Days after RFK Jr. signaled desire to 'Make America Healthy Again,' Time issues defense of ultra-processed foods



We are what we eat. So, just look around and know the truth.

The American food industry and American food diet are things I know well. Having been directly involved with these things for the majority of my working life. For many years working with food, deep in study, deep in exploration of everything pertaining to food production, food science, nutrition, health, to being a degreed classically trained chef by one of the best culinary arts schools in America.

Everything about the growing, handling, transporting, to what degree the food product was processed, to storage, handling, prepping, and cooking once in a restaurant or professional kitchen was my life. I was immersed in everything about food. It was an obsession for decades. It was what I did. What I knew.

Okay, that said, the American illusion that we’ve somehow become a nation of foodies knowing and eating the best is utter rubbish. Almost universally Americans do not know or respect food. Ever been to a grocery store in America? What does the checkout person do, how do they handle, how do they appear, what do they do with your food on that conveyor line? Handle it as it if were something a human being ingests? That can be crushed? Is it bagged properly?

This is just one glaring example that anyone who ever has bought anything in a grocery store — any grocery store even the blowhard ones that contend they are so attuned to fine foods and special. Food is treated in America as if it’s bicycle horns, ballbearings, toothbrushes, and any other product that isn’t ingested. Any other thing that doesn’t have a self life, can be easily contaminated and make a person ill.

And I haven’t even touched upon the growing, the processing of foods. What we really eat compared to what we think we are eating, or deceive ourselves that we’re eating well, being nourished.

I understand America is a big place. A large land mass. And as the population grows farms decrease. It’s a large task to get people fed. I get it. But our farming practices, how we’ve treated farmers — independent family farms and farmers, not the mega-global-corporations such as Cargill, or Archer-Daniels-Midland and others that have devoured farms, and sinister cohorts such as Monsanto. Few have any idea of how all this works. What is really taking place in America, and around the world with regard to food. And have been devoured by Big Agriculture which only cares about one thing — don’t ever be deceived that they care about anything else — other than profits. Making money. Secondly, all they care about is how they can package and transport what they make in their food factories.

I’ve been in the fields. On some farms. I can safely write that I’ve been in more food processing factories in America than anyone at Time Magazine, anyone in the U.S. Congress, anyone in any White House, and more than almost any other American. Especially individual and family food consumers, which pretty much includes everyone. Know anyone who can survive without eating something?

We’ve sacrificed convenience and the quest for profits, being lazy, and bloated — and there is NO NEED TO BUY AND USE ANY PROBIOTIC PRODUCT IF A HUMAN BEING EATS PROPERLY, EATS NUTRITIOUS FOODS, THE MOST PURE FOODS POSSIBLE.

Nor is there the need to spend billions on laxatives!

I understand for many people buying the purest food forms isn’t easy. Food costs are insane. I do all of our families grocery buying. I always have. I also do all the food prep and cooking. I always have. And over the years I have witnessed, as has every person in America that actually enters a grocery store and buys food — unlike so many ignorant and clueless that just sit down at a table and food seems to magically appear, they never ever in their lives in a grocery store, never ever working in any kitchen, never ever making any food. It just somehow appears at a table on a plate, in a bowl for them. Brought to many of them and they consume it without any thinking. Too occupied in their own minds about whatever is going on in them to ever take any amount of time to think about the food they ingest. To think about what has happened to soil in America, farming, food handling, food processing, food storage, and preparation. They just eat. And do not think.

And as such America is the most obese, most cancer-ridden, with the highest degree of chronic illnesses, and sickest nation on earth per capita compared to the rest of the world?

Are we great, or what!?

Just get something in a container that can be put in a microwave. In your $80,000 designer kitchen with all the trendy and expensive appliances. That are rarely used. Or, living in poverty, barely able to sustain oneself, or a family, forced to buy things like large frozen foods that are made up of slop, made up of food science — not the food science I studied in school and on my own, not that of books and writers such as Harold McGee, and others — no, the food science I’m pointing to now is the Dr. Frankenstein research and development labs in every mega-food corporation. They invest time and money into working on every possible chemical and combination they can create to mimic, to make what rubbish they are running on conveyor belts, in massive ovens, on assembly lines in the factory they drive to work every day.

