America Should Jail People for “Misinformation” and “Propaganda” (???)
September 18, 2024
By Daisy Luther
Reprinted from Activist Post
If you haven’t seen losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s attempt to pimp her fourth freakin’ memoir with fellow propagandist Rachel Maddow, let me spare you the excruciating 9 minutes and drill it down to this.
Hillary Clinton calls for criminal charges and civil penalties against Americans “engaged” in spreading “propaganda.”
To make her argument against free speechj, she invokes the Russiagate scam that itself was the product of her campaign’s own propaganda. Speaking of which, the…
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) September 17, 2024
She also wants to drill down on the evils of Trump and to heck with bias. In her rather muddled opinion, it’s biased to be unbiased. Here she is calling President Trump a “threat to democracy” just a day after another attempt was made on his life, and in the same interview in which she called for free speech that she doesn’t like to be punished with a potential prison sentence.
Just barely 24 hours after Trump was almost kiIIed in an ass*ss*nation attempt, Hillary Clinton is on MSNBC calling Trump a danger to the world.
Is this what toning down the rhetoric looks like?
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 17, 2024
It’s a good thing that Hillary Clinton abjectly failed in her efforts to become the president of the United States back in 2016, but it’s obvious that’s a wound that never healed because she just keeps picking at that darn scab and making it bleed. It’s also good that she isn’t running again this time because nobody picked her to do so.
Of course, nobody picked Kamala Harris either, but that’s beside today’s point.
The reason I bring this up…
We’re in for some real problems if we go the way of China…and Russia….and the U.K.…and Germany. They’re putting people in jail or work camps longer for voicing unapproved opinions than they are for molesting children and whacking citizens with a machete.
For years, I have been accused of sharing misinformation and propaganda. My site has been defunded and downgraded by the same types of people who support the ideas expressed by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (It never gets old to type “failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,” and I’ll do some version of that when I mention her name until the day I retire my laptop.)
Our own government has been involved with the silencing of anybody right of that U.S. Representative from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar.
Ironically, many of the things that we were condemned for saying did, in fact, turn out to be true. Many of the things they swore were the real truth were actually false.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
The “rules” for protecting folks from COVID-19 were totally made up.
The mRNA shots were not actually neither harmless nor effective.
Our justice system has been weaponized against those with unpopular opinions.
VP wannabe Tim Walz lied about his military service and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Facebook really DID silence conservatives and libertarians at the behest of the Biden administration.
But we’re the ones who should go to jail?
Imagine if the jails were filled with the people who actually spread the lies… people like Clinton, Fauci, our politicians, and our so-called journalists would be the wokest prison gang ever.
Never forget that these people want us to shut up and go away.
Never forget that what Hillary Clinton, who lost the 2016 election to Trump, said in this interview above is what they want for us. And we’re only a few steps away from her dystopian image of a perfect America.
What are your thoughts?
Source: The Organic Prepper
Constitution Day Celebration: 9/18-9/19
“…R.J. Rushdoony pointed out the sophistry of governments based upon freedom:
‘….[A] society which makes freedom its primary goal will lose it, because it has made, not responsibility, but freedom from responsibility, its purpose. When freedom is the basic emphasis, it is not responsible speech which is fostered but irresponsible speech. If freedom of press is absolutized, libel will be defended finally as a privilege of freedom, and if free speech is absolutized, slander finally becomes a right. Religious liberty becomes a triumph of irreligion. Tyranny and anarchy take over. Freedom of speech, press, and religion all give way to controls, totalitarian controls. The goal must be God’s law-order, in which alone is true liberty.’5
“True liberty is found only in Yahweh’s perfect law of liberty:
‘But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.’ (James 1:25)6
“James was not describing some New Covenant law that freed us to do whatever we wish. That kind of freedom is nothing more than baptized humanism, which eventually leads to anarchism, one of the quickest paths to legal slavery. Instead, James described the same perfect law of liberty – Yahweh’s commandments, statutes, and judgments – as did King David:
‘So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever. And I will walk at liberty….’ (Psalm 119:44-45)….”
Liberty was officially lost in America when the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists (aka constitutional framers and founding fathers) made liberty a goal (almost a God as in France) instead of corollary of implementing the Bible’s perfect law of liberty (Psalm 19:7-11, 119:44-45, James 2:12, etc.) as the law of the land.
