If you think it’s bad now…

Just watch and wait. This is nothing compared to what is coming. No matter who sits behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, no matter who fills the seats in the houses of Congress, when they bother to show up and wrangle rather than truly represent the people.

Judgments are occurring. Greater judgments to come.

Not according to me. I’m nothing.

According to the inerrant living and active Word of God.

A nation greatly blessed, made possible by the Hand of God that has lost its way as America has will not go unpunished. If God Almighty could deal with His chosen people — the Israelites —  who knew better, were saved out of slavery in Egypt by Him, a people who promised to obey yet disobeyed repeatedly, continually, turning to myriad immoralities, idol worship, and blatant disobedience could receive the judgments for the error of their ways, their selfishness, their coveting, their wanton behaviour turned from God what makes you think America is, or ought to be, exempt from the judgment of God? Because you live here now and you’re an American? So what. Only those heathen godless nations should endure judgments? What do you think America has become? We ARE a heathen, pagan mostly godless nation that has turned from the One True God, reduced God, lowered God, and imagined ourselves gods, while seeking false gods everywhere, not in need of the One True God, or His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, or His divine Word. Which we either totally ignore or else we alter and mold to suit our pleasures and perversions. And we’re to not endure God’s wrath and judgment? His pure and true justice knowing what to do and what to expect by the reading and knowledge of what is contained in His Word to U.S all.?

We have turned from the Lord. We are a nation rife with greed, wantonness, lusts, idol worship, paganism, sexual depravity and perversion, rampant immorality, false teachers, and unsound doctrines, turned from the Word and to the lies of Satan and gross self-indulgence. And we’re to prosper? Never be judged?

O, woe professed Christian or pagan who falls into that way of thinking and thus living!

It isn’t about those terrible leftists, or if an election had gone the way you wanted if only this person or that one gets into office. Have you been paying attention at all? It never really matters who wins an election and gets into political office. America, no nation in the world has ever resolved the problems, made the fixes, figured out how to achieve their imagined ideals believing they are the power capable of bringing about some better world, always striving for paradise while refusing the Truth, the Way, the Light to guide them to the Life they imagine they can create. Man and woman — all of us — are inherently evil. Inherently sinful. Lost and fallen. Whether American or Armenian, Scottish, British or Basque. Whether staunch Republican or Democrat.

Come out of the noise, the fog, the cold lying darkness finally!

It’s all about, only about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and how and if each individual believes and truly lives. According to the Scriptures.

Either according to the Way, in the Light, knowing the Truth, and in the Life…

or they refuse, reject, modify, appease, accommodate according to their words and ways…

…rather than the Lord’s.

THAT is what everything is about and why everything happens as it does. Are you a deist who imagines God created and set things in motion but has been absent and on holiday for the past number of thousands of years? Really? It’s all about us. Or U.S.? And God is not Sovereign and active? Even though He knows every hair on every head, He knows every thought and every word spoken and every sparrow, bird, fish, animal, and person that falls. But He’s somehow out of the picture and it’s all up to us and what we can do in order to bring order and justice to the world. To make this a better place? That next election, the politician you happen to like and want to vote for? And THAT is the answer? Are you kidding!?

Going to a church on Sunday, getting your gold attendance star, and returning to the world on Monday? Indistinguishable from the darkness? And it’s all right because, well, you wear a symbol of the greatest shame on the outside around your neck yet the heart belongs to the world? Being an American takes precedence over being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?

And you wonder why there is such a hunger in the land?

Best think again and begin thinking otherwise my friends, brothers, sisters, visitors, heathens, pagans, and one and all. Best be thinking otherwise now while God is blessing you with your current breath and heartbeat and keeping those hairs on your head, and those birds singing in the trees outside your window.

Yeah, long lines at food banks, poverty, shortages, troubles, and tribulations, suffering increasing, panic, and uncertainty. Recession. Depression. And worse. Lie ahead.

Want to be certain of things? Have no shortage of hope? Even when enduring great times of trouble, tribulation and suffering? Then don’t make your home here as this place and all the world are but a vapor and going to be removed. Rolled up like a scroll. Vanished. Forgotten forever. And make your home in Christ, in the heart of the Lord, in God, in heaven.

Because all of this only matters as to what we each do here with regard to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, and what is contained within the Word of God. NOT what goes on in the White House, Congress, your state house, any political party, any nation, anything any man or woman may do in their effort, their vain effort to imagine they can bring about a better world, Utopia, what have you.

Not since we’ve been inherently evil and sinful since we disobeyed God when we had Utopia, we had Perfection, we had Paradise, we had the Perfect World and eternal life — until we willfully thought we knew better and didn’t need God and turned to evil and the father of lies.

And there is no going back. For anyone. Other than going to the Lord in repentance seeking His forgiveness, mercy, and free gift of grace.

I’m so sick and tired of reading daily, hearing daily how it’s the leftists, it’s this, it’s that and all the noise, all the distractions and lies, and most professed Christians being caught in that snare. Having turned from the simple, clear, concise truth! Having turned from what they first came to know, having turned to their own gospel or the gospel of mere men or women rather than the gospel of Life, Truth, Life, and the only Way to God, to that Paradise, that Perfect Place so many think they can create denying the Creator!

