Colorado coach displays Palestinian flag, refuses to shake hands with Jewish coach

Colorado basketball coach hangs Palestinian flag when playing against a Jewish team. (YouTube screenshot)



Imitating Germany of the late 1920s, and 1930s. No different. The so-called Palestinian flag is no different than the unholy abomination homosexual/transgender flag. Illusionary for an age where many are held in strong delusion.

There is no Palestinian country. No Palestinian people, really. Let’s stop pretending. It’s like imagining something and becoming so transfixed and lost in the make-believe it becomes reality in the mind.

Cursing Israel, cursing Jews, spewing hatred towards Israel and Jewish people is only going to bring the wrath of God upon you. But the blind, the foolish, the ignorant, the enslaved to Satan and his lies are so drugged by the hatred they have ingested and continue to ingest daily I wonder if there is any waking up, turning back, realizing what it is they have done and are doing.

Again, reminiscent of Germany, and much of the world in the 1930s and 1940s, and only after being shocked to such a degree from their stupor, and the realization of what the Nazis had done in the Holocaust did some awaken to the horrible evil.

Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip goes the erosion of antisemitism until it has now reached the point of a constant flow. Nationwide. And the toxic pipes are opening up daily allowing a more deadly flow of poison and hatred directed at Israel and God’s people. In America no less.

Living a history lesson and not learning from history.

But then, when a people pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ, refuse to read, understand, believe, and know the Scriptures, are repelled by history, love their delusions and banality and reject the truth of God, and doubt history or are ignorant and clueless of it, what should we really expect?

It won’t stop.

Satan hates Israel. And he has many followers that swallow and wallow in his sea of lies.

It’s only going to get worse.

A whole lot worse.

More and more churches, pastors, and professed Christians have and are turning against Israel and Jews. Horrid, despicable, against the Word of God, against what it means to be a child of God, a Christ follower but they don’t care as they have a growing, insatiable appetite for the poisoned food and drink they can’t get enough of.

It’s only going to get worse. A whole lot worse. I’m not a doom-and-gloom guy. Just reporting the facts. Since so few ever pick up and read a Holy Bible these days.

These times will seem normal, the good old days, and nothing really wrong by comparison.

Not according to me. Although I see, hear, and smell the signs daily. It’s what I do. No, not according to me — ACCORDING TO GOD’S INERRANT INFALLIBLE UNCHANGEABLE ETERNAL LIVING & ACTIVE WORD.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Thursday, January 30th, 2025



Colorado coach displays Palestinian flag, refuses to shake hands with Jewish coach


Some of the parents followed the coach’s lead by refusing to shake hands with the Jewish team.


January 29, 2025

By Vered Weiss

Reprinted from World Israel News


A Colorado basketball coach hung a Palestinian flag during a game against a religious Jewish school and refused to shake hands with its coach.

Following the game last Wednesday between Lotus School for Excellence and Denver Academy of Torah (DAT), Brandon Rattiner of the Jewish Community Relations Council expressed disappointment about the open antisemitism on display.

Some of the parents of Lotus players followed the coach’s lead by refusing to shake hands or to communicate with Jewish players, their parents, and fans.

“I think everybody in the Jewish community is very aware that there’s been a rising tide of antisemitism since October 7,” Rattiner told the New York Post.

“The key issue here is when the coach refuses to engage with a Jewish coach and Jewish students simply because they are Jewish or holds them personally accountable for a conflict started, not by Israel, by the way, halfway across the world thousands and thousands of miles away,” he said.

“Holding Jewish people accountable for the state actions of Israel is a textbook form of antisemitism,” he added.

The Lotus School’s basketball coach, identified only as Coach O, was suspended after the game for his actions.

The secondary principal of Lotus, Ermek Bakyt, said, “As a public charter school, Lotus School for Excellence (LSE) does not encourage or tolerate the display of any political or religious symbols.”

“As a public school committed to respect, inclusion, and equity, Lotus School for Excellence does not tolerate any form of antisemitism or behavior that undermines our values,” he said.

Rattiner commended the school for taking swift action following the incident and said, “I think it’s really important to note that schools decided to treat this as a moment to teach, a moment to educate, and a moment to bring people together, rather than a moment to divide.”