Well, you see, the thing is I do believe this. I’m tired of people, almost everyone in media, on a podcast, you name it saying, “You won’t believe this!” or “Shocking!” — because in these days, these last of the last days as it is written in God’s Word, you can’t believe what you see or hear, and nothing ought to be shocking or surprising at this point. Reality is blurred. Words have been perverted, twisted, and bent to mean whatever the evilbearer wants them to mean. Most folks are turned to lies and delusion and the truth is abandoned and considered a lie! Imagine that.
And as more and more turn to and place their faith in government that same government becomes more tyrannical, more deceptive, more corrupt, more evil. Imagine that.
Why is the following here on a Christ follower’s faith-centered website?
Because it’s just another sign of the times, of the last of the last days. Just another piece of the puzzle and folks had better begin to see the picture clearly by now and rather than remaining idle, blind, complacent, lost, naive, silent, or otherwise occupied, it would behoove everyone to turn to the Lord and run to the Lord. Turn to the Scriptures and dive deeply into them. Swim in God’s Word daily. Eat of it. Drink of it. Pray more than you talk or walk!
For the time is short. Very short. And if you aren’t one of His, truly, yet, well…
So, instead of only going to and reading or watching the current event, some basis in America’s political goings-on, perhaps it’s time to finally look at, read, and go to the point of why this place even exists. To the point of why you even exist.
For the latter, you need critical thinking, rational thought, logic, a sound mind, objectivity — and God. And Jesus. And the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Bible. Proceed. For to not proceed is foolishness and you do so at your own risk and eternal peril.
Read on, sorry, watch on as it’s a video…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, September 5th, 2024
Bombshell Report Reveals Government Conspiracy To Defraud Homeowners
September 4, 2024
Reprinted from Activist Post
This powerful, must-see investigative presentation reveals the detailed factual basis of a massive, nationwide financial scandal of criminal fraudulent manipulation at the core of America.
There is the possibility that it will dwarf the catastrophic impact of what happened in 2008 to petty cash in magnitude.
Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.
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