But Dust
Jack Hibbs
Real Life
Monday, August 26, 2024
“For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.”
Psalm 103:14
What a comforting truth this tender statement is! It draws us back to Genesis, where we see Elohim creating man from the dust of the earth. Science confirms that man’s biological structure doesn’t amount to much, just a few basic elements. But our make-up is inconsequential to God. He remembers our fragility and guarantees He’ll never lay undue burdens on us—giving instead strength equal to the day’s demands.
Throughout the entirety of the Bible, our strength is never criteria for access into the unlimited reservoir of God’s mercy, flowing from the salvation bought by the Son of His love (Colossians 1:13). At Calvary’s cross, we grasp the full extent of the Father’s comprehension of our weaknesses, as our sins, transgressions, and iniquities were laid upon Jesus. Unfathomable love could not allow Him to abandon you and me to ourselves without remedy. Unwarranted love opened the door to eternity’s inexhaustible riches.
He knows your temptations and trials. He knows you are but dust. You can be assured of a unique compassion and graciousness in His dealings no matter how frail you may be. Amid the ups and downs of life, He will not allow any path to take you beyond what you can bear, or that leads to destruction. He will not permit it. It cost Him too much.
Dear saint, God cannot fail nor forsake you. These things are impossible for Him. His love demands it so.
Awaiting His Return,
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