedly sharing a “blasphemous” video against Muhammad on a social media platform. According to his lawyer,
“The police recovered Masih’s phone from his house and sent it to the Punjab Forensic Science Agency (PFSA) for examination. The PFSA report concluded that no blasphemous material was found on the accused’s phone or TikTok account…. Despite there being no direct evidence against Masih, the court relied on the statements given by the prosecution witnesses and sentenced him to death, which is a gross miscarriage of justice.”
In another blasphemy-related incident, an impoverished Christian rickshaw driver is facing a long prison sentence, possibly for life, for stepping out of his carriage onto some papers alleged to have been pages of the Koran. According to the report,
“Dennis Albert, a 35-year-old rickshaw driver, was booked under one section of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws that carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison (Section 295-A, hurting religious sentiments), and another that mandates life in prison (Section 295-B, defiling the Quran).”
Police arrested him after a Muslim passerby alleged that Dennis was standing on Islamic scriptures. As Dennis’s brother, Imran, said, however:
“Dennis has studied till 10th grade, but he had no clue that the pages he was standing on had religious value. He’s a simple rickshaw driver earning an honorable livelihood for himself. He did not have any intention of hurting religious sentiments of any person or community… He’s losing hope for his freedom. He’s being kept in a special barrack reserved for blasphemy accused, and it seems after hearing their stories of prolonged imprisonment, Dennis has started thinking that the effort is futile. I keep encouraging him not to give up and remain steadfast in his faith.”
What is not clear is why Muslims were not outraged that Koran scriptures littered the public streets in the first place.
Another Christian woman, in yet another incident, after her bail was denied on June 3, was reported rotting in a jail cell while awaiting trial for accusations of blasphemy. Stella Khawar, 28, was arrested and charged with “hurting religious sentiments of Muslims,” said her husband, Khawar Shahzad, who reportedly does not believe that there is any evidence or that his wife is capable of the deed. Lawyers and human rights activist believe the accusation is part of an Islamic campaign against Christians of the region.
On June 24, Haider Ali, a 27-year-old Muslim man and butcher by profession, kidnapped Alina Khalid, a 14-year-old Christian girl, and forced her to convert to Islam and marry him. Her father reported the kidnapping on the same day to police but they failed to act, “giving the accused sufficient time to go into hiding,” Khalid Masih said. Then, three days later, the family learned that their daughter had been forcibly converted to Islam and married to Ali:
“We came to know about Alina’s conversion and marriage after she recorded her statement in court in which she purportedly claimed that she had changed her faith and married Ali by choice.”
The Islamic marriage certificate lies by recording Alina’s age as 19; it also lacks her required national identity card number.
“Alina did not have a phone and never went out of the house alone, so I don’t think she had any direct contact with Ali. He has abducted her with the sole objective of exploiting her sexually. Like all other victims, Alina too was forced to do what her abductor said.”
The report adds,
“Typically kidnapped girls in Pakistan, some as young as 10, are abducted, forced to convert to Islam and raped under cover of such Islamic ‘marriages’ and are then pressured to record false statements in favor of the kidnappers, rights advocates say. Judges routinely ignore documentary evidence related to the children’s ages, handing them back to kidnappers as their ‘legal’ wives.”
A June 13 article recounts the forced conversion attempt against a 20-year-old Christian mother of two young children The woman (name withheld) started by saying she was kidnapped from her parents’ home by five Muslim men: “I was alone in the house when the accused scaled the wall and abducted me on gunpoint.” She was taken to a deserted building and raped by the ringleader, Ali Raza, while his armed accomplices stood guard:
“Ali Raza lives in the same village, and he had been trying to force me to develop illicit relations with him whenever I used to go out for chores. I told my father about this, and he had raised the issue with the village elders. However, our pleas for intervention were ignored, emboldening him further.”
Her abductors next moved her to another location for several days:
“During this time, Ali Raza continued to rape me on gunpoint. He beat me up when I resisted him and threatened that he would kill my parents if I screamed or called for help.”
