Regrettably, the overwhelming majority of people want to put the coming of COVID-19 and its impact in the rearview mirror and put the pedal to the metal and skedaddle as quickly as possible from having anything regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in view.
Well, we’re all still living it to this very day. It happened. It was world history. A world history in which every person on earth played a part, was a thread in the ugly fabric that was woven and we’re all still wearing.
The sound of “Never again!” rose up when the horrific awareness of the Nazi Holocaust became known. Rightfully so, and we now live in times in which as Christ followers, as human beings created in the image of God we must stand firm and be vocal against the tsunami of antisemitism growing worldwide like well-fed weeds — and we also all must come together and proclaim “Never again!” will we be so stupid, so weak, so easily manipulated and controlled, lied to and falling into lockstep in fear and obeying truly evil men and women, sinister, wicked, lying, making it up as they go men such as Anthony Fauci and others.
The people of America, including almost every professed Christian church, including the government from the top down allowed AGENCY dictatorship and tyranny to replace everything America was founded upon. Fear trumped reason, critical thinking, logic, rational thought, and objectivity. Asking certain questions was verboten. Anyone not falling in lockstep with the dictates of the AGENCIES putting out the dictates was discredited. Mocked. Belittled and treated like a disease themselves. Lines formed to be injected with a substance that wasn’t truly a vaccine and was experimental and not fully researched. America, the world merely groped for something no matter the consequences losing all reason, logic, and the ability to think and did whatever the dictatorial tyrannical AGENCIES told them — there was no law, no legislation, a little man stood at a podium behind a microphone and cameras and told everyone what to do. Keeping them in fear with his lies. And the people obeyed! Even the utterly stupid and made-up “stand six feet apart” rubbish! And people call themselves intelligent, smart, knowing, wise, and independent. Really?
The church my wife and I were attending at the time [we no longer attend that church and haven’t for some time now] COVID-19 was becoming the main news story, the pastor, an internationally known “celebrity” pastor idolized by many, who has his own corporate ministry aside from being the senior pastor of that church, and a great following, took to the large stage and stood at the pulpit declaring the virus emanated from a market in China. He said that with the utmost conviction. And he brought an immunology doctor up on the stage from an internationally known hospital to address the matter. She didn’t know a thing. Babbled along for about 10 minutes and left everyone in attendance none the wiser.
Wherein the fact, the truth, the history reveals that the COVID-19 virus, a GAIN-OF-FUNCTION manmade virus using a natural bat virus, man working to gain its function to infect quicker and function more deadly — a weapon to be used against men, women, and children — was either accidentally released or intentionally released from the Communist Chinese Wuhan Laboratory of Virology. With the help of Mr. Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) with funding — in the millions upon millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars — and research into making such viruses as infectious and deadly as possible.
When will people stop thinking the best of people and understand the nature of man? I address this to professed Christians. I understand the inebriated, indoctrinated, brainwashed obeying paganism [New Age dogmas and doctrines and adopting the worldviews, not having a truly Biblical worldview walking in utter darkness mass of folks], the “I only think good thoughts, I only think positive things” foolishness, idiocy and doctrines of the walking dead obeying all the corruption and perversion of language, all the dung labeled wokeness, all the so-called tolerance and sensitivity which is the exact opposite as those demanding tolerance and sensitivity are the least tolerant of anything not falling in line with their views and beliefs, and they are about as sensitive to others as a rock.
The release of the GAIN-OF-FUNCTION COVID-19 virus by the Wuhan Virology Lab was either accidental, which was then the greatest accident in world history, or it was done intentionally. Which is highly possible. Highly likely. Part of certain people finally going forward with one of their goals, objectives, and by design efforts. To reduce human population. To break and destroy nations. To inflict such fear and confusion that one man in a nation could manipulate and control almost every person — from the president on down. And evil saw it worked. Evil saw how quickly and easily the people of America, the people of the world could be brought under control. Kept under control. Even total control keeping them from leaving their homes. Seeing loved ones. Attending funerals. Buying items needed. Seeing doctors and receiving necessary care and operations. And on and on it went.
On and on it continues.
Even when most ignore, deny, or refuse to acknowledge the facts, the truth.
A very socialist, leftist president once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
He was spot on! Dead on correct!
And we the people made that statement come truer in our short history than at any other time. Only we did the exact opposite that president intended — turning to fear, making fear the substance of our daily lives.
And we the people of America in our lost and weakened state we find ourselves in quickly resorted to utter fear. Unquestioning fear. Adopting fear quickly and without logic or reason. If anyone needs proof of how easy it will be for the Antichrist to have the people of the world accept and adopt and apply his name branded into their flesh to bow to and worship him all one needs to do is reflect on the response of the human race in the past four years.
The attitudes adopted during the height of the pandemic have bled into the present day. As has every other dictate created the mess we find ourselves in. From a huge dropoff in church attendance to losing the faith, to inflation as it is, and everything in between. We’re all still living it. It has not disappeared no matter how hard a person attempts to push the accelerator and have the past years vanish from view.