I’ve been in those labs. Many of them. With various food jobs I’ve had. Traveling America not for fun or a holiday — for work — spending time on farms, in food processing plants, in brand name corporations facilities and labs.

It ain’t pretty people.

It’s mass-produced, keep ’em fed, tell them how wonderful it is, and they’ll believe it — because most don’t have a clue about food. At all.

Know anyone obese? Know anyone with chronic illness? Know anyone, or yourself that has said the words “stomach flu,” when what they had, what you had was a food borne illness and not the “stomach flu,” as influenza is only a respiratory infection. Doesn’t enter your stomach. Only some tainted, infested with bacteria, a virus, bits of feces from a filthy food handler, of course wearing those idiotic gloves everyone is led to believe is a health shield — know how many food handlers I’ve seen never change gloves? Pick their noses, wipe their faces, go outside for a smoke, go to the bathroom, and return, and handled money and food without ever-changing gloves? Yeah, maintain the illusion, the delusion because it’s best to be oblivious and not think about these things, right?

I’ve known and had many say to me, “I don’t live to eat, I eat to live.” And some of these have had the most horrendous diets I’ve ever witnessed. Knowing zilch about food. Not caring about food. Thinking that bacon bits are a good food group.

I don’t live to eat either. But I do know how the Good Lord made things for us to consume. In their purest form. Minimal processing. The fewest additives. Not all the horrendous food science to corrupt the foods we ingest. And our food supply has been sorely compromised and corrupted.

Food is a blessing from God. Every morsel, every bite. Here’s another thing to contemplate — if almost 7 out of 10, a little over 6 out of 10 people in America identify as Christian how is it you never see 6 out of 10 people in restaurants, at a party, while eating on someone’s home, at your own home praying and giving God thanks for what they are blessed with?

Think about that.

Think about the truth that we the people receive that which we deserve.

From our government. From our corporations. From our media. From our God.

If we know the Lord, acknowledge the Lord, serve the Lord humbly and truthfully, faithfully, if we aren’t all so stinking self-centered, all about self, all about comfort, speed, convenience, ease, the taste of overly sweetened, overly processed foods, if not in love with lethargy and laziness and taking just a bit of time to think about, learn about what it is every person is putting in their mouths and what that does, is it truly nutritious? Is it good for you? Rather than the path we’ve been on imagine what might occur?

I used to meet a few times a month with an older cousin of mine for lunch. He is now with the Lord in heaven and has been in that place, that wonderful beyond human comprehension place I will one day be going to, to see him and everyone else that has repented and been born again in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was such a wonderful, sweet, godly, God-fearing, and true no doubt about it disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we discussed all sorts of things over our lunches beyond the Scripture we’d been reading and discussing spiritual matters. Food often was a topic that arose. And one day he mentioned how the word wholesome attached to foods gave him a sense of peace and wellness about what he and his family ate.

He was an engineer, one of the brightest people I personally knew.

I told him, “Do you know what wholesome means in America according to the USDA, to every food grower, processor, and anyone working with food in America?”

“That’s something you eat is wholesome, good for you, healthy, right?”

“No. It means only that it’s fit for human consumption. It has nothing to do with the quality of any food or beverage, nothing at all to do with what you’re ingesting healthy if it is good for you.”

Go on, hit that fast food drive through. Or is it THRU — the nonstandard, lazy way of using, writing the word through — picky? Nah, not really.  Why be lazy for convenience’s sake when the consequences always only mean a decline in quality? Everything is abbreviated, no time, no time, no time while so many play the part of the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

