“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.”
John 15:18
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
2 Timothy 3:12
In the article below from Christian Today in the U.K. it is mentioned that;
“…the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) chided several European governments that had “targeted individuals for their peaceful religious expression”, including the U.K. over the treatment of pro-life volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce who has been charged several times for praying silently near abortion clinics.”
While Isabel in England has been charged several times for praying silently near abortion clinics…
75-year-old Paulette Harlow here in America has been sentenced to 2 years in prison…
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom ought to do more than chide the Biden White House, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the persecution of Mrs. Harlow for protesting the premeditated murder of human children.
Is anyone out there still unsure, doubting that we’re all living in the last of the last days with the laws becoming lawlessness, with everything being twisted and turned upside down and inside out as never before in world history?
75-year-old Paulette Harlow is a wife, a mother of 6, and a grandmother of 8.
Joe Biden’s DOJ just sentenced her to 2 years in prison for peacefully praying outside an abortion facility.
Here’s a video of her “crime.” pic.twitter.com/8wJuwd3tZg
— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) June 4, 2024
Christianity is under attack in America, the U.K. and worldwide. Increasing in hostility and persecution.
Better brace yourself, Christian, because this is not going to subside and governments, organizations, and individuals of this world that hate God, hate the Lord Jesus Christ, and hate the inerrant infallible living and active Word of God are only going to intensify in their vehemence, violence, and vitriol directed at Christians.
The labor pains are growing closer and more intense each week.
This is why it is important to pay attention to what is taking place all around us. Not to the point of obsession or making everything political, or the political the priority. But…with most of the truly important matters taking place never mentioned, no reporting of these things, it behooves individuals to be keen observers. Watchmen and watch women on the wall. The sorry state of journalism and what passes for news reporting is another sign of the times. What has happened to so-called news reporting, journalism in America and every Western nation. Now the mouthpieces of evil rather than the fourth estate to objectively, using critical thinking, the facts, to present a balanced report of events taking place around us. To not play the part of sleight-of-hand charlatans on a stage in reality working with those who they are supposed to be objective about.
You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
James 4:4
Think it’s bad now?
Just wait.
We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
Let’s hope and pray the Lord does not tarry and comes for us sooner rather than later, while also remaining humble, assured, and expectant, praying that the Lord’s will be done on earth as in heaven. Not our will be done. His thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways. Pray for increased spiritual strength, faith, wisdom and perseverance.
We all need those things today.
Let alone what tomorrow and its own troubles bring.
“If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
John 15:19
If embracing, approving of the world, inviting it in, appealing to the world, appeasing the world, seeking the favor of the world, inclusive and more concerned with being accepted by the world than pleasing the Lord and living as a sojourner here, a pilgrim, a peculiar person hated by the world for an unchanging, unyielding faith in the truth, the whole truth of God’s Word then it is time for serious time and honesty spent with the Lord, with the Holy Bible, with the Holy Spirit in prayer no longer being lax, backsliding, or lukewarm.
It is better to fear the Lord [awe, reverence, humility, submission, and real trembling if having turned so far from Him and the truth of His Word] than to fear the culture, the people of this lying, serving evil, confused, in darkness while also being darkness walking about dead in their sin.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
Christianity ‘under attack’ in the U.K.
11 June 2024
By Staff Writer
Reprinted from Christian Today [in the U.K.]
Christianity is being “marginalised” in the U.K. and those who profess the Christian faith are “regarded with contempt”, a new report has warned.
Christians whose beliefs contradict the prevailing LGBT ideology are “most likely to be attacked”, says Voice for Justice U.K. (VfJ), which compiled the report.
The report draws on responses to a VfJ’s survey from 1,562 U.K. Christians about their experiences of intolerance or discrimination in the U.K.
Only around half of respondents (53%) said they felt free to say what they think about social issues, falling to 38% of under-35s.
Over half (56%) reported experiencing hostility or ridicule for discussing their religious beliefs, rising to 61% among under-35s.
Over three quarters (78%) did not feel that religious discrimination was treated as seriously as other forms of discrimination.
“Often respondents felt that discrimination against other religions was given attention; what was ignored was discrimination against the Christian faith,” the report said.
“This was seen recently in the calendar which the National Trust produced for its volunteers. Eid, Ramadan, Diwali, even LGBT+ history month were included. But Christmas and Easter were not.
“Many of our respondents had noticed that efforts were made to accommodate the beliefs of people from other religious backgrounds and avoid offending them, while the same consideration was not given to those of Christian faith.”
Despite this, most Christians (78%) were comfortable talking about their faith and beliefs, although a quarter said they felt the need to hide them at work, rising to a third among under-35s.
Half of all respondents said there were negative stereotypes about people of faith in their place of work or study.
A young Catholic student described being “ostracised” by most of his university friends for holding pro-life views.
“When they found out they began to question ‘whether it was moral to stay friends with me’ and a lot of them decided against it,” he said.
One respondent described “a lot of sneering and mockery” when they worked for a local council, while another former local authority worker said their council was “very LGBT supportive but had no support for alternative positions”.
A former NHS worker said that “as a Christian I would often be ignored (shunned) or ridiculed for my beliefs” in the workplace, and another respondent described “a measured push from the hierarchy to promote LGBT issues”.
The report said, “While there should be no hierarchy in the list of protected characteristics, this appears to be contradicted by the reality. It appears that there is a hierarchy of protected characteristics, with all things LGBT+ at the top and ethnicity slightly below that.”
Nick Fletcher MP said: “Christianity is the cornerstone for so many of the values we take for granted. If it were not for Christianity our tolerance, our diversity, freedom of conscience and love for our neighbour would become a thing of the past.
“This report needs to be circulated widely among those working in human resources, those responsible for education, as well as employers, Church leaders, civil servants and those responsible for policy making.
“We all need to wake up to the attack on Christianity in our society, before it turns into something even more sinister. This report is a vital step in sounding the alarm.”
Lynda Rose, VfJ director, said the findings made for “alarming reading”.
“Christianity lies at the foundation of British society, underpinning our tolerance and acceptance of diversity. But our survey shows Christians in the U.K., both in the workplace and socially, are increasingly subjected to discrimination and marginalisation,” she said.
“Society has fallen victim to an ideology actively hostile to Christianity. This is a contravention of our law. If we want to safeguard our tolerance and freedom then we need to protect Christianity itself.”
The report was compiled in response to research by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians which ranked the U.K. among the top five worst countries in Europe for anti-Christian hate crime.
Last month, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) chided several European governments that had “targeted individuals for their peaceful religious expression”, including the U.K. over the treatment of pro-life volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce who has been charged several times for praying silently near abortion clinics.
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