For more, see Chapter 11 “Amendment 11: Government-Sanctioned Polytheism” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 11.
Mr. Weiland,
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Government of man was created and ordained by the Triune God [Romans 13:1-2]
The origin and Function of Government Under God
Using imperfect, flawed people. Fallen people. There is validity in what you write and in the quote from Mr. Rushdoony, but as in every argument put forward by any man at any time much is omitted and either known and kept out from being said or written to maintain a narrative, or unknown because the speaker or writer can’t possibly know everything, or the true heart of every man or position they attempt to defend or tear down, and getting mired in unnecessary intellectualism just makes more word noise and loses much of any audience one might desire to address.
I do know this — in constructing the U.S. Constitution the framers, not all of the Illuminati, Masons or Boogie man club, not all deists as is taught and adopted without ever investigating or questioning what is funneled into the mind, not all Theists or focusing purely on freedoms — incorporated responsibility into the founding document and all others, including throughout the Federalist Papers.
I also do know this. God ordained the men of the 18th century in the Bristish colonies. Also, by God’s Providence, against logic, reason, rational thought, any sense, against all odds to defeat the mightiest empire on earth at the time with the greatest, largest, best equipped and manned army and navy.
There are instances in our history wherein an unexpected fog rolled in and with uncanny timing the Continental Army and General Washington made way avoiding outright defeat and us more than likely having photos of Queen Elizabeth on our walls until recently when her son, Charlie took the throne.
God is Sovereign.
God provides the liberties. The freedoms.
Sinful man, sinful woman, imperfect, no different than rebellious self-willed Adam and Eve in the Garden, seduced by lies, deceived, exhibited their natures and disobeyed the one thing God instructed them against doing.
Yes, in world history, every democratic society eventually eats itself and through entropy is turned into anarchy, fascism, delusion made mad in their thinking and behavior out of a vain, foolish desire to either destroy everything that exists, such as a Saul Alinsky and all his disciples such as Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris’ father and husband, as well as herself, and many others within our present government — or else they yearn for recreating the Garden they destroyed, or our original parents destroyed.
The Tower of Babel has been torn down and removed and the people building it scattered to the four corners of the earth — but the spirit within them, that dark evil boasting spirit that mirrors the master they serve, Satan, who imagines himself higher and greater than God, not in need of God remains today and is residing in many more men than were living in Babylon at the building of the Tower.
It’s all coming to an end. Exactly as the whole inerrant infallible unchanging living and active Word of God tells us.
Lastly, God ordains every ruler, king, president, prime minister and leader within governments. Nothing has changed since every tribe and nation in the world had a king, and God’s people in their selfish ignorance not realizing they had THEE KING of kings with them demanded to have a king as everyone else. An God, and the prophet Samuel warned them to consider what they were asking. And God gave them what they wanted. And the people got the king, the leader, the government they deserved. Exactly as it has occurred in every nation throughout world history — and ,yes, even in America.
We may have been greatly blessed with exceptionalism, with such riches as no other land or people. And established with the best thought our ad established documents in world history. Containing more than blind freedoms and omitting the important established within a sound person valus of accountability, responsibility, and living beyond selfishness, blind ambition, and perpetual consumerism, materialism and idol worship becoming a rich people, a lazy people, turned from God. Exactly as seen throughout the Word of God.
There is no new thing under the sun.
The wisest, yet fallen man and king, established by God, blessed by God knew that.
And nothing ever changes in the nature of man and woman.
Because of sin.
No matter all the words, philosophies put forward.
I thank you for taking the time to come to this place and then comment. I don’t know you, and had no idea that you existed until finding your comment, but know that I will put you in my prayers that I will lift up to the hearing heart of our God this night.
One more thing I know — everything that is happening is happening for a reason. There are no coincidences. It’s all hurtling along faster, faster, ever faster to the end. Which is coming much sooner rather than later.
We are close to the believers being caught up with our Lord. As the Word of God tells us.
Then? Then elections, founding documents, names of nations other than Israel, Turkey, Iran, Russia, and a few others in Scripture won’t matter as all the people, save for a remnant saved from the preaching of the 144,000 selected by God pure men from Israel will be living in the Biblical times wherein every word, every jot, every tittle of Bible prophecy become fulfilled.
And then?
Then all the worldly wisdom, all the worldly education, all the worldly philosophies and ways won’t amount to a hill of beans.
Sincerely, in Christ,
Ken Pullen