I have another cousin, the younger brother of the cousin I used to meet for lunch a couple of times a month, and this cousin was my best friend growing up. We’re still friends but not as close. And we email regularly. And he has his own language. Almost everything put down in a textual form is abbreviated in his own language. Lazy. Can’t be bothered to take the time to type out a few words fully. if his language were to become adopted universally I could get a good paying job as one of the few interpreters of this new abbreviated language. We’re going backward in communication. Not forward. No more conversations. No more real discourse. Not really. Banality, and inanity, are the order of today. We have many people in America who somehow believe their taking pictures of what they are eating in a restaurant and making sure to send those photos to people they know is somehow important. Relevant. Tale about being lost and consumed in self, and that is exactly what that’s all about. In our great disorder and confusion and whirlwind nonsense imagining we’re all so, so strapped for time and have no time. Only what we’re doing is the most important thing. Even all the nonsense we partake in.  Wow. Still 24 hours in a day. With so much more downtime, off time from tasks, working, and transporting ourselves from one place to another, luxury time than any other period in history for an individual and no one has time for anything, for others. No more taking time for anything — except self-centeredness and gazing into glowing screens on electronic devices — as you’re doing right now.

Load up the cart with those frozen microwavable entrees, and all those bags of snacks and easy food items. Open the bag and eat. Open the container and eat. Open the box and nuke it. Ironic that in the American lexicon, microwaving food is referred to as “nuking it,” isn’t it?

Because while a real nuke is much quicker in the death and illness it brings — the slow erosion, the slow corruption, the constantly increasing laziness and cluelessness that exists in America with regard to food, so much of it “nuked,” has led, is leading to death and illness.

Imagine that.

What to do?

Well, begin by stopping being in such a hurry. Oh, here’s something else that would lead to a more healthy environment in the home, in restaurants, when sitting and eating by yourself. Turn all mobile phones off. Eat. Forget for a few minutes all the inane so, so, so vital and can’t be missed, can’t be seen the instant it appears on the screen nonsense most of it is — that certainly can wait. Eat. Without mobile phones now being included at every meal more important than utensils and plates! Also, try something very novel — make sure every member of your family is gathered around the dinner, supper table for every meal. Every family member is present and accounted for. is football, or soccer practice more important? Really? Why is it to you, to your offspring? Time passes quickly. The social, the familial, the spiritual, the emotional health of a family around a table sharing food and actual conversation is priceless and cannot be replaced or somehow supplemented. All phones off. Everyone around the table.

Imagine that? Wow, what a concept!

I guarantee you it would increase overall health in every family. Try it. Find out for yourselves. What a concept, eh?

And try to eat food in their least processed purest forms. It ain’t rocket science. Learning about food, preparing foods, cooking foods, and baking is not that difficult or anything that cannot be learned and known and able to do moderately well.

Try it.

And give thanks to God for every morsel, every bite He provides. For it is the Lord alone Who provides our sustenance, our ability to buy it.

It is only men and women who have corrupted and perverted it all.

We are what we eat physically, and ingest. We are what we eat regarding information, regarding spiritual matters, regarding the Word of God, regarding the people we associate with, regarding our habits, our language, and how we fashion ourselves.

What are you eating every single day in every way?

The truth of the Lord, the truth of the Word of God. All of it. Or the lies, the utter bold arrogant no longer hidden deceptions of a lost, dying world?

Believe it, or not, this does relate to what is ingested physically. Each meal consumed. We either do that in the knowledge of the Lord and as His, or we do that as a self-centered, unbelieving pagan and the consequences of each.

Make sure all the food ingested, physical and spiritual is of the purest, truly healthy, benefitting the spirit, soul, mind, and body as possible where you are under the circumstances in which you’re living. Which can always be improved by what you eat physically, and what you eat spiritually. Are you ingesting the whole Word of God? Or only what a pastor is telling you from a pulpit? Are you existing on The Bible A Minute of A Day? Or of the whole Word of God? Are you rightly dividing the Word, discerning well, and wisely trusting the Holy Spirit to help you? Are you discerning well and wisely what you’re putting into your mouth, into your heart, into your soul, into your life?

To the best of your ability as you are measured out by our Good, Good, Good & Great God.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Thursday, August 29th, 2024



Days after RFK Jr. signaled desire to ‘Make America Healthy Again,’ Time issues defense of ultra-processed foods


Time magazine ran a piece Monday questioning whether food linked to a litany of illnesses is really so bad.


August 29, 2024


Reprinted from Blaze Media


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed Friday that a major factor behind his decision to endorse President Donald Trump was the opportunity to help “Make America Healthy Again” in a future Trump administration.

