Building Mormonism: The Fascinating History of LDS Architecture

Book Of Mormon: Examining 5 Things | Daily Christian Devotionals




The enclosed video with Dr. Frank Turek is only 3 minutes and 1 second long, and he explains well the difference between the polytheistic beliefs of Mormonism, the belief in many gods, versus the monotheistic Christian faith.

Many folks probably won’t like this, they may gasp, recoil, or no longer want to visit this place but Mormons are NOT Christians. They teach, preach, and believe in A DIFFERENT CHRIST. they teach, preach, and believe in A DIFFERENT GOSPEL than the one within the Holy Bible of Judaism and Christianity.

For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

2 Corinthians 11:4

Mormons place The Book of Mormon above the Holy Bible. The Mormons believe The Book of Mormon was written by one man, the prophet Nephi, who left Jerusalem in 600 B.C. and sailed off for the Americas.

“Another Testament of Jesus Christ,” is teaching, preaching, and believing A DIFFERENT GOSPEL than the one of the Holy Bible, the God-breathed words of God to all of mankind who would be willing to listen, hear, read, and believe. It was not written by a so-called prophet, a solitary man, who decided about six hundred years prior to God being born in the flesh in Bethlehem, that solitary man packing up and sailing for the Americas in 600 B.C.

Joseph Smith, the creator of Mormonism was one very lost man, one very lost and clouded in his understanding soul.

The Church of Latter-Day Saints is a cult.

They teach, preach, and believe every individual in their cult is a god.

Mitt Romney, in an interview during his failed presidential campaign years ago, told the reporter, when asked about his faith, that upon his fleshly death here on earth he would become the god of his own planet and have as many wives as he could want.

Mormonism is all about the $$$$$.

Works. Power. Status. Whether you can keep paying them more and more money to move closer and closer to the inner circle, the inner sanctum.

If you don’t like these truths, these facts and dispute them, deny them, or sit there in judgment that I’m being too judgmental and I’m incorrect in any of this? Be like a Berean. Find out for yourself.

I had an uncle, now deceased, who lived in Salt Lake City and married a very committed Mormon woman. He eventually joined the church and upon her death learning all he did over the years about Mormonism and what they are truly all about related much to me.

Like many things in life, especially when of a spiritual nature, they may sound good, enticing, and TEMPTING, and there seems to be nothing wrong with what is being said, heard, or done, these things may sound good in fact because people are mentioning the words, God, Jesus, faith, and Christian. BEWARE! These enticing, soothing, sounding so good sounds are exactly as the sounds of the Serpent’s words entered the ears, minds, and hearts of Adam and Eve in the Garden.

No different.

Do not fear discerning well and wisely — judging well and correctly — and speaking up for the truth. The truth of the One True Triune God of the Holy Bible of the Jews and Christ followers of this fallen world.

Listen and watch the 3-minute and 1-second video below for further details.

Ken Pullen, Friday, July 12th, 2024



Do Latter Day Saints and Christians Worship the Same God?


Dr. Frank Turek



Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.