DARPA’s Meals from Microbes: The Future of Food and the Scheme to Get There
by Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards
Reprinted from Truth Unmuted & The Highwire
At the beginning of Episode 56 of the “Voices from DARPA” Podcast, an unnamed man declares, “A DARPA program manager quite literally invents tomorrow.” Another eager mouthpiece adds, “DARPA is not one person or one place; it’s a collection of people that are excited about moving technology forward.” The podcast is titled “The Future of Foods: Meals from Microbes.” The DARPA gang explains that creating foods from microbes will save resources on the battlefield. But the idea of making food from microbes—to be clear, they mean turning military waste, including plastics, into food—is downright alarming. Undoubtedly, like its decade-long development of the mRNA jabs thrust upon society, these synthetic foods invented by Darpa are not just for the military. No, indeed, these concoctions are the roadmap for the future, in lockstep with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
More profitable than cricket farming—although eating bugs is on the agenda, too—synthetic biology is the most profitable monopoly-controlled technology of the Great Reset of food and farming, as noted by the Organic Consumers Association. We’ve seen the billions that DARPA’s early dance with mRNA handed over to Big Pharma at the expense of society’s health and well-being. How much will their fake food endeavor make for the Great Reset cartel and its minions? As the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the other corrupt government figures and NGOs continue their controlled demolition of farming to wipe out small farmers, the dairy and egg industry, and small businesses in general, the windfall profits the select few will pocket are mind-boggling.
Podcast Exposes Real Life Science-Fiction: DARPA’s Cornucopia and ReSource Programs
DARPA’s podcast highlighted two programs that are hard at work to create Frankenfoods: Cornucopia and ReSource. Dr. Molly Jahn, Cornucopia’s program manager, explained that “when the pandemic hit,” at DARPA’s urging, she used the opportunity to “redesign how humans provision themselves regarding food.” Jahn remarked that decades ago, NASA identified a bacterium that can live off “literally the hydrogen gas from splitting water.” Thus, all that is needed to grow that bacterium is water, air, and electricity. Inspired by that conception, Jahn sought to devise deployable food systems that could be implemented wherever humans are located. According to Jahn, Cornucopia’s goal is to produce microbial-origin foodstuffs at the point of consumption within the energy envelope available. Eager to replace food the way nature intended (only supporting GMO fields growing foods that keep humans unhealthy), Jahn, who holds patents with the U.S. government in food manipulation, commented:
“So what would it look like if we flipped the way we source our food on its head and devised ways to produce food anywhere? Human beings can exist with the energy that those human beings have on hand at that time. So, in order to do that, we have to look to microorganisms which grow much more quickly.
What gets me up in the morning is the idea that we are not so far away from offering an alternative to today’s systems that is tractable, it’s commercially viable, it’s very sensible. There’s no reason, theoretical or practical, that we couldn’t see this happen.”
Pushing fake foods as some sort of reassuring divine gift, the podcast host shared that “in mythology, the cornucopia was the magical horn of plenty, providing an unending supply of nourishment from nothingness.” That sure does sound dreamy, but, like natural immunity, well-tended farmlands providing nutritious foods function just fine, with benefits galore. But alas, that is of no interest. The host added that DARPA’s Cornucopia program, while not magic, “could certainly appear to be [magic] with its aim to create food from essentially invisible sources, microbes, air, water, and electricity.”
Unsurprisingly, DARPA’s ReSource program is just as immoral. Indeed, the elusive branch of the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) ReSource program aims to take Corucopia’s idea and one-up it by using the energy present in waste to create food, with a heavy focus on plastics. It is common knowledge that plastics are incredibly harmful to all living things and the environment, with microplastics surfacing everywhere. So why isn’t there a DARPA program to make a biodegradable replacement for plastic instead of making food out of plastic waste? Hmmm. It seems fitting to note that the focus on merging humans and technology and destroying the natural environment is unmistakable once you realize the game.
Dr. Blake Bextine, who manages the ReSource program, explained in the podcast that the U.S. military uses a “huge amount of plastic,” and it becomes a burden “just getting rid of it.” Specifically, Bextine pointed to “meals ready to eat” (MRE)—the packaged foods that soldiers take out into the field when they’re gone for several days. He remarked that the MRE packaging contains more energy in the plastic material than the number of calories in the food. Again, clearly, plastic is destructive to the environment, but so are endless wars. But that’s another huge rabbit hole in itself. Presenting the scheme to turn plastics into food further, Blake explained:
“What’s interesting about plastic is that it’s made of molecules that are energy-dense, but biology can’t get to them. And so because biology can’t get to them, it doesn’t break down very readily. So, we want to break it down into consumable pieces for biology. So, if we accomplish that, it could go back into the environment as a safe waste material.
If we can get down to this consumable piece that’s energy-dense, we can upcycle it into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in a very specific way, and we can produce food products that can further be developed. Beyond that, we have a small business effort to take this material that will be energy-dense and dynamically made of protein, fats, and carbohydrates and turn that into an actual palatable food product. And that’s maybe going to be through 3D printing. And we have some other pretty cool ideas.”
Clearly, there is no end in sight here. DARPA’s podcast reinforced that the agency’s “singular and enduring mission” is “to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security.” The U.N.’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals states that the world’s food systems are “at a critical juncture.” The U.N. proclaims “the fragility of our food systems widely exposed” thanks to the pandemic. Basking in their catastrophes, the U.N. and other deep state operatives insist the global food system must urgently be transformed. There must’ve been some sneaky behind-the-scenes deep-state shenanigans to get DARPA involved.