“Don’t you want healthy children?” said Kennedy. “And don’t you want the chemicals out of our food? And don’t you want the regulatory agencies to be free from corporate corruption? And that’s what President Trump told me that he wanted.”

Days later, Time magazine signaled a possible narrative shift regarding American health with an article titled “What if Ultra-Processed Foods Aren’t as Bad as You Think?” — having just months earlier published an article entitled “Why Ultra-Processed Foods Are So Bad for You.”

Kennedy, unwilling to buy what Time appeared to be selling, tweeted, “Yeah, what if? And what if ultra-processed foods are WORSE than you think?”

The newly minted Trump ally was responding to a post from Dr. Casey Means, the co-founder of the food-health monitoring company Levels, who hammered Time for the apparent attempt in the Monday article to rehabilitate ultra-processed foods’ public image.

“Mainstream media playbook,” Means wrote on X. “When the culture seems to be turning TOWARDS health, rapidly spin up a BS article (like this one that was published yesterday in TIME)” in order to

  • seed confusion;
  • normalize the problem with a “meaningless anecdote”;
  • distract and shut down the discourse by focusing “intensely on social justice issues and questions of food access rather than science”;
  • “mention but then QUICKLY minimize the innumerable studies that say ultraprocessed foods impair hormones, metabolic health, and are associated with early death”; and
  • avoid mention of “funding sources and conflicts of interest at NIH, USDA, FDA, academia, OR THE NEWS OUTLET THAT IS PUBLISHING THE ARTICLE.”
Kennedy added, “And don’t talk about the conflicts at NGO’s like NAACP and the Diabetes groups that get their funding from the processed food lobbyists.”

A race-obsessive’s fight to be unhealthy

Time’s controversial article by Jamie Ducharme — the health correspondent who suggested in 2021 that debilitating vaccine side effects were “normal” — told the tale of how pro-obesity dietician Jessica Wilson took offense at the success and conclusions of an actual medical doctor’s recent book concerning the consequences of ultra-processed foods.

Ducharme wrote:

Wilson, who specializes in working with clients from marginalized groups, was irked. She felt that van Tulleken’s experiment was over-sensationalized and that the news coverage of it shamed people who regularly eat processed foods — in other words, the vast majority of Americans, particularly the millions who are food insecure or have limited access to fresh food; they also tend to be lower income and people of color. Wilson felt the buzz ignored this “food apartheid,” as well as the massive diversity of foods that can be considered ultra-processed.

Dr. Chris van Tulleken, a practicing infectious diseases doctor who earned both his medical degree and his Ph.D. in molecular virology at Oxford University, recently penned an international best-seller titled “Ultra-Processed People: Why We Can’t Stop Eating Food That Isn’t Food.”

As part of what appears to have been a marketing campaign for the book, Tulleken increased his intake of ultra-processed foods for a month, such that they accounted for 80% of his diet. He was left with anecdotal evidence of what he had otherwise demonstrated on the basis of hard science.

“Ultra-processed foods” are defined in the NOVA food classification system as:

industrial formulations made entirely or mostly from substances extracted from foods (oils, fats, sugar, starch, and proteins), derived from food constituents (hydrogenated fats and modified starch), or synthesized in laboratories from food substrates or other organic sources (flavor enhancers, colors, and several food additives used to make the product hyper-palatable). Manufacturing techniques include extrusion, moulding and preprocessing by frying. Beverages may be ultra-processed.

Examples of ultra-processed foods include store-bought biscuits; frozen desserts, chocolate and candies; soda and other carbonated soft drinks; prepackaged meat and vegetables; frozen pizzas; fish sticks and chicken nuggets; packaged breads; instant noodles; chocolate milk; breakfast cereals; and sweetened juices.

Tulleken told the BBC that after a month of primarily eating ultra-processed food, “I felt ten years older.”

The doctor indicated that during the experiment, his hormones and weight destabilized; his brain underwent changes; the quality of his sleep worsened; he experienced anxiety; and he suffered heartburn, a low libido, and sluggishness.

