Luck is a manmade notion, an illusion, a delusion — there are no coincidences. I recently wrote that piece and no one or nothing on this earth will sway or alter my Biblical beliefs, my Biblical worldview, which according to the best polling organization in America only 4% of our people possess at this time. While over 6 out of 10 people claim to be Christian.
How can that be?
It can’t.
Even the individual with the worst math skills in the world understands that equation doesn’t add up. Anyone turning in a quiz, a test, or a paper proclaiming that 4% is equal to over 60% would receive a failing grade. While the majority in America go about in their delusion that most people are good people and good Christian people. Not so. Not really. And no one is good.
There are a lot of pretenders, make-believers, and out and out liars among us. It ISN’T about religion. It never has been. Most religions are false and conducted in outward appearances. I’m religious about having my coffee, a certain coffee, in a certain way every day. That isn’t going to get me face to face with the Lord. Most regions are no different than my morning coffee. It’s always and only been about an individual’s relationship with the One True God and for the last 2,000 years [although from the beginning it’s always been about Him] it’s all about, only about an individual’s belief in, understanding of, faith in, and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
God Who came to earth and took our fleshly body upon Himself, sinless, spotless, blameless, pure, and perfect unlike us. Any of us. Even The Donald. Even that image looking back in the mirror. Even your offspring. None are good, no not one. Not according to me — according to God. Jesus said that and if unsure, unaware, or unbelieving there’s a really Good Book to get your hands on and seek out that reference and those words.
We live in the last of the last days.
Tumultuous, treacherous, turbulent days of tribulation.
Treachery, lying, deceit, illusions, propaganda, censorship, the workers of evil abounding and growing more brazen and unafraid to do whatever they desire knowing their time is limited, as they are aware, unlike the majority of people that have a Holy Bible in their homes, that Jesus is coming again. And sooner than later.
It was not, is not a coincidence, luck, or fate that Donald Trump was able to wake up this morning. Go to the bathroom [making level every man, woman, and child on earth no matter who they are or may think that they are]. Do his morning routine. I don’t know if he drinks coffee, but I do know that he does not drink alcohol, and at any rate, awaken in this living animated state to embrace this fine day the Lord has made by the sheer will of the Lord to hold all things together.
There are no coincidences. Anyone believing in fate yet denying the existence or hand of God is double-speaking and they are very confused folks. Fate is just a worldly way of declaring the hand of God in matters while they deny His existence, His power and imagine themselves gods living in a godless world — unless it is all the false gods of the myriad religions of the world — which the godless honor, accept, and will never mock or say anything against.
Only the One True God of the Christian and Jewish faith. Only Jesus. Only the Holy Bible. Only the Holy Spirit, if they even acknowledge the Holy Spirit do they all mock, deny, hate, and blaspheme.
Interesting, that, is it not?
Humm…must be a reason for that, eh?
It is my hope and prayer, daily, that Mr. Trump becomes President Trump again. Because, if his opponent in this upcoming election wins she will make Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., Barack Hussein Obama, Jimmy Carter, and James Buchanan [the one that was an American president, America did have a president named James Buchanan, not to be confused with the guy you remember from history class —does such a subject even exist any longer in American schools — in high school] appear like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, oh, and Donald Trump.
But I do not see Mr. Trump as a savior as far too many people do.
And unless, until there is sincere, very real individual repentance and individual revival — a true turning back to God and to Jesus and to the whole Word of God exactly like the Jews of the Old Testament, NO DIFFERENTLY, and make God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God uppermost in our life even if The Donald does win in November that is not enough. That won’t really restore things. Not really.
Get out of our own way, get out of the quicksand, and get stuck in the muck of the world. Get back, get back, get back to the ways and words of the Lord! Faithfully, fully, falling in love and obedience with the Lord as if never before.
Trusting in God [Who is in total control of everything not a man or woman, not an election, not a certain nation] fully.
And watch how all things improve. Become better.
Hey, it’s all in the Holy Bible. More people ought to try really reading it, really reading it — thinking deeply about what is read. And here’s an idea…
… believe what is read.
Start with some history.
Read 1 and 2 Chronicles.
Oh, those are books in the Bible. There is a part of it all prior to the Gospel of Matthew.
Read on…oh, and while you’re here check out the RELATED articles found below Mr. Kadish’s excellent piece…just a sampling of the over 6,000 individual postings here since March 2011. Many of them are as relevant today as when they were first posted…
Ken Pullen, Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Fight Against Treachery
One does not need to embrace religion to recognize that something beyond our understanding saved former President Donald Trump from death. With the FBI confirming that it was, in fact, a bullet that came to within millimeters of a fatal head wound, Trump has survived an assassination attempt that would have changed the course of American history.
Some call it divine intervention. Others chalk it up to simply fate. It reminds us of those Americans who went to work in the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11 and those delayed in transit. Today, we each must reflect on the forces that had an assassin miss his target by a literal hair’s breath.
Trump, shaking off the shock of a failed assassination attempt with an appeal to “fight,” stood tall, with blood on his face, his fist in the air and an appeal to “fight,” in defiance of treachery. It was a response that will go down in history.
Not so fortunate was an extraordinary firefighter, Corey Comperatore. As shots rang out at the rally, he lay across his family to protect their lives, taking a fatal bullet. Two others who attended the rally were severely wounded. We are praying for their swift and full recovery.
It may have been divine intervention that saved Donald Trump, but freedom is the Almighty’s gift enshrined in American values, Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Americans should be forever grateful to the founding fathers for their breathtaking wisdom and foresight.
Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.
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