The article below wants to place the blame on Communist China’s negligence as to the cause of our current plight and problems.
No commission, no Congress, no politician, no government agency has or is the answer. I do not think I need to repeat that, but considering how the American population reacted and continues to react over these past years — No commission, no Congress, no politician, no government agency has or is the answer.
The Heritage Foundation and a commission a committee of men and women [and we all ought to know and understand what that then means] contend it is all due to Communist Chinese negligence that has caused our current woes and dire troubles.
I contend that is incorrect. We chose to listen to the voice of fear, the voice of dictatorship, the voice of tyranny — the voice of Anthony Fauci and the other few that were his mouthpieces, we bowed to and listened to as if they were oracles, always telling us the truth and caring about our health and safety when all they did was spew lies and greatly benefit personally from the spread of the virus.
With the virus of ignorance, stupidity, refusing to use logic, think critically, reason, be objective, and not fall so quickly, easily to fear and the voice of tyranny and dictatorship. Yes, in America. Imagine that?
Our Founders would be disgusted with us as a people. And we surely have not heeded the words of Mr. Franklin upon leaving Independence Hall upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence, when he replied to a woman in the crowd who questioned him what they had done, and he replied, “A Republic if you can keep it.”
And we the people have been the negligent ones. The lazy ones. The ignorant ones. The foolish ones.
We can alter this. We can change this. We can repent and turn back to the Lord in earnest, faithfully, and not merely in lip service or thinking showing up at a church on Sundays is what it’s all about.
It’s up to each and every individual.
Never again? Or the same, or worse when it comes? And worse is coming…
Blame evil Communist China? Sure, it originated with them — but it was up to U.S., up to every person in America to determine how to respond and we exhibited nothing but fear, weakness, and loss of our minds.
Woe to U.S., woe to U.S.!
We now are living with the consequences, the judgments made. So stop complaining because it could be quite different if we had been strong, faithful, NOT fearful, logical, exhibited any sense, rational, reasoning, and thinking with the brains that our Great and Good Good God created us with rather than quickly listening to the voices of evil and their lies — we’ve not learned a thing since our time in the Garden…not learned a thing…
Never again?
Oh, it’s going to happen again…and again…for the Bible tells us so…human nature also tells us so.
Doubt this?
Where have you been living for the past four years?
And if you haven’t read the article found in the RELATED section below yet it would behoove everyone finding themselves here to open and read that article as well. This is all related. All taking place, taking shape. Ignoring it, or making the effort to hide from it, or denying it does not make it go away.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Tuesday, July 9th, 2024
Communist China’s negligence on COVID-19 caused $18,000,000,000,000 in damage to the U.S. economy: Heritage Foundation report
The commission’s recommendations in the report included having Congress conduct “a review of China’s negligence and cover-up as well as an evaluation of domestic policies that were implemented.”
July 8, 2024
Reprinted from PM. American News
The COVID-19 pandemic and its related policies led to economic damages of $18 trillion, a commission has found. The analysis comes a few years after lockdown policies and other measures damaged businesses as the virus spread through the United States. The commission also listed a number of recommendations to hold China accountable for the pandemic.
According to a report from the commission from the Heritage Foundation’s Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19 viewed by Fox Business, the commission found that the pandemic’s total cost added up to around $18 trillion. The number represents over $8.6 trillion due to excess deaths, over $1.825 trillion income lost; $6 trillion from chronic conditions from “long COVID”, as well as mental health loss at about $1 trillion. This is in addition to educational losses of $435 billion, all totaling over $18 trillion in damages to the U.S.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has exacted a staggering toll on the United States, both in human lives and in economic terms. The total estimated cost of $18.007 trillion is a stark reminder of the profound impact this global health crisis has had on the nation,” the report from the commission said. “By understanding and acknowledging these costs, we can lay the groundwork for holding accountable those whose negligence or overt actions exacerbated the pandemic’s severity.”
The excess deaths totaled 1,476,457 in the U.S. from 2020 to 2022 at the height of the pandemic. Real GDP took a hit and was 2.5 percent below what it had been projected to be during that time, according to the report. With regard to the origins of COVID, the commission found that it “very likely stemmed from a research-related incident in Wuhan, China.”
“Although it remains theoretically possible that COVID-19 emerged via zoonosis in the wild or spillover in a wet market (spillover is a virus originating in animals before it passes to humans), there is no evidentiary basis for either of these hypotheses despite extensive testing over four years,” the commission said. The Heritage Foundations commission also detailed a timeline of events, showing the cover-up of the virus when it started in China around December 2019. It also reported on the mistakes that China made in its failure to keep the virus in its borders.
The commission’s recommendations in the report included having Congress conduct “a review of China’s negligence and cover-up as well as an evaluation of domestic policies that were implemented,” create a task force that can help with claims against the Chinese government, facilitate the filing of lawsuits against the People’s Republic of China, decouple U.S. and Chinese commercial supply chains, and audit all U.S. funding for any biomedical research that is taking place in China.
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