She was finally moved to Ali’s home “where he and his accomplices tried to force her to convert to Islam and marry him by forcibly taking her thumbprint as a signature on a blank paper”:
“They wanted me to surrender to their demands so that if there was any legal issue, they could claim that I had eloped with Ali Raza and converted and married him with my will. Even though they tortured me to take my thumbprint, I refused to renounce my faith and told them that I will not deny Christ come what may.”
When she finally managed to escape, thanks to the help a Muslim woman who took pity on her, and called her father, it took him days to raise the money needed to take a bus to where she was. “When I heard her voice after 10-11 days,” he said, “I cannot express how relieved I felt despite the pain of hearing what she had been through.” Of the Muslim woman who aided his daughter, he said, “I can never thank her enough for treating my daughter like her own.”
In addition, on June 6, a Muslim factory owner tortured his Christian employee to death for refusing to continue working for him. Waqas Salamat, the 18-year-old Christian worker started working for Muhammad Saleem two months earlier, but decided to leave on June 1 and search for a job that paid better to help support his family. This would not do for Muhammad. He continued pestering the young man to return and even harassed his parents, threatening to accuse the youth of theft unless he returned. Finally, when Waqas went to see another potential employer, Muhammad’s son spotted him and informed his father. Muhammad instantly sent some factory workers to collect him; they bound his hands and feet and carried him to Muhammad’s factory. There, Muhammad, his son, and several Muslim employees began torturing Waqas for hours—beating him with pipes and administering electric shocks to him—until he died. He was the main breadwinner for his impoverished family. According to his mother, Rubina,
“Our financial condition is such that we didn’t even have enough money to arrange for his burial… Waqas was my beloved son and my biggest support. He would often tell me that he’ll work very hard to make life easier for us, but I never imagined that he would be taken from me like this. I’m very poor, and with Waqas gone, my family’s financial situation has further deteriorated. I humbly ask my Christian brothers and sisters to support us in getting justice for my innocent son.”
The report adds that,
“Muslim employers commonly exploit impoverished Christian workers, believing they do not have the resources or status in the 96-percent Muslim country to obtain justice.”
Separately, on June 21, Rakha, the devastated widow of an elderly Christian man, Nazir Masih, who a few weeks earlier had been beaten to death by a Muslim mob—also on a false blasphemy accusation—died, partly of a broken heart. Her grieving son recalled how she could not get over and constantly obsessed over the murder of her beloved husband:
“The tears in her eyes never dried. She would recall the good times they had spent together and would then cry out his name. A few hours before she passed away, my mother wept and said that life had become meaningless for her after my father’s death. She would say, ‘He has left me alone, and I can’t bear this anymore.’ … Her pain and agony apparently worsened when she overheard some family members talking about the bails being granted to the people involved in my father’s killing. We tried our best to keep this information from her, but we failed…. Our lives have been completely shattered – all family members, including our children, are suffering from depression and stress. We have lost our business, and are forced to live in our own house as refugees. The release of the people involved in the killing of my father is akin to rubbing salt on our wounds. We’ve already lost hope for justice, and now my mother has also left us.”
Muslim Attacks on Churches
France: On June 5, a Muslim refugee, Fataharhman Awad Allah Abdalkrem, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for engaging in a series of arson attacks in Pau over the course of three months in 2022, including the torching of the Saint-Pierre Church, many cars, 16 apartments, and other buildings.
Several other churches were attacked in France in June. One was set on fire, and in another,
“The cross was twisted, the altar smashed, vases of flowers were thrown against the walls, a sacred plaque on the altar was unsealed, twelve columns were torn down and the cross from the high altar was thrown on the sidewalk.”
Germany: On June 22, in a small and sleepy Bavarian town, a group of “young people” barged into a church during evening mass and began shouting “Allahu akbar!” — terrifying worshippers.
Indonesia: Because a Christian church of 150 members stands close to an Islamic university, authorities are, according to a June 18 report, threatening to close it, even though it had been functioning in the same location for nine years.
