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Attention Teachers and Parents with Children in Public Schools


Saturday, July 30th, 2022

by Ken Pullen



On Friday I sent this Do Teachers Really Need a Union? | FrontpageMag to a brother in Christ that is a friend and also a teacher.

He sent me back this link: Christian Educators Association International – CEAI

writing, “Thanks, and I agree with the story. This is why I have belonged to Christian Educators Association International – CEAI, for the past few years.”

Now you may have known of Christian Educators Association International if you’re a teacher, but I had no knowledge of such an organization.

This column is directed to teachers and parents with children in public schools. If you’re a teacher and you also profess to be a Christian do you belong to Christian Educators Association International – CEAI?

And if not, why not? Would you be able to answer that question truthfully to a parent that might ask you the same question?

If you have a child or children in public schools do you speak to your children’s teachers? If not, why not? If so, and you now know of Christian Educators Association International will you now ask your children’s teachers first, “Are you a Christian?” and secondly, “Do you belong to Christian Educators Association International?” and if they reply they do not ask them why not.


If an organization such as Christian Educators Association International – CEAI exists and you’re a professed Christian teacher? Why haven’t you joined CEAI? And if you are a parent with a child or children in public schools? Are you now going to speak with your children’s teachers and ask them if they are Christian and if so do they belong to CEAI?

There’s a whole lot of whining, bellyachin’, spit and words spewed a lot of ink spilled in writing of the woes and downright evil in public schools, and rightfully so. I’ve either written up my own thoughts on many issues within the so-called educational system which I see as brainwashing and indoctrination centers at this time in history — but when made aware of something such as CEAI, which I realize won’t solve the problems in our schools, which stem from the erosion of the family, the turning from God and the Bible and the loud rise of evil — at least a wee voice, a bit of doing something, asking the right questions, not hiding or just talking or writing about “those stinkin’ liberals are the problem!” perhaps more folks ought to be keen on saying something. Doing something.

From praying. And nothing to do with politics or elections. With God’s will being done, with the Holy Spirit to move in people. Faithfully believing what you pray for — and NOT anything political. Spiritual warfare wise.

To proper sound instruction in God, in Christ, in the Bible in the home. In a real family. Husband [father], wife [mother], and children. Are you reading the Bible as a family daily and taking time to discuss what is read? Seriously. If not doing this as a Christian family why aren’t you? Seriously.

To being aware of what is really going on in schools today. The curriculum is a good place to start. Too many parents are oblivious as to what is said, read, on tests, and on handouts in schools today. I can’t count how many articles I’ve posted on ACP in the past about parents clueless as to what is taking place in their children’s schools and then a parent finds out — A parent, one who is paying attention discovers some indoctrination book, handout, test question, essay question and then and only then is light shed on the evil darkness.

To asking your children’s teachers about their faith. It is important and will reveal a lot regarding how your child or children are being “educated.”