@JoshuaWBaron @DARPA details the possibilities – and potential pitfalls – of technologies such as zero knowledge proofs and blockchains. He also provides a sneak peek into new research that will preserve one’s privacy by rapidly making complex computations on a mobile device #RRI https://t.co/UpmUHvg4re
— Krzysztof Potempa (@BRAINCURES) August 4, 2022
The Manipulation and Self-Serving Delusions of DARPA’s Molly Jahn
Without question, the U.S. government has significant influence over the agriculture and food sectors, not just in the United States but around the globe, through policies that regulate food safety and incentivize the production of certain commodities. Still, how did the DOD and DARPA get involved in something almost entirely in private hands that accounts for one-fifth of the nation’s economy and then deem it a matter of national security? In large part, we can thank DARPA’s Dr. Molly Jahn, who controls Cornucopia, for taking what she called a “narrow military case” and making it a DARPA project.
With backing from the Tallberg Foundation and the Life Sciences Research Foundation, in 2013, Jahn—who served as deputy and acting undersecretary of agriculture in the Obama administration—assembled a group of scientists and engineers from academia, government, business, and nonprofits to focus on what she labeled as the real risks—ecological, financial, existential—embedded in the global food system. Working from Jahn’s position that even though the U.S. food system appeared healthy, it wasn’t (thanks to subsidies), the group called themselves Knowledge Systems for Sustainability (KSS). In an article titled “How ‘Multiple Breadbasket Failure’ Became a Policy Issue,” Jahn remarked that to give credibility to her mission to transform the world’s food system, she and her cronies made up terms like “food system shock” and “multiple breadbasket failure.” Reminiscing of her deliberate and successful scheme, Jahn shared:
“It’s not impossible to imagine that the nation’s food systems are soft targets—along with other everyday things such as your bank account or favorite streaming service.”
Jahn explained that, following conversations with Wisconsin senator Tammy Baldwin in 2016, she came up with the idea that Congress should order the DOD to conduct a study on the global food system’s vulnerabilities. No doubt pleased with herself, Jahn said that the only way to accomplish this was to introduce an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which was then in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Bingo! Jahn wrote, “Section 1075’s amendment to the NDAA was accepted, bundled, and passed.” After getting the food safety issue in front of the Pentagon, Jahn was determined to take the problem as far into war territory as she could, noting:
“Now, having invented the term multiple breadbasket failure, we could sit down with the officer and his cohort of War College fellows to jointly imagine whole new classes of threats and how the country might begin to prepare for them. As a result of that afternoon, we began to work with the fellows on General Milley’s study, which led to a report called Implications of Climate Change for the U.S… Army.”
By early 2019, despite crafting the idea for the report with Gen. Milley’s crew, Jahn was frustrated that no report had manifested. So, with help from climate change promoter Michael Puma, they set up a meeting with reps from NASA, USDA, DOD, DARPA, and—of course—the Gates Foundation. Together, they devised a plan to co-host a larger conference in May 2019 with the Woodrow Wilson Center titled “Food Systems and National Security: The Science in Strategy.” The main objective for planning the May conference was to “track down the person who was writing the DOD’s still-unpublished report, extending an invitation to present it.” Jahn shared that their tactic “worked magnificently,” and the meeting took shape “with all the right people.”
Nonetheless, the DOD maintained that food systems were not an issue of concern for their department. So, like all loyal deep-state destroyers, Jahn went to DARPA, where she is today. Like much of the actions behind the Great Reset Jahn’s ruse was no doubt boosted by the pandemic. A Former Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, Jahn boasted about her role as program manager of Cornucopia, stating:
“COVID-19 demonstrated conclusively that major disruptions can pile on top of each other to collapse networks designed for efficiency rather than resilience. It gets easier to imagine new dangers almost daily: when American shoppers raced to buy vitamin D, few were aware that China is the world’s only manufacturer of the supplement.
As I considered the obvious implications of such vulnerabilities, I reconnected with a program manager at DARPA who was developing an initiative on food.
And so, what I did [during] my pandemic was write a white paper for DARPA. I thought about what could really change the game for food security, in all its aspects, avoiding ideas that would merely fix the current system.
I know our collective human and planetary future cannot depend on endlessly trying to amp up production of corn and beans. Maybe someday we’ll find an alternative in a gizmo that can sit next to your washing machine.”
Clearly, Jahn has no interest in “merely fixing the current system.” Heck, with a $10 million USDA-AFRE CAP grant to study “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Dairy Production Systems,” who can blame her? Nevertheless, with the experience highlighted on her 30-page resume and her skills at manipulation, there’s little doubt that if she wanted to, she could propose overhauling it to support small businesses, local farmers, and regenerative farming practices on a global scale, among other things. Look at the protests overseas—there exists a massive group of passionate and hardworking human beings that successfully feed millions with healthy, nutritious, REAL food. There is no limit to the REAL magic they could perform if given the resources.
So here we are. The transhumanistic science fiction future being written for humanity must be eradicated before the next crisis. If not, there is no doubt that under the Great Reset, the earth will be reduced to a barren wasteland under the guise of climate change, a select few will make billions, and much of humanity will have no other option but to eat what Jahn, Bill Gates, and the other deep-state criminals choose to offer. Our children deserve better.
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