There are no coincidences. Nothing is happenstance though people like to think so. God’s judgment reigning down on Southern California? Probably not as some imagine throwing down fire from heaven as He did for Elijah to overcome the evil and idol worship, to slay soldiers who came to take him captive and kill him. Three times. [See 2 Kings 1].
But there are no coincidences. Did God allow the fires to occur and become as devastating and horrific as they are? No, that has been accomplished by the utter incompetence of California’s so-called leadership on the state, county, and local levels as well as powerful organizations in the state such as California Water & Power. All lacking the responsibility gene they are supposed to have as public servants. Refusing to pay attention. Distracted by woke ideologies rather than doing the jobs they were supposed to be doing in order to provide services and safety to the inhabitants of California, for which they took an oath to uphold and do, as well as receiving hefty salaries. This, combined with their main focus of promoting ludicrous ideologies that only a foolish and totally lost person or group would consider is at the dead lost heart of the matter. Newsom stated publically he was going to “Trump proof” California and in the process he rational thinking, having even a morsel of sense, logic, wisdom, and true leadership proofed the state bringing about the present calamity.
Back to God…
God is in control always in all things. Allowing things to go as they do — because we bring them all about by our arrogance, our ignorance, our sin in turning from God or denying Him altogether.
God can and will use individuals, groups, organizations, certain people, sound teaching churches, pastors and believers, strong individuals that know what leadership and sense, and rational thinking are, and if the people repent and turn from their lost, deluded, wicked ways? God will heal the land and the people.
It’s all for a purpose. Will some, many, or any come out from the smoke, the ash, the darkness they inhabited and were to see and hear this?
Only time will tell.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
The destructive wildfires continue to ravage southern California.
January 14, 2025
By Chris Enloe
Reprinted from Blaze Media
Are the destructive California wildfires a demonstration of God’s judgment?
Wildfires are still ravaging southern California, leaving in their wake burned-down homes and destroyed lives — and the blame game has already begun.
Who is responsible for the scale of destruction? Was this simply an unavoidable weather event? Can we blame so-called climate change? How about arson? Or are the progressive, liberal policies that dominate Los Angeles and California the real culprit? The recriminations will go on for weeks and months to come.
But what about divine judgment?
Franklin Graham, son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, answered that important question in a recent interview with Premier.
“People have lost everything. A lot of people are asking ‘Why?’ and that’s a hard question to answer. We want to reassure them of God’s love — that He cares for them and that He hasn’t turned His back on them,” Graham said. “The reality is we’re going to have more storms like this. It’s not going to get less, and the most important thing that we as Christians can do is make sure everyone understands that God loves them.
“And that when storms like this come, it’s not God’s judgment. I don’t believe that for a second. We know that God loves us,” he continued. “Could God be judging Hollywood? I don’t know, but I don’t think so.”
The more important question, Graham explained, is whether one is reconciled to God through his Son, Jesus Christ — an invitation that is open to all.
“The question is: Do we know the Lord Jesus Christ? Are we prepared to stand before Him? If our house was burned and we were burned up in it, would we go into His presence? Would God receive us?” he said. “And the only way we can be sure is by confessing our sins and asking for His forgiveness and, by faith, believing on the name of the Lord Jesus, Christ, who took our sins and died on a cross. He was buried, and on the third day, God raised him to life.
“And if we’re willing to believe that, just accept that by faith and ask Christ into our hearts, then God will forgive our sins. We can have that assurance, knowing that whatever storms come our way in life, we’ll be prepared to stand before God,” Graham said.
Graham’s ministry, Samaritan’s Purse, already has plans to help the victims of the wildfires.
The ministry, when it receives the green light, will deploy trucks, equipment, and disaster-relief supplies. Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains are also on the ground offering support for victims.
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