If you say you don’t think about death you’re a liar.
If you say there is no God, no proof of God you’re a liar because God has put the truth of Himself and eternity into every person’s heart [center of emotion, awareness, inner knowledge no matter who].
If you say you’ve been seeking truth and the meaning of life and you claim to have found it any other place but in Jesus Christ, the Lord and only Saviour you deceive yourself — and others.
If you say churches and people you’ve come across who profess to be Christians are messed up — you’re right. Churches are comprised of messed up people who were and still are sinners. Even the pastors leading them. But if IN CHRIST, BORN AGAIN, these messed up people have been forgiven by God for their faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you say you think about death but can’t get comfortable with all the Jesus stuff — pause, for more than a moment or six, and if not believing, if unaware, learn what happens when a person was crucified on a Roman cross. What the instruments of torture were in first-century Mediterranean places used by the Romans? Then ask yourself why is Jesus still mentioned all the time by so many people? Why do so many people use His name in cursing something, taking His name in vain but they don’t use any other person’s name? Who is this Jesus? How can so many people continue to believe in Him? What gives? What’s it all about?
Are they all crazy? Or could it be they know something those outside of Jesus Christ don’t know?
There is a great aid in discovery, in learning deep things, wonderful things, life-giving and life-saving things in a book called the Holy Bible. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Instead of playing the role of an actor, playing the character of Superman, or Superwoman treating the Bible like kryptonite go to it as the source of truth and life and wisdom that is it — because it truly is God’s breathed and given words to select men for our instruction, and the only way to eternal life, to true peace, happiness and living life here as intended, and then being with the Lord in heaven, having continual communion with Him as originally intended by His Creation that, well, we messed up.
We’re all messed up. We’re all sinners. Still sinners.
There is only one source for getting clean, getting things set right. Not by working at it. Nothing on our part other than FAITH IN JESUS. FAITH IN GOD. FAITH IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. FAITH IN THE HOLY BIBLE. FAITH — a growing FAITH WITH JESUS AS ITS OBJECT.
Go to the Lord. Humble oneself. Ask for forgiveness of your sin. Repent. Turn away, turn around, turn back from your sin, and face forward, walk forward to the arms, the heart, the love, the peace, the SALVATION of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because all we’re given is our next breath. And one time that next breath won’t be inhaled to be exhaled. And it’s all over then.
Unless saved by faith in and living a life knowing the cost of the shed blood, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Too difficult to believe?
How about going about your daily life on a spinning sphere, a very small one in fact, in the eternal vastness of space, spinning at about 1,037 miles per hour at the equator, while also rotating at a speed of 66,600 miles per hour in its perfect orbit around the sun — at the perfect placement. A mile closer and there is no life here. A mile further away from the sun and there is no life here.
Ponder this while sitting outside on a beautiful summer’s day sipping your beverage of choice watching the leaves gently dance and all of creation sing unto the Lord.
With everything in creation working together. To such a degree there is no way possible that the weak theories of men could possibly be true. Could randomness created the human eye? Consciousness? The awareness inside of every person? That is not instinct or something that evolved. It was created and put into each of us. Go ahead, and attempt to refute this. Even in preparing to and thinking about how to go about it, you prove the existence of God, of the devil, of good and evil, which certainly did not arise and come to be out of any rubbish theory of any man or woman. And every theory of man or woman that makes such an effort to deny God, to deny the Bible, to deny Jesus Christ, to deny known history and facts — well, those are rubbish.
The trees know, the birds know, the fishes of the sea know, all of creation knows.
Even you know.
Now what to do about it?
This is applicable to every professed Christ follower as well who has grown too comfortable, complacent, taking things for granted, coasting, just doing the same things over and over acting as if going to church on Sundays takes care of everything required of us.
Okay. Now here’s Greg Laurie…a much wiser and more gifted man of God than I…
After listening to Greg head outside with a cool drink to refresh, with a Bible in the other hand. Get comfortable. Pray a fervent, heart on fire for the Lord prayer to the Lord for help, for wisdom, for understanding beyond our finite abilities. Then open that Book and swim in it. Dive into it. Perhaps only a verse or two. A passage. Let the Spirit of the Lord take you deep into its refreshing life-giving waters and nourishment.
Believe. More than beleive. Have faith. Obey. Begin and always keep the heart, the spirit, the eyes, the mind, the soul, and our life on Jesus.
And let’s meet in heaven one day. It may take a while to meet, but, hey, we have eternity to discover each other and all that heaven will be — so, so, so far beyond anything we can imagine.
Ken Pullen, Friday, August 23rd, 2024
Let’s Talk About Keanu Reeves Startling Statement
Greg Laurie
August 22, 2024
SHORT VIDEO — 3 minutes & 31 seconds
Keanu Reeves is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood today. But as he nears 60 he has been wisely thinking about his own mortality and the topic of death lately. Here is an interview he recently did and a response to that from me for Keanu and everyone else on this vital topic
Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.
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