Separately, on Sunday, June 30, local officials forced a stop to a Christian wedding ceremony and banned the church where it was being held in from any further meetings involving worship. They claimed that the church lacked a proper permit and that, anyway, residents were (supposedly) opposed to the church. According to the report, a video shows the pastor telling officials that they “might first ban the prostitution taking place in front of the village head office,” while the pastor’s wife pled:
“We’re not causing any trouble, sir. We’re sorry, we ask for your understanding. We come from everywhere. We are a minority group. Our congregation is small in number. So please understand.”
Authorities refused to relent, citing only that the locals were against the church—although the report states that this claim may not even be true, and that the Muslim authorities’ are citing it as a pretext to close the church for their own reasons.
Senegal: In the 97% Muslim nation, the St Louis du Sénégal cemetery was ransacked and vandalized; several iron crosses were twisted and broken, and tomb paintings and decorations were destroyed. Fr. Louis Gomis appealed to the authorities as well as other “religious leaders”:
“For a long time, especially in recent days, we have suffered a ransacking of our Catholic cemetery. This cemetery has been desecrated by unknown individuals and we are asking for help from the authorities, from religious leaders so that we can preserve the sacred place where our deceased rest.”
General Muslim Persecution of Christians
Iran: According to a June 24 report, “Five Christian converts have been sentenced to a total of over 25 years in prison by the Iranian judiciary….there has been no available information about the specific reason for the charge against the five Christian converts or the details of their accusations.” The report cintinues that while Christians are “acknowledged as a religious minority in Iran, authorities impose severe penalties, especially on those who convert from Islam to Christianity”– meaning apostates.
One of those Christians sentenced, an Armenian, was given 10 years’ imprisonment, even though there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on his part. The judges relied on a legal provision that allows punishment for “supposed” crimes. According to the report,
“Hakop Gochumyan, who had been in a cell since last summer, ended up on trial for ‘proselytising activities’ defined as ‘deviant’ that ‘contradicts the sacred law of Islam’ due to his membership and leadership of ‘a network of evangelical Christianity.'”
Iraq: A court told a Christian woman and her children to convert to Islam, due to the actions of the woman’s mother. Evlin Joseph was 15 when her mother, following a divorce from Evlin’s father, converted to Islam and married a Muslim man. According to Iraqi law, “if a parent converts to Islam, their children who are under 18 should also adopt the new faith.” Evlin, however, protests that:
“I am Christian. I am married to a Christian man. I have three Christian kids. My education was in our language. All my official documents are Christian. Our marriage is registered by the Church.”
Lawyer Akram Mikhail said he had seen “many cases” similar to Evlin’s:
“This forces someone to convert to Islam, with force. I am not an expert in Islam, but it is in Islam that one cannot force the religion onto others.”
As the report reveals, this development affects more than just Evlin:
“The law also stipulates that if one spouse converts to Islam, then Sharia law is applicable. This means that Joseph does not have the right to marry a Christian man. The law also is applied to inheritance and custody.”
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, Sword and Scimitar, Crucified Again, and The Al Qaeda Reader, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
About this Series
While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by extremists is growing. The report posits that such persecution is not random but rather systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location. It includes incidents that take place during, or are reported on, any given month.
Previous reports
- May, 2024
- April, 2024
- March, 2024
- February, 2024
- January, 2024
- December, 2023
- November, 2023
- October, 2023
- September, 2023
- August, 2023
- July, 2023
- June, 2023
- May, 2023
- April, 2023
- March, 2023
- February, 2023
- January, 2023
- December, 2022
- November, 2022
- October, 2022
- September, 2022
- August 2022
- July, 2022
- June, 2022
- May, 2022
- April, 2022
- March, 2022
- February, 2022
- January, 2022
- December, 2021
- November, 2021
- October, 2021
- September, 2021
- August 2021
- July, 2021
- June, 2021
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- June, 2020
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