Call it what you will, at its heart at this point in our history it is evil ruling. In every branch of the American government. Is something sinister taking place? Certainly. Let’s not be naive.

Much is responsible for this. Foremost the nature to sin, to rebel within individuals. People being prone to delusion and repulsed by the truth although they claim the truth is what they want yet when it is given to them they deny it. Rebuke it. Refuse it.

And almost every word proceeding out of the mouths of either elected officials or appointed ones is a lie. Oh, it’s called many other names in this age because saying someone is lying, or what is said or written are lies is now worse than calling someone a murderer. This lost, perverse, and corrupt nation abhors reality, being objective, using their brains that God gave them and instead, they relish and wallow in having lost their minds, to be permitted, given over to their lunacy, their madness, their insanity they convince themselves is the truth in this nation of relativism where critical thought, logic, and the truth are as extinct something bought that isn’t from Communist China, or that actually works as advertised.

What is at work in every branch, every part of the American government is evil. Desperate evil knowing its time is almost through and making one last massive push to keep as many people in the dark, following its lies, and refusing the truth as possible.

There is no distinction, no separation between the physical world and the spiritual world. Both are entwined and bonded. There is a constant war of the flesh — the nature of man and woman, the internal nature, their fallen and constant nature to sin and rebel against God. Not meaning muscle, bone, tissue here — versus the spirit. In everyone. Everywhere. This is not news. Ought not to be.

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14 — English Standard Version

For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

Galatians 5:17 — English Standard Version

I don’t go to the New Living Translation often, I believe I can count on one hand with about 2 fingers missing all the times I have, but in this instance, it presents a very good translation to understand this;

The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions.

Galatians 5:17 — New Living Translation

The words in the verse of 1 Corinthians 2 above are spot on and as clear to understand as possible. The people of the world, in our natural state, in this temporal realm, as we are consistently, repeatedly, continually rebel and resist the things of the Spirit of God. Even professed believers do this. In increasing numbers in these last of the last days. Imagining they know better than God. Contending with God. Arguing with God. Where is the humility? The reverence? The awe and wonder? The understanding of Who God is and acting, living accordingly? ESPECIALLY for those professing to be His Son’s disciples and His children!

And those walking in utter darkness, the walking dead refusing God, refusing Christ, refusing the Holy Spirit, refusing the word of God most certainly cannot see this, understand these things because they are SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED and they are slaves of Satan, with scales over their eyes and their hearts cold, dead to the light and truth of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, and of the word of God.

This is nothing new. This has been present since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and obeyed the serpent and of their free will chose to rebel against God in the only one thing He told them not to do — so, of course, they did that one thing due to their sinful natures, and this nature is present in every person everywhere. It’s nothing new in government either — it’s just it is much more noticeable, much more frequently seen, much more often heard and carried out.

Our foundations are being torn up and cast aside. Replaced by evil doctrines and ways we’re now told are good and we’ve been doing everything wrong up to this point. All the insanity, all the filth, all the dung, all the lies, all the delusion, all the corruption, all the unethical practices, all the perversions, all the expanding evil that is constant, visible, audible, and its stink rising up making the decay of an open sewer, or standing atop a steaming, rotting city dump smell like a fresh spring day after a wonderful rain in comparison.

If you come here a bit you’ve most likely seen this;

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version

This verse appears on ACP so much because it is daily life in America, daily life in the West, daily life all around this passing world. What is taking place everywhere is evil replacing good and good being called evil. Darkness is being sold as enlightenment and the light is being said to be the ones in the dark. Irrelevant, antiquated, out of touch, and so on.  Always putting bitterness, corruption, perversions, and things that may seduce but always kill while cursing and damning the sweet things that bring life.

Evil, darkness, the legions enslaved to the devil know this. They all know this. And they dance and party daily, nightly while those who are supposed to know better, profess to know better sit idle, silent, or join the darkness, the evil calling it “love” and “tolerance” and “compassion” and “being Christian” when it is anything and everything but those things.

What’s that? Aren’t we to respect authority? Do what the governments where we live tell us to do? PAy our taxes?

Yes, we are, as long as those in authority — which is ordained by God and we’re moving to this point very soon — as long as those governments do not enact, demand, tell us, force us to do anything that opposes God, opposes the word of God, opposes our faith.

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.

Acts 5:29 — English Standard Version

Peter and the apostles were not lawless lawbreakers. They respected the authority of their time. Until that authority overreached its authority given it by God and they imagined they were on par or higher than God and their human laws and edicts superseded the ways and word of God. Then Peter and the apostles had only one way to go. To tell those in authority, “We must obey God rather than men.”

And this cost them.

But what of the price the Lord Jesus Christ paid?

What of the cost of whatever sacrifice the apostles made, believers through time have made, we may have to make? To please the Lord. To obey the Lord? To receive or heavenly reward because we always chose to obey God rather than men when men or women in authority overstepped and expected us to obey them rather than God our Father.

There is a grave misunderstanding taking place, especially it appears in America. Where individual men and sometimes women are the focus of the respect. Being revered. In some instances idolized.

God never intended this, it does not appear anywhere in the word of God.

God ordained and created the OFFICES, the GOVERNMENT. By the power of God, these things are and we are to submit and obey accordingly. Up until such and any authorities or governments go against the word of God. Make a person compromise their faith and do something against the word of God. Against the Spirit. Against the spirit within every true believer (see Romans 13).

A monarchy?

Not in the traditional sense. Not as the word is defined and means.

But make no mistake there are unified, cohesive evil individuals at work constantly in every branch, department, sector, and department of the American government.

And a certain candidate, a certain election is not going to alter this.

It never has.

Why would it begin with the next candidate? The next election?