“If it can do that in four weeks to my 42-year-old brain, what is it doing to the fragile developing brains of our children?” asked Tulleken.

Lethal groceries

Blaze News reported earlier this year that a massive peer-reviewed study published in the BMJ, the British Medical Association’s esteemed journal, found evidence pointing to “direct associations between greater exposure to ultra-processed foods and higher risks of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease related mortality, common mental disorder outcomes, overweight and obesity, and type 2 diabetes.”

The international team of researchers from institutions such as the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Sydney School of Public Health found that ultra-processed foods exposure was consistently associated with 32 adverse health outcomes, including all-cause mortality; cancer-related deaths; cardiovascular disease-related deaths; heart disease-related deaths; breast cancer; central nervous system tumors; chronic lymphocytic leukemia; colorectal cancer; pancreatic cancer; prostate cancer; adverse sleep-related outcomes; anxiety; common mental disorder outcomes; depression; asthma; wheezing; Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis; obesity; hypertension; and type 2 diabetes.

“On the basis of the random effects model, 32 (71%) distinct pooled analyses showed direct associations between greater ultra-processed food exposure and a higher risk of adverse health outcomes,” said the study. “Additionally, of these combined analyses, 11 (34%) showed continued statistical significance when a more stringent threshold was applied.”

Heart disease-related death, cardiovascular disease-related death, all-cause mortality, type 2 diabetes, wheezing, and depression were among the 11 adverse health outcomes that showed continued statistical significance in the face of the more stringent threshold.

Junk science

Prickled both by Tulleken’s discussion of such harmful health effects and by his firsthand experience with their impact, Wilson — an activist who ran a “6 week queer exploration of the joys and terrors of having a body,” touts herself as the “co-creator of the Amplify Melanated Voices challenge,” and apparently believes the desire for thinness is racist — reportedly asked herself, “How can this entire category of foods be something we’re supposed to avoid?”

According to Time, Wilson similarly adjusted her diet for so that 80% of what she ate for a month was highly processed foods.

After Wilson chowed down on soy chorizo, Trader Joe’s ready-to-eat tamales, cashew-milk yogurt with jam, tater tots, and other highly processed foods for a month, Time reported, “A weird thing happened.”

“Wilson found that she had more energy and less anxiety. She didn’t need as much coffee to get through the day and felt more motivated. She felt better eating an ultra-processed diet than she had before, a change she attributes to taking in more calories by eating full meals, instead of haphazard combinations of whole-food ingredients,” wrote Ducharme.

Time magazine’s health correspondent posed the question: “How could two people eating the same type of foods have such different experiences? And could it be true that not all ultra-processed foods deserve their bad reputation?”

Despite citing numerous legitimate studies indicating ultra-processed foods are indeed harming and possibly even killing Americans, Ducharme hedged, writing:

Most people who care about their health have the same question about processed foods: Are they killing me? And right now — despite their looming possible inclusion in dietary guidelines — no one really knows the answer. There’s limited cause-and-effect research on how processed foods affect health, and scientists and policymakers have yet to come up with a good way to, as Hess says, “meaningfully delineate between nutrient-dense foods and nutrient-poor options.”

The Time article concluded with Wilson’s insinuation that she would choose ultra-processed foods “every time” if it meant going to bed feeling full.

The article has been roundly ridiculed online, with many critics noting the politically expedient timing of its release.

Adam Johnston, of the Substack “Conquest Theory,” responded to the article, writing, “We can’t speak the truth about ultra-processed foods because it will shame marginalized groups. So we have to keep pretending our diets are healthy while obesity soars and people die. We wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of marginalized groups, now would we?”

Blaze Media CEO Tyler Cardon noted, “If you need more motivation to ditch ultra-processed foods, this headline from this publication should do the trick.”

“Not a week after @RobertKennedJr raised the awareness back to the masses on the dangers of ultra-processed foods,” wrote Turning Point USA spokeswoman Isabel Brown.


I’m not one to listen to many speeches. but this is the best speech I’ve heard in decades. Why this one? Because of its truth, important facts, and sincerity. I hope you will watch & listen to it in its entirety