Get over yourselves Americans, get over yourselves professed American Christians! And finally, wake up, come out of the noise and turbulence and rebellion, the lies and distractions consuming and pulling folks in and away like the dark destructive winds of a  tornado and get on the path and place needed while God gives you that next breath, that next heartbeat.

Want food? Permanent food? Never hungering again?

Go to the Bread of Life, the Life-Giving Water of the Lord Jesus Christ. Genuinely, sincerely, deeply, truly, and not superficially or halfway. More important to be true in the heart towards the Lord and His Word in our obedience and faithfulness than imagining the outward wearing of a symbol of the tree of ultimate shame makes us right in the sight of the Lord.

Think it’s bad now?

Just wait and watch…

…and while being given breath and life by the will of God? Get your eyes, your mind, your heart, and your life in the Word of God. Not merely reading daily, nightly, but prayerfully meditating — deeply thinking on what it is you’ve been reading asking the Holy Spirit to give you more than any of us can glean on our feeble own.

Spiritual wisdom and understanding trump any knowledge this lost and corrupted world can offer.

We live such imbalanced lives placing so much time and thought in this world rather than in the Lord and in His Word. It doesn’t have to be that way in anyone’s life. It’s all and only a matter of choice, free will, where we place our hearts and minds. Isn’t it?

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, August 9th, 2022


Food Banks Across America Report Record Demand And Record Shortages


July 31, 2022

By Tyler Durden

Reprinted from Activist Post



Food pantries and food banks are a key economic indicator for tracking poverty levels and financial instability in the U.S., and in the past few months they have been ringing alarm bells.

Stagflationary pressures have all but wiped out the savings of the average American and driven up credit-card debt to historic highs.  Only in the past month have credit spending and debt levels begun to slide, but this is more a sign that consumers are tapped out rather than a sign of a return to normalcy.  High prices are slowly but surely overwhelming lower-wage workers in particular.  The average living wage across most U.S. states is around $16 an hour; over 30% of American workers make less than $15 an hour.

Democrats and leftists will of course claim that this is because the Federal Minimum Wage is too low and needs to be increased, but the minimum wage has become irrelevant in the post-covid economy.  Many retail and service companies now pay around $11-14 an hour, well above minimum wage, in order to retain workers. And STILL, prices are too high for many of these people to keep up with expenses.

Can average workers demand more money?  Probably not.  Low-skill and no-skill workers are going to have a hard time rationalizing $16-$20 an hour for flipping burgers, brewing coffee or running cash registers.  Such a broad wage increase would also trigger even higher prices on most goods, defeating the purpose of higher pay.

The notion of a low-wage worker revolt is a bit of a fantasy, and in some ways it can be dangerous for those who believe in it.  The trillions of dollars in covid stimulus unleashed in 2020 may have boosted retail sales and employment for a couple of years, but that’s coming to an end quickly.  Workers can only opt out of certain jobs for a short time (as long as their parents will let them freeload), and bargaining for more money is dependent on their ability to get employment elsewhere.  It’s a sure bet that by mid-2023 many “wage revolutionaries” will be begging for their old burger jobs back.

Stagflation is not a wage issue so much as a money supply issue.  There are too many dollars chasing too few goods.  This is coupled with numerous supply chain problems caused by covid hysteria in export nations like China that are holding up a large number of cargo ships for weeks or months at a time.  When it comes to food in particular, there are weather issues, war issues and governments sabotaging food production within their own countries using nonsensical climate change restrictions (as we are seeing in places like the Netherlands).

So, if people aren’t going to get higher wages, and prices are going to continue climbing, what are they going to do?  They generally turn to charities to help get through the month.

Food pantries usually don’t offer enough supplies to fully feed a family, but they do supplement your existing income by adding a week or two worth of sustenance per month.  Many people will visit more than a couple food pantries at a time in order to stock enough for their families.  The problem with price inflation is that it tends to directly affect and reduce the amount of donations that pantries receive and the amount of food they can give away.

In the past month there has been a steady stream of reports from pantries across the U.S. stating that they are now hitting record-high demand and record-low supply.  From New York to Wisconsin to Ohio to Missouri to Florida to Arkansas to California and beyond, pantries are running out.  On top of that, it’s the middle of summer – the busiest time for food banks and the Salvation Army is during the winter holidays.

The majority of pantries indicate that they are most in need of cash donations and that these have started to fade out.  When it comes to necessities, most people will not or cannot reduce the frequency of their purchases.  Food, gas, housing, utilities, etc. are fixed income costs, and when these costs rise workers must cut costs elsewhere.  Charities are usually the first to see the chopping block.

The avalanche of reports suggests that this winter will be high in food demand and dismal in terms of supply, with little relief from charities.  The most advisable option would be to stock dry and canned goods with a long shelf life now while they are still available, and prepare for the cold season when demand skyrockets even higher.  Even people in financial distress can utilize pantries today and stock supplies for the months ahead if they plan carefully.  Those same pantries may not exist when winter rolls around, so now is the time to act.

Still, don’t call it a recession (or depression)…