Whenever has a man, a woman, an election ever changed this world for the better moving on to places never before attained — and I’m not referencing ANY technological developments here. Do not go to technology. It’s already the god, the idol the overwhelming majority serve and bow to believing it their savior — but when has any man, any woman, and election removed the continual always at work evil natures within every single person on this earth? And made the world as the empty, lying words that were spoken a fulfillment. A reality?

When? Where? By who?

It’s evil folks, clear to see and know, never taking a rest always advancing evil.

But its time is numbered. There is an end coming to its ability and its working. Satan and his ministers and minions will be silenced and removed. One day. Sooner than later.

And know this always, never fearing, never wavering, never forgetting — God is the power. God is at work. God is always working. And His plan is being fulfilled. And sometimes many things we do not understand or perhaps like or agree with are part of that plan, part of God’s will.

Let us pray without ceasing daily, nightly…

“God, My Father in heaven, Your will be done, on earth, as in heaven, Your Kingdom come…”

It’s all working towards good. A good beyond the limited comprehension of any person on earth. A good for those faithful, obedient, dutiful believers in God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ…it’s all working towards that eternal good beyond great, beyond understanding in our finite way.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9 — King James Version

And we aren’t going to understand a lot of it along the way — unless we’re fluent in the word of God. Bible literate. Praying for, asking for spiritual wisdom and discernment of God’s word. Asking believing. Asking faithfully. And even then if the days are not shortened by God even the elect would fall and fail. So, become aware if not aware, and if you believe you are aware there is always room to become more so. Be equipped in the word of God. In the whole armour of God (see Ephesians 6). And know that whatever happens is working towards the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the fulfillment of every jot, every tittle, every word of the Scriptures, every word of Bible prophecy.

It never was said or supposed to be easy. Buckle up and bite down. Hard. Because those fed on watered-down milk, on lies, on false teachings, on a different gospel, a different word will fall away, falter, be consumed. Do not be deceived. Do not be among their number. Be among the number of the remnant who fight the good fight, faithfully, in the word, in Christ, with the Holy Spirit to the end. And no man, no woman, no worldly government, no election is going to create Utopia on this fallen, corrupted, perverse earth and its sinful people. Not even close. It’s going to get worse. And worse. So prepare. Make ready. Grow in spiritual strength and that comes from time in the word of God, time in faithful prayer, time spent with the Lord faithfully…to the end. Which may appear bitter at times and more than can be borne, but it will be the sweetest, beyond good eventually. Because the Bible tells me so. And I believe every word. Every word.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5 — English Standard Version


“My Father is Always at Work” 


Ken Pullen

Friday, July 23rd, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path



A Monarchy?



  • And yet, one could ask, what constitutes a monarchy? Must it be the traditional construct of a single individual holding court with scepter and crown…. Or could a monarchy take a far more sinister, stealth-like form? Could there be those who abdicate their oaths of office and thereby secretly pursue policies and actions that avoid the sunlight of public scrutiny?
  • Or could a monarchy be the abdication of authority to those who were never elected to serve in that position? Or maybe they have left office but still exert enormous influence – even control – over foreign and domestic decisions made by the executive branch?
  • Could we, in effect, be living with a monarch and not even know it?
  • Depending on your definition of “monarchy,” the scenarios are chilling. Like the experience of George III, would those close to power seek to advance their own political agenda at the expense of anyone and everyone? Would social media, tuned to the ideology of their corporate owners, actually dictate the nation’s agenda? Would a federal budget be so loaded with pork barrel deficit spending that it destroys the nation’s economic future? Would control of America’s nuclear arsenal actually be in the hands of a constitutionally authorized commander in chief?

History records that it was a “mad” monarch, King George III, who lost the American colonies so very long ago. British researchers have since studied his scribbled notes, the diaries of his advisors, and his royal decrees to suggest he suffered from possible psychiatric illness such as bipolar disorder.

Fortunately, America has no monarch.

We are taught from our earliest days in school that our government is comprised of three separate and equal branches. The idea of a monarch, above the law, immune from scrutiny and without accountability to anyone is an attack on the very foundation of our democracy. Americans would take to the ramparts once more if we were threatened with such a form of government.

And yet, one could ask, what constitutes a monarchy?

Must it be the traditional construct of a single individual holding court with scepter and crown. Must it be an obvious dictator issuing orders behind a squad of bodyguards? Or could a monarchy take a far more sinister, stealth-like form? Could there be those who abdicate their oaths of office and thereby secretly pursue policies and actions that avoid the sunlight of public scrutiny?

Or could a monarchy be the abdication of authority to those who were never elected to serve in that position? Or maybe they have left office but still exert enormous influence – even control – over foreign and domestic decisions made by the executive branch?

Once again, history reflects on what happens when a monarch cedes authority. When King George III would retreat to a distant palace to recover from one his bouts, researchers say, London power-brokers were thrown into crisis. Those who sought to fill the power vacuum included the King’s son, with whom historians say he had a miserable relationship. With a diminished monarch, the knives were out for power, policy, and position.

Of course, in Washington today we will assume we don’t have a monarch with diminished abilities.

But what if we did?

Could we, in effect, be living with a monarch and not even know it?

Depending on your definition of “monarchy,” the scenarios are chilling. Like the experience of George III, would those close to power seek to advance their own political agenda at the expense of anyone and everyone? Would social media, tuned to the ideology of their corporate owners, actually dictate the nation’s agenda? Would a federal budget be so loaded with pork barrel deficit spending that it destroys the nation’s economic future? Would control of America’s nuclear arsenal actually be in the hands of a constitutionally authorized commander in chief?

It is the stuff of national nightmares.

Historians speak of the “Madness of King George III,” as if it were a distant footnote in the history of a nation that once had an empire.

Perhaps. Perhaps.

Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.